Fans always seem to have white towels. Are we not allowed to give out green towels? Obv Pittsburgh has "the terrible towel" I'm curious if they stop other teams from using any towels other than white...? Or do the Jets just choose white over green (dumb)?
I always thought that myself. It would look awesome if 50% were white & the other 50% green. Funny topic but hey we just won might as well have some fun with it!!
We have had green towels before.. dont remember the exact game, but i have about 5 of them in my garage, the Curtis Martin towel...
A green out would require the team to wear those godawful green pants and I don't want to start that whole conversation again.
Possibly dumb question: are we not allowed to have green towels in the stands?? Not sure why this wasn't answered yet, but yes, that is a pretty dumb question
You, Sir, are correct! Haha, in the garage, ours are used for shoe polish or wiping down the grill. The garage, where all Jets towels go to die.
Ugh, the green pants. Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch . . . I ALWAYS hated them. Green jerseys/white pants, white jerseys/white pants. End of fashion police discussion. OK, bye.
I kinda like the green pants. Towels: What if... white on one side, green on the other? Or striped, maybe checked? Swirled, tie-died?
^ This +1 Esp. that drab green pants-white jersey combo. It''s been nice seeing a team with one of the better-looking uniforms in the league the last two weeks instead of those Marshall Univ. green pants.
'Kinda', who 'kinda' likes those leprechaun nightmares? Don't be so wishy-washy. As far as the towels, I'll go with your swirled and tie-dyed suggestion. Hippie bacchanal, I'll use those towels to protest the green pants. "GREEN PANTS, NO PEACE!" Maybe I'll streak across the field of The New Dump, too. Scratch that. Who wants to see that. Drum roll . . . show of hands.
I like the tie-dyed idea! plain green may not stand out very well against all the green in the stands, but tie-dyed would look pretty cool
Now, now, there is no such thing as a dumb question. There is, however, such a thing as dumb labeling. On a jar of peanut butter: CAUTION! CONTAINS PEANUTS! On the one hand, think about all of the countless lives that have been saved! On the other hand, think about all of the dimwits who could've been eliminated without that pearl of wisdom!
Are you nuts? I was kidding, of course, because then some genius from Nike will come out with tie-dyed pants, and then I really will have to kill myself.