This is reminding me of an old John McKay quote when asked why they lost. “Well, we didn’t block but we made up for it by not tackling
I know! They're doing the NFL version of Rope-A-Dope! Sooner or later the Broncos will get tired of scoring and then WATCH OUT!
Stream went down, find a new one and we are 4th and 19, gonna be one of those days then. I am guessing McCown plays better when you are not praising him every other day.
At least we got Stanton!!!! Oh wait most of you are mets fans. sorry guys.... but that first round defense bpa we take might be good enough to replace Mo!!! So that's good
Yeah - but I can recall them covering the spread a couple of times and the money line isn't going to yield much.
There really isba coaching deficiency in the league. The problem is everyone wants the next big coordinator. Or guys riding reputations built on like one good year. As far as talent development goes, Bowels shows he does ahave that. Gotta give him time to grow with the job, Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk