If you believe that I have a bridge in San Francisco to sell you It wasn't him. Dead. Mother conveniently dead. 100 percent kill rate. It's almost impossible for me to believe it was that character who carried out that attack
100% kill rate? What about all the witnesses? Mother conveniently dead? What's convenient about stealing the guns and shooting her with them?
Why does this attention whore still have posting privileges at this point? There are more intelligent things I scraped off my shoe after my walk home from the office today.
I wasn't saying it didn't happen. I'm saying the perpetrator or perpetrators was not what they called Adam Lanza. Or Ryan Lanza his brother like they first reported. In fact I doubt Adam Lanza even existed at all. His picture didn't even look real. They might as well have said it was lord Voldemort from Harry Potter
Do you have a problem with mental health professionals? Have you had problems with mental health professionals in the past? For how long have you been having problems with mental health professionals?
A few new things, The girlfriend was in the Philippines and she just landed at LAX at about 7 PM Pacific Time, she is now a person of interest and has been met by authorities He was recently in the Philippines with her and a family member said they were uncomfortable around him He wired 100K to the Philippines however we don't know if it was to her Despite the claims of ISIS the local mosques and Muslim societies have said he was not part of them The Starbucks near his house said he would come in with the girlfriend often and he would treat her like shit As far as me, I found outa co worker who I have the hots for was there, she is ok, she was trampled but just got beat up a little bit but is going to be ok My friend's girlfriend remains in bad shape, he was at the hospital today and he said it's bad there and he thinks there are quite a few people who are like her and on life support or in comas.
If the authorities have footage, I wonder if there's audio. If there's audio, I wonder if he goes on a maniacal tirade describing his reasoning for this... I also believe the authorities will release the footage internally, at some point, for training purposes. At that time the footage will probably get leaked. Of course, all of this assumes the guy hit 'record'.
Probably wrong thread but I fear what POTUS will say or do when visiting Vegas. Not only does the USA watch Trump with interest but I promise you even here the place that gave the Jets Ben Graham we watch , shudder and say What the ... . Senseitivity is not a trait of narcissists.
Why does anyone want the president to be mr sensitive ? I can never understand this...would it make you happy for him to get up there and be unable to speak because he's weeping uncontrollably? Or should he just repeat the usual empty thoughts and prayers for the victims ?
Just an an observation. And not saying it means anything one way or another. But I've noticed when it comes to some things, like a police shooting... a good number of people and the media will go to street court over the contents of a video and eyewitness testimony and take it a gospel. In the instance of this shooting, those things are being completely ignored or immediately discounted . Just saying. It's always strange how in some cases the official word is gospel. And the next day it's completely incredible.
Some new info Receipt Shows Paddock Had Another Guest in His Room Before Shooting There's a pic of the receipt with his name on it but the date is cut off. Then, there's also this Ok, here's one with the date
im also thinking that a 64 year old man, with no military training, no obsession with guns history from the distance and time he had was able to cause that much. He shot in bursts with long breaks in between . To successfully hit near 600 people. From that at away and no experience with those weapons.... because no range is going to let you use those... how many shots in reality would have missed. And how many rounds could he possibly have shot with mags. He also had not very big holes in the hotel windows. Oh and hey , I complete new to converted auto weapons, but my gun never jammed!
how do you know his gun never jammed? also the holes in the windows were big, idk what you are seeing.
You're right they could have jammed. The holes are big, but not big enough to give him room to rake the fire enough to cause the sound difference for people stationary recording him right down below. Regardless, if his gun did jam, that's even less time for some that inexperienced to have hit that many from so far away. Just my 2 cents, but this is bigger that one man. There were eyewitness stories early on Monday that I saw that can longer be found online