360 advice

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by JetBlue, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I had been waiting for a PS3, but upon analysis of the system, I don't need a game machine that is overpriced because you can store music and photo files, I just want a next-gen video game machine. my point is, I am finally thinking about breaking my Sony whore ways and buying an 360, but have read about overheating problems and slow and loud load times. anyone here have any first hand experience with any of these problems?

    I am alos thinking about only buying the core system. I'm not a huge gamer and don't know if I need the 20 gb hard drive, just a memory card to save my games. any advice on that front is appreciated.
  2. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Jetblue I'm thinking the same exact thing..I don't need a blu ray DVD player..just a next gen system that can play some games..I'm going out this weekend and getting me a 360..from what I heard the overheating problems aren't to bad and load times aren't a problem
  3. LockDown24

    LockDown24 Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Def go for the 360. I used to be a Sony whore myself but got caught up in the hype for 360 last year and got one. I haven't regretted the decision at all, load times are nonexistent (except for Oblivion), my system rarely overheats, and the games are awesome (Gears of War and GRAW are must buys). Besides, it will cost you less than $3,000 if you want it before March.
  4. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I'm considering the same thing. I love Playstation, but with it's so pricey and I don't need some of the shit it offers.

    I just want games, and for the most part, I only play Madden and Guitar Hero, which will be available for 360 in January. But if games like Gears of War and Halo were available on PS2 I'd own them. XBox releases alot of games that don't get released for PS and not the other way around. I think I'm going to buy one after Christmas.
  5. CMartinJET

    CMartinJET New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Go with the 360 i'm the biggest advocate of the xbox 360 on this site. Rarely freezes. They have an Nyko intercooler that you can attach to your system for like 12 bucks if you need it. I agree with the poster above gears of war is a must own. If your interested in online play it's the best system for it. If you have any questions just message me, I will be happy to answer them for you.
  6. Pride

    Pride New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Word to the wise, do not buy the nyko intercooler. I bought it and it screwed up my first system. Many game sites advise against using it and if your system defects b/c of the intercooler, Microsoft is not liable b/c it is not a Microsoft endorsed product
  7. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Thanks guys. I am sold. now hopefully I can snag a $100 core system.

    second question -- does anyone know if there is a wi-fi add on for the core system?
  8. JeTsInTexas

    JeTsInTexas Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    I don't play 360 too much, just casually. I've already gone through 3 of them, and I have to go out and exchange it for a 4th. I just replaced the other one about 1 week ago, and it's gotten pretty friggin ridiculous. I'm really pissed. If I didn't have the dam warranty or a 360 to begin with, I'd wait for either good batches of 360s to come out or wait til the ps3 prices drop. It's like I'm spending $50 (for the warranty) on the dam 360 every few months or so. CRAP
  9. Jetdic

    Jetdic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Get a Nintendo Wii.
  10. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    whatever your doing, wherever your playing it, stop !

    I have had 1 minor problem, I turned it on it said call technical help. I simply turned it off then on. I havent had a slip up since. My cousin has one also, no problems. (I bought mine in June, he proabaly has had his for a year already.

    You do know your not suppose to move the system while playing a game/cd/dvd correct ?
  11. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    Hell yea!! i own one.....but if graphics really excites you, i'll go for the 360....i just dont see the difference in PS3 for the price tag....sure its a blue ray player...but screw that DVD is fine with me till the "format war" is over. Plus alot of DVD players now have upscaling (720p,1080i) including the 360. Not to mention the media center capabilities.....and knowing sony the ps3 will be filled with glitches (i.e. PS2) also u can get a Wii and a 360 for the price of the $ony P$3....../rant
  12. teknopath

    teknopath Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    360 Misconception

    I am a 360 owner and a PS3 owner.

    The 360 does NOT upscale DVDs over component or composite cables. In order for it to upscale, you must be using the VGA cables and also have a TV that supports VGA input.

    The downside to this is that the colors are washed out a bit when using the VGA. Component cables will give you an overall better picture and color.

    I use the PS3 for DVD as it is connected to my HDTV via HDMI thus no no color issue and standard dvds are upscaled.
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Since I don't have an HDTV, or any time of enhanced TV to watch DVD's, I'm going to go after the 360.

    I usually go for Sony game systems, but the 360 game lineup is that much better. Reason I've never been a big fan of Xbox is because they're biggest hit is an overhyped Halo, which I never liked. Now that they have added Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, Splinter Cell, and even BioShock as 360 exclusives, I see no reason to pay an extra $300 bucks for a system that you can't even tell the difference in graphics.

    Infact, the 360 got better graphic ratings on Gamespot then PS3.
  14. FrankTheTank

    FrankTheTank New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    If youre going to buy an Xbox360, get the premium version and not the core, its not worth it unless you get the premium.

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