I have diabetes.

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by DefenseWinsChampionships, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    First and foremost i want everyone here on TGG to know, that I'm A-O.K. Matter of fact i feel more healthy than I've maybe ever been. Due to knowledge. And I've recently learned that knowledge is power.

    You see. I was living with diabetes in my body for, the doctor's estimated, somewhere in between 8-10+ years. And i was living with type two diabetes unaware. With no knowledge. The last time i went to an emergency room i was 15. Broke my wrist needed surgery etc from playing basketball fell wrong. I'm 32 as of today. That was 17 years ago. Was never sick. Always felt great. And then something happened to me last month. That I'd like to share. Because it never happened to me before. But it happened.

    A little over a month ago i was with my lady & my daughter. We were watching t.v. My foot fell asleep. My right foot. I thought nothing of it. 30 minutes went by. Still asleep. Numb. No feeling. I thought it was weird. Two hours go by and I start to get worried. 3 hours went by & my lady agreed that we needed to go to Bayfront Hospital. I was now very nervous. Foot still asleep. So me and my family arrive at the hospital.

    As soon as the doctors heard my story. They immediately began blood work. That's when i was diagnosed with diabetes. I was scared. IV's in my arm. Now waiting to see if type one or type two. My foot was still asleep and stayed completely numb for 70+ hours. To make it worse the nurse was telling me that i have neuropathy. And may never re-gain feeling again due to nerve damage. In other words the feeling of my right foot was gone or numb forever. I wanted to cry. But my daughter was in room with us so i couldn't cry.

    I never even heard of the word neuropathy before that very moment. What happened was. My blood sugar became so high, 448. When normal is like 80-110-120ish. I was 448. And never knew. So my foot went into like a diabetic shock and lost feeling/nerves damaged. If your body ever doesn't feel right especially with tingling or numbness? Don't even wait 3 hours, like i did. Instead. Go immediately. Can save our lives because knowledge is powerful.

    I found out shortly thereafter that I'm type two. Which means that I'll never need to take insulin shots (type one) because with type two, like i have, i just have to check my blood sugar daily and take two oral pills per day one for breakfast and the other for dinner; which helps my blood sugar. And I'm now doing great with normal blood sugar levels (everyday i check).

    Thankfully after i left the hospital, after being home for two days my foot finally came alive. I cried tears of joy. My wife cried for me. My daughter was so happy. My foot came back to life as my blood sugar came back down. And it's been amazing ever since. That would have been too much for me to handle all at one time and out of nowhere. I would not have been able to deal with having neuropathy. Never been so thankful for a body part before i literally wake up the happiest man alive every a.m because i have 100% feeling in my right foot again.

    Long story short finding out i have diabetes saved my life. My foot falling asleep is what saved me and made me go. And for the past 3 weeks every morning i check my blood sugar and im down to 120-128. That's awesome considering i was 448.

    You see. All i have to do is drink more water. No sugar. Nothing too high in carbs (turns to sugar) and exercise. I can still eat great foods like chicken unfried, steaks, pork chops etc. Now i eat salads in between. I will continue to exercise and leave sugar alone for rest of my life and I'll be perfect.

    I was never heavy in weight but now thinking back? I wasn't eating right. Sodas are bad for us. Like. Really bad. White bread turns to sugar too. A lot of stuff turns into sugar.

    I've posted here since a teenager just wanted to share my story in order to emphasize the importance of eating well. Water is more important than i ever realized too. Water through my ivs brought my blood sugar back down without medicine. I was amazed.
    Ptflea2, tomdeb, JETS1116 and 35 others like this.
  2. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    Good luck to you. My mother developed type 2 diabetes a few years ago and, after she got her diet under control and took her meds for a couple of years, it actually cleared up, which was a surprise, and a very pleasant one.
  3. oldrover

    oldrover Member

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Good for you; that's not easy to do, change your diet on a dime. I know. I lost a lot of weight on a similar diet (no diabetes though), and have kept it off for going on 15 years now (I'm waaaaay older than you, tho :) ). But I really struggled with it, despite my only symptom being a fat bastid... what you went through health-wise, especially for a young guy, that's unnerving. So glad you're doing well, and that the dietary change is not taxing.

    All the best and God bless.
  4. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Glad you are okay man and a good story, an important one really as like you say men are slow to go to the hospital to get checked out :)
  5. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I was diagnosed with Type II over the summer. It was quite the shock because I'm not a huge consumer of sweets but it is what it is. My Doc who is Vegan, told me to change or pay the piper so I did exactly that. Cut out processed sugars completely, Lactose free milk and ice cream, sugar free syrup on my waffles, diet ginger ale, red meat limited to once a week..the works. I also am a member of Planet Fitness now and go fairly regularly as my work schedule allows. I feel great, BP and weight is down and I take my meds and vitamins regularly. Good luck and stay on the regimen. Do what your Doc tells ya. Moderation is our friend! :)
    #5 Cman69, Oct 24, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  6. Glad you are healthy.Take care of yourself for that daughter,now.We’re rootin for ya
  7. RPOZ51

    RPOZ51 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Thanks for sharing your story. Too many people keep stuff like this to themselves. I think that's a shame, because if you reached even one person, you've done a world of good.

    I'm the proud owner of 2 new coronary artery stents, and I need to go back for 2 more. I spent my life eating whatever and as much as I wanted. I was a distance runner, and I always thought I would run it off.

    Then, one morning a huge chest pain woke me from a sound sleep.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I really think that sugar is my problem, too. I was raised on it, and I believe I was hooked. It's bad stuff, like a drug.

    Sixty years later, I need to be a No Carb Vegan.

    I'm glad you're okay. A lot of people aren't that lucky.
  8. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Glad you are OK. I have Diabetes as well. Type 2. I caught it during my Liver check up. I am also Hepatitis B carrier. So my body is a ticking time bomb. I am glad all of this made a difference in your life style. I went sober for a long time but then started drinking again. Stupid me. Currently my morning sugar is between 140 and 150. I have to go to doctor before my semi annual check up is due in December but I am delaying it.

    Don't be like me and you will be fine. I know I am an idiot.

    My current medication. 1.8 mg Victoza injection every morning. 1000 mg Metformin at night along with 10mg of Crestor.
  9. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Eat well, exercise and stay away from treacherous Islamic murdering dogs and you’ll be ok.
    Brook! likes this.
  10. Cidusii

    Cidusii Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I can feel you on the nerve damage worries. Broke my back a few months ago, and while it was a stable fracture, my legs kept getting tingly/numb at random times. Docs say it should be fine, but it might take over a year for the tingliness to subside. Some of the scariest and most stressful experiences that I've gone through to date.

    Another tip for numbness etc. that I got from the docs: If it means you can't pee, go to the ED (ER in USA?). Losing those nerves would be life changing in a bad way.
    Brook! likes this.
  11. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    ^ that takes the obligatory "does it hurt when you urine?" to a whole other level.
    jonnyd and Cidusii like this.
  12. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm going to sticky this thread in the main forum because I believe its so important to get the word out and people discussing it. If we can get just one poster who's afraid to go get checked for Type II, I would consider that a bigger win than any Jet game this year. Some things are more important than Football.
  13. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Thank you. That's awesome. Stories like this about your mom gives me hope & strength. I appreciate that. Thank you ukjf.
  14. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Thnx you i appreciate that. And na man. It wasn't hard to change my life on the dime. I have a 6 y.o daughter Kloe to live for. For her, anything is easy and i made a promise to myself that I'll never let her see me in a box until I'm old and gray. And plus. I was never a big sweets type of guy. I loved soda and juices with sugar etc but when your life is on the line? Sugar immediately became my worst enemy and eating better instantly became my goal and passion. I'm just thankful that we have doctors who can save us.
  15. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Thank you but that's the thing. I never felt sick. Never felt weak. No need to ever go into the hospital outside of when i broke my wrist 17 years ago. I'm just thankful that my foot went to sleep because if not, i would've never even known to get checked out. Knowledge is power and now that i know i have this, i feel powerful. Diabetes attacks every inch of the body so living with it unaware is dangerous. And continuing to eat sugars with knowledge of having it is deadly. But now that I'm aware I'm not scared. But you're right, too many men have too much pride which prevents us from our knowledge.
    K'OB likes this.
  16. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Yes sir. Also white bread i think was my #1 downfall. Since a kid. Eggs on my toast. White bread for sandwiches. Bread for my pasta etc etc i never knew white bread turns into all sugar. They should have surgical general warnings on all white breads sold in stores. But now? I eat Ezekiel bread and it's delicious and healthy for us. Wish i would have known the secrets of today within years past but all i can do is forget the unhealthy past & focus on a healthy future. And I've got a membership to a fitness place as well but I'm not lifting heavy weights just doing lots of cardio and next week going to sign up at our local boxing gym because boxing is amazing cardio I've already spoke to one of the trainers his son has diabetes so he's excited to show me a new world. I've learned that with water, exercise and healthy foods our body can heal itself and overcome anything.

    Lactose free milk is a good call too. I always thought regular milk was good for my bones and body but i was wrong. I started to think about it. What other species drinks another species milk? Only humans that i know of. Speaking of milk i used to put so much sugar in my Cheerios; but never again.

    I guess I'm not alone. Many of us have diabetes but just knowing you're doing better is encouraging to me thank you.
  17. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Appreciate that KTJF. My daughter, wife, older brother & sisters, nephew's and nieces (14 combined), uncles and aunts, cousins, great niece, my childhood friends and co-workers who visited me in hospital just everyone i care about gives me strength on a daily basis. It would be easy for me to give up and quit. But that would be selfish of me there's no way i can hurt my loved one's by not taking care of myself. Thank you.
    tiger8mush and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  18. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    I've been a type 1 diabetic for 25 years
    tiger8mush and GreenWhiteandGold like this.
  19. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Yea. At first i was a little embarrassed but then i realized i have nothing to be ashamed about. For the rest of my life instead of keeping it to myself i wanna share my story and help others avoid what many of us go through. And yes, sugar is deadly and we've all been tricked of how dangerous. White is not sugars original color. They color it 'White' to make it "pretty"; it's actually quite disgusting looking. Population control. But you see. I never knew any of this until recently. Sugar is evil and just as dangerous as nicotine. And it is a drug and addicting. My favorite soda was Mt.Dew. Now? When i see random ppl drinking red bulls, which i never liked, my heart breaks because i can't imagine how much sugar are in those energy drinks. You get better and keep fighting too RPOZ51 knowledge is power with knowledge we can compete against all obstacles.
    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  20. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I was never a beer/liquor drinker but get it together Brook. Easier said than done but no amount of drink is worth future limb amputations you know. I take two pills daily 500 MG (Metformin). 140-150 isn't good but it's not deadly i mean i was 448 when i went to hospital that's a scary feeling knowing i was so high in blood sugar and with no awareness of it. Stop the drinking man. You'll thank yourself when you see your blood sugars in the 100-110 range. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers Brook. Our minds are powerful it's hard but we can overcome anything.
    Brook! likes this.

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