Gonna join in protest at the game tomorrow.

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Royal Tee, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    How I wish guys like Buddy Ryan were still around

    Can you imagine a player pulling this when Buddy was on the staff? Ryan would knock him out before you could see by the dawns early light
    mrodriguez4096 likes this.
  2. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    fucking limeys
  3. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I am a lawyer, and no, it does not come close. Any actions taken would not be based on partisan political affiliation, they would be based on a specific action (kneeling, sitting, etc). I'm sure there are hundreds of Democrat NFL players who did not take a knee and nobody is advocating they be fired (let alone the President).
  4. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    He threw a punch at his own offensive coordinator simply because he called a pass play on 3rd down when his defense was pitching a shutout.
  5. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I don't think Trump telling owners they should cut players who kneel would qualify, as respecting the flag/not respecting the flag should not be considered partisan political affiliation. I don't think anyone would listen to Trump anyway.

    I think people that feel the kneeling is disrespectful need to go after Bud and their flag cans, paper products manufacturers who make paper plates, napkins, etc with the flag on them, clothes, towel, hat manufacturers who make those products with the flag on them. All those are in violation of United States Flag Code. Chunky Soup actually even had a plastic wrapper with the flag on it that you had to basically desecrate the flag to get to the cans of soup.

    All those college uniforms that depict the flag, bad.

    I am pretty sure that the way the large flag is displayed before games, on it's side with a few hundred people holding the edges, is also counter to United States Code.

    I don't agree with the kneeling but it is their right to do so. I have a much bigger problem with idiots that have a flag flying off their car and don't remove it when it gets tattered or idiots that have flag blankets for the beach to sit their ass on.
    Jets_Grinch and FJF like this.
  6. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    Perhaps viewing the video in this article may convince you that the President is advocating that those who protest by kneeling are fired. His words and gestures. To my mind he is acting on a partisan political affiliation. His speeches are political and the comments were made at a political rally in support of Luther Strange a Republican candidate.

    Perhaps it would be interesting to see a test case brought


    BTW how is the tax hike from 10% to 12% for lower income people going to turn out?
  7. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    After Trump said what he said the owners pretty much had to come down on the side of the players. They are their players, they want them to play hard and win. They don't want to alienate their players or in the future be known as "that owner" who didn't stand up for his guys. On the flip side they want this anthem protest stuff to go away asap because of fan backlash.

    Trump put them on the hotseat. He forced them to go out there and confront this difficult situation. Forcing them on the field, making them kneel and be a part of something that they wanted nothing to do with. What was the end result? Well they had a emergency owners meeting the next day and are now desperate for some sort of resolution to end the protests
  8. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Perhaps I was Trumponian (my made up word) when I used the term attack dogs. What I meant to say here is when you have been trained to use deadly force, its not so easy to just turn the switch off once depressed. The police today because of technology have better tools to prevent unnecessary violence. But I think the biggest problem I hear from my fellow police friends are public distrust, tight budgets, useless training, and especially lack of proper mentoring of new officers. Maybe I am biased, but I can also say they are the most decent people I know and I am honored to be their friend. Besides they always have the best stories.
    #288 Patriot, Sep 30, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2017
  9. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Yeah, that's not what the law says. The law says you cannot use federal government action to pressure someone to be fired based on their political affiliation. "They took a knee during the anthem" is not a political affiliation. "Democrat" is a political affiliation. Unless Trump were saying to the NFL, "If you don't ban all Demcrats from the league, I'm going to have the military pull all advertising we do with the NFL," then he's not in violation of the law. Again ... "Participated in a protest" is not a political affiliation. Presumably, there were Republicans who took knee and there were Democrats who did not.

    It can't be a tax hike on lower income people because 50% of the country does not pay income taxes. By definition, if you are paying taxes, you have better-than-average income, not lower income.
  10. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    The tax code is very complicated and you can't go by the tax rate your specifying without knowing how you got from gross income to net income. People who are in the top 1% may have higher rates for example and pay less taxes due to credits and deduction loopholes.

    All this tax talk is great, and I am sorry if I sound like Ross Perot, but what about National Debt that keeps climbing? The interest on the national debt for this fiscal year Oct 1, 2016 to Sep 30, 2017 is 266 billion dollars! Oh by the way the budget Obama signed into law last year has a 503 billion dollar deficit to add to the National Dept. The federal budget itself is 21.5% of the GDP. Could you imagine what we could do with 266 Billion dollars?

    Please don't think I am making fun of Obama only, the Republicans are equally to blame here. My point is the National Debt is what we really should be talking about instead tax law, NFL protesters, and Trump! But we citizens of this once great nation are swayed into these topics and we accept it like hungry trained seals. As to Trump's lets make America great again, I would counter with lets make it better for now.
    Jets_Grinch likes this.
  11. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    The only thing that made the owners protest is that they don't like being told what to do with their money. Bunch of gutless shits.
    Patriot likes this.
  12. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    You know what. From now on I'm just gonna be a real jet fan and wander to the tv half way thru the 1st quarter. Problem solved
  13. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    ha. Real jet fan wanders to the TV sometime before halftime to put his boot through the screen.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  14. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I can't speak for all the owners, but I will use the Kraft's for an example. Everything they say and do is nothing more than a PR campaign of some sorts. You rarely ever hear an honest statement coming from them and Bob Kraft's son is even a better BS artist. You can't say I didn't warn you.

    I know this might sound strange, but not being very wealthy may be a blessing. You don't have to kiss ass, BS people as much, and spend your whole life worrying about losing your money as much when your not that very wealthy. Maybe the key in life is to be wealthy enough to enjoy life but not so wealthy that you become a money whore. You come to this world with nothing and you leave this world with nothing, remember that.

    Perhaps what I am saying is total Buddhist BS and money is everything. If so, don't listen to me, because my philosophy of trying to derive more happiness without money may be totally ridiculous.
  15. Cidusii

    Cidusii Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    What's buzzy to me is that Colin used to sit, and people didn't really notice for a while. Then when they did, an ex-Green Beret talked with him and suggested kneeling as a more respectful form of protest as opposed to sitting, since kneeling in and of itself generally isn't associated with disrespect.
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    This is true
  17. MJK

    MJK Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Kaperknick sucks that's why he doesn't have a job...the chances of being killed by a cop are no different because of race..and these protests in the end wont make a god damn difference..can't wait till people move on.
  18. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Technically they don't have a right to kneel, they simply have permission from their employers to do so. Otherwise the NBA wouldn't be able to infringe on player's rights with a rule that requires them to stand.
    Jonathan_Vilma likes this.
  19. BigSnacks54

    BigSnacks54 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Yes, white people are victims of police brutality. But there's enough data to show that minorities are more likely to be victims of excessive force(not just shooting itself). And no I'm not saying white people dance with ease. What I'm telling you is not having to deal with that you know that thing called race DOES it make EASIER in many ways for people of that color. And if you noticed I mentioned that being a male gives me the privilege of not having to deal with sexism, etc, in the work place environment that a woman may have to deal with.
  20. BigSnacks54

    BigSnacks54 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    I agree. My issues are not with 99% of the cops on the ground, but the system at large. It needs revamping from top to bottom.

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