I believe this is false. I would assume Mac is in charge of the roster, and who is on the team. The lack of organization from owner down to player is embarrassing.
Yes, your right. Mac cant tell Bowles what to do. But why would Woody sign off on a cap clearing, roster gutting youth movement across all positions but keep the most important one with an end of the line veteran? Especially when you have two guys you researched, drafted, one could say coddled.... Bowles doesnt do anything for his team or his job by manufacturing a few wins with McCown. In fact not giving Hack or Petty a clean chance to win the starters position I'm sure pisses off the fanbase and makes it harder to sell tickets through a rebuild.
Jets have released their first unofficial depth chart. Hackenberg is listed third. Leaves a lot to wonder. Just messing around or is it something more? Is Hackenberg so lowly thought of by Bowles that practicing with the second group his chance to move up? Does Bowles think he already knows what Petty can do and this was his chance to show something yet he hasn't done well enough against the backups to move up to #2? Hopefully not, that'd be severely depressing.
Or, Petty is entrenched as the number 2 for the foreseeable future considering McCown won't be on the roster for more than a year or two but Hackenberg hasn't passed up McCown to take the number 1 spot and don't plan to start him until he's ready.
Are you implying it was Bowles decision to cut Decker and Harris? That is shocking if true. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Why does Woody have this screwy organizational structure? Why does Woody do any of the manifold stupid things he does? Stupid is as stupid does.
No. I think that was Woody's idea to save money. I'll see if I can find the article with Mac stating who has the responsibilities. EDIT: Sorry I couldn't find the article or camp report where Mac spoke about that. It was sometime recently, but have also seen him say the same thing during the last year or two. I thought it was common knowledge.
How? I understand you're playing the negative role but isn't that obvious? Do you think this is the depth chart we're going into the season with? How the depth chart is laid out is entirely irrelevant. If you want to be upset about something curse how our lack of depth on the line is screwing up our and the coaches views on our linebackers, running backs, and QBs during the time of the year when we're trying to figure out who to start.
I understand the organizational structure. I've been preaching how terrible it was for days. I questioned whether or not Bowles was the one who had say over the final 53. It was my understanding Mac is in charge of the final 53, and Bowles decides how they are integrated on the team. If what NC said is correct, and Bowles decides who makes the team, that means he willingly depleted his team of quality veterans. I find that hard to believe. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I love the way he kept his feet bouncing in the pocket instead of getting stuck in the mud. Release looks much smoother too. He's coming along.
The one thing I love about the younger QBs is they actually sell playfakes. QBs tend to get lazy AF over time when it comes to running play action.