The reason I use "Tier 2", etc. is because as of now, with the exception of Rosen, I don't know who the next best fit would be for the Jets, so until that shakes out a bit better, I'm lumping them into that pot. The chances of getting Rosen at this point are very, very slim. Even if we go 4-12, we're still behind Cleveland, the Niners, the Giants, and maybe one or two more. With the exception of the Niners who have Garoppolo, and are rumored to want Cousins, the others all need a QB and would be very unlikely to pass on Rosen. Even if one of them loves Darnold more, that still leaves 2 or 3 teams ahead of us who would take Rosen. Until the draft is over, I'll hold out hope for Rosen to the Jets, but I won't hold my breath. I've seen some footage of Stidham, and read about his, and I like his arm strength, size, and intangibles. My qualm is that he's only played 11 games, hence the "diamond in the rough" tag. I see him as a 3rd rounder, so if the Jets miss on Rosen and the next best QBs, maybe they take him in the 3rd after securing a stud edge rusher, LT, and RB. But like a I said, there's a LOOOOOONG way between now and April.
This. I'm not interested in getting a good QB prospect. I want the best QB prospect. The Jets are experts at picking the consensus 3rd to 5th best QB in a draft class and then watching him become a career journeyman backup. This is why the team never sniffs a championship.
You know something you are right i have not seen a lot of this kid what? Thats because I work 11 hour days Professionally and have a life doing other things...unlike yourself whose main job is to watch utube highlights read PFF and insult other posters on TGG calling them "dumbass" and "bad posters". Do you have a job? or are Mommy and Daddy still taking care of you?? Stidham is talented and has led Auburn to victories against Georgia Texas AM MSU and Ole Miss in one of the toughest conferences the SEC...Before that he played pretty well at Baylor.... but most Scouts dont have him better than a number 8 selection for the 2018 draft and even suggest he stay in school till 2019 to improve his draft stock Tomorrow night he and Auburn go against Joe Namaths Alma Mater Alabama...lets see how that goes Junior...ahahahahahah "lmao talking about a player, you've never actually seen play. No wonder your opinion isn't highly regarded around here ... Actually, I wasn't the first one to bring up Stidham, he's been talked about a lot between fans that actually see these players play." I am on this board alot during my down time and as far I know YOU introduced your boy Stidham to the FQB discussion ...there is 10 xs more buzz about Rosen darnold Jackson etc.... I guess my Opinion is not respected by you FJF and Hornblower......big whoop
Yep Stidham is on TV tomorrow night so lets see how he fares against Alabama.. .why are you giving up? 2 or 3 teams ahead of us may start winning...there are 6 games to go and UNTIL the seasons over I dont think we should be thinking of settling for a second rate QB....not yet We have to hope some team ahead of us also goes 4-12 or 5-11 etc The Jets just have to keep losing ..not a hard task When the time comes Mac has to earn his Salary and wheel and deal for Rosen/Darnold no matter what the situation Mortgage the future ? YES..who cares The Jets have no future imo
Knows about FQB? Kyle Orton, Tim Tebow, Peyton Manning, Mark Sanchez, Brock Osweiler, Trevor Siemian, and Paxton Lynch. Those are the guys he's identified. He also tried to court Colin Kaepernick and lost our because would not take a $4.9MM pay cut. He got lucky when he signed Manning. He hasn't identified anything in a QB. Their situation is as terrible as the Jets, but I think Elway's ego is so big it won't allow him to panic.
He would be if we had tanked like anyone with two-brain cells would have known was obvious to do from day one. If you want to win a championship, you have to bottom out, get the best QB available (in a season when the best QB available also happens to be a Pro Bowl caliber player), and then put 5 talented offensive linemen in from of him. If you're goal is to be 8-8 every season, this can never happen. Because even an imbecile GM can go 8-8 every season. Smart GMs know 8-8 is the absolute worst result you can have during an NFL season.
Please read more carefully. I said "knows the value of a FQB"...not that he's an expert in finding one in the draft. He did spend a lot to get Manning, and it was a wise investment, don't you think?
i've skipped some pages of posts here but has anyone mentioned the scenario if say Rosen is consensus #1 and tells CLE he refuses to sign with them if picked? opens the trade market up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm the driver of the Stidham bandwagon; he's my avatar for goodness sake. Josh Allen anyone?? Checked out some Jarrett Stidham tape; he might be my early favorite. First the negatives. They say he is a dual threat guy but I don't see elite mobility and/or improvisational skills. It wasn't a big sample size so maybe it's there; he has mastered the slide, some guys still haven't figured that (talking to you Geno). He also needs to add 5-10 pounds to his frame IMO; he's a little scrawny. But what I like is his feet (my # 1 trait), accuracy, ball placement, throws with great timing and anticipation. He should make a WCO coach very happy once he's in the league. He still has 3 years of eligibility so who knows when he might come out. Until he does Auburn will be must see TV for me. Post by: legler82, Aug 25, 2017 in forum: Draft
It's kind of unfair that many will judge Stidham solely on how he performs against the #1 team in the country but such is life.
Yes I posted before he has a stellar resume...but right now scouts don't put him In same class as 5 6 other guys Someone had a very good post on this thread proving that in many past drafts the percentage of starters/sustainers is greatest in rounds one and two...this kid not up there ...yet. Tonight's game should be interesting and competitive
When I wrote the following, scouts didn't have Wentz in the same class as the top tier QBs in his class either. He ended up being the 2nd overall pick and now a MVP candidate: 2016 is the Year of QBs Post by: legler82, Nov 16, 2015 in forum: Draft
That Kurt, is the $64,000 question.The bold above is a big, big if. I struggle mightily believing that the 3 folks you mentioned are joined at the hip when it comes to the QB selection, in house assessment or future development plan. But be that as it may, what I would want is the smartest QB possible, which first and foremost has the ability or capacity to read NFL defenses quickly. If none are better than what we have now why even bother. IMO by the time we are on the clock Rosen will be gone for sure, Darnold will probably remain in school, and my gut tells me Mayfield might be gone as well. Question is, how do they feel about Allen, Jackson and or Rudolph. Do they have the right level of smarts to read defenses and play behind center on a spread offense? Are the significantly better that Petty/Hack with a higher ceiling? If not move on. Get a LT/Center/OLB or even a stud guard. No more experiments.
Good point I am watching Iron Bowl now..kid is having a solid game leading to upset If I am not mistaken lots of passing yard but no TD...but this is just one game and small sample Look I am not seeing Cam newton or Joe Namath (speaking of SEC)...for that matter he is no C Wentz If you think his stock improves well we will see Personally still got my sights on Darnold Rosen but I respect your opinion
Cheer up 6 games to go and even the Browns could win a few and Desean Keizer is there when the dust clears maybe 4-12 gets us the second or third pick...who knows? Rosen still in play... Let's hope these other team ahead of us win 5 in a row hehehehe