Gonna join in protest at the game tomorrow.

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Royal Tee, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Trump says things the wrong way. Fact. Is what he says always wrong? No.. he just says it like a complete dickweed.

    Many people supported him because he *seemed* to be one of the first Presidents that would act on behalf of the middle class. Whether that happened or has been happening is up for debate.

    But that's why he was elected.

    We as the middle class always get screwed. Fact, Zace.
    zace likes this.
  2. BigSnacks54

    BigSnacks54 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Why would you believe that the man worth billions of the dollars would act on behalf of the middle class, with a House and Senate controlled by the GOP, that openly advocates for tax cuts for the rich? Because he wore a MAGA hat or promised that he would bring back coal jobs? There's nothing in his history or platform that he ran on which suggest he was for middle class at all. Trump is no, different than politicians in that regard- he is a con man.
    #182 BigSnacks54, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    101GangGreen101 and zace like this.
  3. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Because he isn't so in favor of giving away every hard working American's tax dollars to the millions of scam artists on welfare and government subsistence programs and disability. And I say that knowing full well I have a couple of scam artists in my own family feasting off that system, contemplating a gastric bypass that my and your tax dollars will pay for. A white male of working age in their mid-thirties.

    My company helps out at shelters and what not during the holiday times. The amount if iPhones, Michael Koors purses and authentic NFL jerseys I saw in my time helping there was an absolute disgrace. These are people of all races, and genders coming to get Thanksgiving dinner for their family. Yet they can afford this shit? Someone rolled up in a god damn Beamer.

    There are certainly some who need it. But those systems are in place for when people fall on hard times. Not to live off of because you don't want to work.

    So excuse me, if I or some other Americans bought into the fact that we finally had someone who was going to stop people who are bleeding the system from people like myself.

    Hilary would've done nothing but advanced that agenda while Middle America bled out.
  4. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    So everyone in welfare is a scam artist? Awfully presumptuous aren't you?

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  5. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Nope. Not everyone. But there's a large percentage that are. You can't tell me that there aren't.
  6. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    We don't know that there are. There are no true statistics. There are plenty of people who arent. I get that there are those who do abuse it, but cmon man dont lump everyone together

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  7. BigSnacks54

    BigSnacks54 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    And we've had politicians in the past (Regan), who used this very argument to get elected, yet, lo and behold he failed to follow up on his comments and in fact played a pivotal role in further concentrating our economy that have led to the Amazon's of the world Google's of the world, that serve to stunt wage growth, the creation of jobs, etc. That ploy has been in the playbook for a LONG time. Trump isn't the first to use it and he certainly will not be the last.
  8. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    No of course not. Perhaps I'm bitter. My fathers disability is challenged every year. He survived colon cancer, after having most of his digestive track removed. He can't sit down and likely never will again because of his scarred up backside. He walks with a cane and is an immense amount of pain some days. Yet the system has the balls to challenge his disability? Mind you, he worked a blue collar job for thirty years.

    And my aforementioned family member, a former drug addict and criminal from embezzlement, has a brand new car and is getting a completely elective cosmetic surgery so he can lose weight cause his fat ass doesn't know what a gym is.

    Trump gave those such people a voice. He's an asshole and he never says things the right way. He'll likely go down as the worst President the country has ever seen. He's pushing to divide the nation, potentially start a nuclear war and does just about everything the wrong way.

    HOWEVER. I completely understand why this country voted someone like him into office. As far as the economy goes and what not, he's really not doing a bad job, and illegal immigration is plummeting. If the guy could learn to shut his mouth he could've done a lot of good. I thought once he was elected the nonsense would stop. It didn't. So he's awful.

    But like I said; I get it.
  9. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I actually understand what people thought. Its the same reason they voted obama in, the same reason they were so resistant to Hillary. The same reason people love bernie, theyre tired of the old established status quo politicians. Just like jetblue and i said earlier, the problem is the "redneck" in West Virginia doesnt realize how much he actually has in common with the thug from camden.

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    101GangGreen101 likes this.
  10. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Racial tensions are just so dumb and barbaric IMO. It's like completely hating a man that has long hair. Or a woman that has short hair. And calling them a short haired c*nt whose a piece of shit because of it.

    I see no difference in that, then people who hate black people or white people.

    Race and color should be ignored. As if it's not even there. As if you don't even know there's a difference between Aaron Rodgers and Cam Newton outside of ability.
  11. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Can you recognize that this is in large part because of race baiting and relentless identity politics by the left
  12. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Excellent we have reached a common ground. To keep us on topic I am going to ask you to just stick with the Freddie Grey, Tamir Rice, and Philando Castile cases for now. For our discussion since not all cases are the same, lets pretend we are the Judge and Executor in the Philandro Castile case. To ensure we really feel the pain of this senseless shooting, Philandro Castile is actually our biological brother. Needless to say, we are pretty pissed off. This assumes we actually care for and love our brother.

    The police officer realizing at this point we are in no mood for any bull decides to be truthful. He tells us he royally messed up, over reacted, and is totally negligent. He did not mean to shoot Philandro Castile but he was paranoid of being shot on the job.

    I can't speak for you, but being pissed I would want to start to give him a beat down, but the members of our pretend court hold me back and say make a decision!

    After giving this some thought, I realize my dear brother was killed because a police officer had not been equipped to do his job! He was given a badge with no adequate training, testing, or assurance of his competence. I realize even if I punish this officer, this will not prevent an incident like this happening again until I demand from the police department that they get their officers properly trained and vetted. My anger would begin to shift from the police officer to the actual police department!

    Ok before I babble any further, how would you act given this scenario assuming you have had time to reflect on the situation? Again would we be similar in our anger in this situation? I will take up your point about black people being unfairly treated by the justice system in another post.
  13. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    A first fallacy is applying the notion that these bad cops represent the majority of law enforcement when in fact they are a miniscule part. Second fallacy is that the bad cops are targeting black people when in fact they target any non-complying suspect, white black brown or yellow
  14. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Exactly why I voted for Trump as an independent.....just sick of the bullshit in many ways. He's cleaning up some of it but also steping on his own toes in the process....This NFL rant was completely unnecessary, obviously. It is what it is at this point but I would still take him over Hillary 100% even with all of his faults.

    I also truly cannot stand the liberal white SJW types and will continue to be on the opposite side of them as much as possible, basically most of Hollywood and honestly many people that call NYC home....You're not better than anyone because you live in a bubble and rattle off a bunch of contrived garbage. Atleast many of the minorities that protest have real reasons to be upset.
    GordonGecko and Jonathan_Vilma like this.
  15. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    We do have another common ground here? I agree with you that blacks are unfairly treated in the justice system. I also believe there is still prejudice and racism in this country. So I am hoping there is a common ground here between us.

    But on the subject of why blacks are unfairly treated in the justice system is because of racism is not a complete answer and is intellectually dishonest and lazy. Though prejudice and racism does exist towards blacks, the problem is a bit more complex than that.

    I have seen minority security guards in Walmart targeting other minorities, but why? If you watch the show Cops, I think you will start to see a certain behavior and trend here. I will bring up white suspects here to make my point.

    Every time you see a white suspect in the show Cops, its usually someone that appears to be white trash. Economically poor, on drugs, dressed poorly, and a horrible liar. Before the suspect can begin their stupid explanation, the cops are on them like flies on shit. A great movie that might really illustrate this point in Trading Places. Sure Winthorpe begins a complete transformation here when he loses all his money. But what is more interesting is Valentine's transformation. Even though the movie is a comedy, I think the writers make an excellent point for my argument.

    What my point here is that there is an economic class prejudice by police and perhaps all of us. How often do you see rich wealthy cats being arrested in the show Cops? So whether you like it or not, you are judged based on your appearance and social economic class. A black person that comes more across like a gang banger than a wall street type will be judged differently. A man and a women will tend be to be judged differently. A big loud dude versus a little soft spoken dude will be judged differently. Cops are human after all, aren't they?

    Ah what about African Americans who have white collar jobs, drive nice cars, and speak eloquently being pulled over? In some of those cases the cops are simply racist because they don't believe African Americans can live this lifestyle. But in most cases, I think they are being targeted like the rest of use because cops get in this money sucking quota routine.

    The OJ Simpson case is a perfect illustration that money talks and bull shit walks in the justice system. When OJ ran out of money, he couldn't defend himself so well against a BS charge in Vegas, could he? African Americans being poorer then most folks is the majority reason they get a raw deal in the justice system. So trying all this politically correct crap is not going to help them in the long run. The best answer to help solve some of the problems facing the black community is money! Make them richer and they will be better off! Call me stupid but a rich black will be happier than a poor black most of the time!
  16. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    You are correct these cops do represent a small minority that the media has been giving attention to. But if you were a police chief and one of these officers were yours, wouldn't you consider reviewing your procedures, training, and hiring of police officers? You can't weed out all the bad cops, but maybe its time consider a new process when the process fails. Also what if the officer in question was actually following your procedures correctly? Would this not warrant a review of your procedures? You see we unfortunately do not know the whole story and we are reacting to a news story with insufficient information.
  17. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Great you pointed out the racist nature of Trump's politics, but can you do the same for Obama?
  18. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    It is to late, both Obama and Trump started and fueled this fire. The good news is most people can see what Trump is up to. Unfortunately, most people are not so smart with Obama and the left. Neither one of them has helped the cause and we continue to go in decline as a country. The left brainwashes you in schools and the media. The right tries to brainwash you in places like church and Fox news, but overall is not as effective as the left. In either way, the middle class is under attack and we are to dumb to see it. Have us go into a racial war so we don't notice how are all really being screwed. When will we wake up and smell the coffee or roses!
  19. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    You simply don't get it. All countries including our own has been run by the rich. Even Fidel Castro who turned Cuba upside down came from wealth. The problem is when the rich does not care about the interest of your country you are in big trouble. People like Teddy Roosevelt fought for this country and he lost a son fighting for this country. When was the last time you saw something like this from the rich or our politicians? So yes, if this country is going to be saved, it will have to come from rich leaders, scary isn't it?
  20. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    You can't use TV shows and movies to back up your opinions. I could just as easy cite a movie like Collateral and boom, cops are racist as hell.

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