Sounds like only the dipshit carrying the pipe bomb got hurt but still early in investigation. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — One person is in custody after an improvised pipe bomb exploded during the morning rush Monday near the Port Authority Bus Terminal. The device was apparently being carried by a suspect when it exploded prematurely. That suspect was injured and is in custody. So far, the suspect has only been identified as a man in his 20s, CBS2’s Reena Roy reported.
The suspect is 37, from Brooklyn, had an explosive device strapped to his body, has a "foreign name."
What exactly is a foreign last name? Sounds like they are tap dancing around this one. Has deblasio stated it was a lone wolf yet?
They don't want to release his name yet because they want to get a handle on him and who else he possible associated with. They say he has been here 7 years,,,,,I also am hearing that 4 people are injured but not certain about that.Someone said he had a foreign name and they are or were checking to see if he was on a watchlist,,,,,they have said this is ISIS related but again its early in the investigation
The 4 people injured was him from the bomb misfiring while it was on him and 3 people with ringing in their ears from being close by. This is what i heard at least.
Sounds like a inspired enthusiast of ISIS garbage. Thankfully no fatalities. City feels like on high alert so thats good
What an epic fail for this clown. Like the biggest loser of the losers. Can't even kill himself right. I'll bet he has like a 2 inch dick too.
Akayed Ullah. Hmmm, kinda sounds like Allahu Akbar. Stupid turd blew his own hands off. I'm not sure how the cops handcuffed him to his hospital bed when they read him his rights. What a dick. Last I heard, the Feds were raiding several apts. in Bklyn, helicopters, the whole magilla. It appears he acted alone, but hey, he talked to somebody to become radicalized, right? Messing with NYC never sits well with me. F that guy.
My wife commutes through the Port Authority from Queens everyday (her office is on 42nd between 10th and 11th) and said it was a madhouse around the PA right after this occurred. . Luckily she was already at work when this happened. Said that the police / national guard folks were on the ball and the response was fast. Glad to be taking her to New Orleans this week for the game. Get her mind off of this nonsense for a few days...... Shitty Ass world we live in.
Any representative of the religion of peace condone this yet? By chance are there any protests on the streets of Iran, S.A., etc against this blatant misinterpretation of their peaceful religion?