I don't understand the national and New York media obsession over this incident. I hope in the name of God they will stop bringing this up every Thanksgiving. I do not consider this event worth talking about and I am puzzled why Jets fans are not upset with their media over this. Maybe Giants fans in NY who are upset over the season are using this event to trash the Jets instead of the Giants. The Boston media has not given this event any attention this year, so to me it appears the NY media maybe is into masochism. By the way I just visited New York city and had a great time. You guys are lucky to have such a great city to call home. The Italian food in the Bronx Little Italy is excellent!
I don't understand the obsession with media bringing this up all the time so ill start a new thread to bring it up.
I have actually changed my mind on the subject and from here on, every thread on TGG should be butt fumble related.
Clown guy is such an authentic level headed pats fan. If only they were all like him. Really sucks that Goodell is getting a new contract too when there's such good guys that are pats fans. Hopefully Goodell keeps enabling their corrupt ways
Patriot guy is so authentic? You can't even recognize a 1st class bag lapper. He started a thread about something you guys don't even want to hear about, and because he claims some sort of empathy so is a great guy. LMAO! I don't think about the butt fumble much if ever. But when they show it on TV it still makes me laugh. Sorry.
Ron Meyer, the Cheats coach who coached the 'Snow Plow Game', has sadly passed away but paved the way for the Cheats to start cheating. I couldn't resist the Word Play. RIP. Should I start a thread?
I only bring this up, because its like a joke that has been repeated so often it loses any humor once associated with it. The Boston media doesn't bring this up anymore, so I am perplexed why the NY and national media keep bringing this up. Is this going to be the Thanksgiving NFL theme forever? I think there are more memorable events to consider than this. I am just encouraging you folks to simply tell the NY media, enough is enough, stop! As far as football follies go, there are much better ones than this. But that is a subject for another time.
I was at the game. I can honestly say the weather plus the convict who was working on a weekend furlough beat the Dolphins. Yes that was cheating. It was the most craziest game I ever attended and it took me over 4 hours to go home, even though my house was only a couple of miles from the stadium then. Jets fans back then were happy to see Shula and the Dolphins get screwed.
Perhaps you should admit to yourself that Goodell was directly responsible for the destruction of mountains of incriminating tapes because there was nothing to see there. I can't stand Goodell, either, but Cheats fans go all revisionist history when it's to their convenience. By the way, if it was any other Commissioner, they'd be making just as much - and the amount he makes is unconscionable if you want to look at his ridiculous inconsistency, pandering, favoritism, and generally crap product on the field. There's a variety of reasons that ratings are down. I hope he doesn't get his payday and gets voted out. Stay tuned - just not on TV. Heh.
It deserves to be brought up as long as the NFL exists. It's forever the #1 blunder. Absolutely pathetic and embarrassing. The entire Jets organization is trash and NYC can suck a fat one.
Look it's Fizzco! No doubt inebriated on a Friday night and he can't get none with his sorry looking ass. Fizzzcooooooooo Fizzzcooooooooo