Eventually the Trump bubble will burst. And when it does, you're setting yourself up for the Physco treatment.
I couldn't care less if Trump is out because the next in line is Pence. You don't get Clinton, you don't get Bernie, you get Pence. Even if you win, you still lose. I never wanted Trump to win the R nomination, but voting D is very rarely an option. I do enjoy liberal tears though, which trump brings many.
I'm not talking about the investigation. I'm talking about when the market drops like all bull markets and the country gets sick of Trump and the Republicans. People will remember how you guys acted like smug asshats. Like Physco whenever the Bills win a few games. Or the liberal elites. And see how well it worked for them. You'll be next.
when your only "accomplishment" is getting yourself and other elitist douchebags tax cuts at the expense of the rest of us it's a tough sell going forward. its an even tougher sell when you are a scumbag reality tv guy like trump. I used to think there was a shot he conned enough people like NSN that he might see re-election some time but I think he just dug his own grave. At this point we should scrap the Mueller investigation so we don't have to worry about Pence and just kick Trump's ever-loving ass in 2020. if he doesn't quit by then of course
You act like you want the market to crash. I am personally lucky enough to have investments outside the market that actually perform much better than the stock market. So while I will definitely be impacted by a market crash that will almost certainly happen in the next 10 years, I'm protected. I don't wish for Americans to lose in the stock market like you though. Of course the democrats will eventually regain power as the pendulum continues to swing. The funny thing about your post is I'm responding to smug liberals who think Trump is toast because Flynn pleaded guilty to lying.
So your "answer" to the question was a question..... referencing a name I specifically asked if you could without including in your "answer"? Pretty much sums up everything wrong with US politics in a nutshell. *btw, Slick Willie was slimy but overall he was a good president and left the country in pretty good shape
^ ^ ^ Ben Shapiro looks like NASCAR's Jeff "#24 in your program, #1 in your hearts" Gordon. Turn left Jeff with rack and pinion wife back to trump - bad week, dumb moves: Moore: Alabama's either voting or not voting for this guy with or without Trumps's endorsement. Common sense let alone a sliver of political savvy would call for expressly withholding endorsement - you don't touch Moore with a 10-ft. pole. Israel: with or without moving the embassy to Jerusalem, the middle east hates the "travel ban prez." as it is and this stick-in-the-eye's just another reason to ramp up the rage. And on the other side of the coin, when both your Arab and 'western' (Euro) allies are giving you the stink eye regarding this move that alone should give you pause..
https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/06/sport/lindsey-vonn-donald-trump-white-house/index.html I guess Trump has a new target to tweet at..
Sadly, I have other things to occupy my time with than Vonn. NYDN is about as close as I'm gonna get.