It's going to be a long off-season if you are going to devote a new thread to every player in an average late-Seventies roster. Drop me a PM when you get to Chuck Ramsey.
I'm a new guy here but what is with these threads? How does Clark Gaines impact the Jets? Can we keep the threads about the current team? I don't really care about remebering players of the 60's and 70's.
Yeah, while there was no salary cap and other teams were finding monster RBs, we were the groundbreaking team that did RBBC. Now the formula is sell your soul for a franchise QB and we're doing QBBC. Give it 30 years and every successful team in the league will be trotting 4 QBs out and we'll be trading our entire draft for one pocket passer that can't run in a league that is successful with multiple QB skillsets and a low QB salary.
Dont forget Tom Newton,,,,,lol this group collectively led the league in rushing one year,,,,,I could be wrong
if you don't care then go to another thread instead of whining about this one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll remember Gaines as an underappreciated do it all running back who unfortunately played on some pretty bad football teams. This guy was a rock for a few seasons and gave the Jets quality production via the run game and the pass (as someone mentioned he once caught 17 balls in a game). He was gone just prior to the rise of the Jets under Walt Michaels, missed out on the fun in 1981-82 and the AFC Championship game (the monsoon game) at the Orange Bowl in Miami in 1983. A back not too many remember to mention when referencing good Jets RB's. Bert wants you to remember your Jets history...if you don't have any, then get some, bitches.
It's 99 days to NFL kick off - you should be starting the other thread again. My Gastineau hatred stops me from doing so.
Well there is a History and Trivia forum here also. I think that is where threads about historical players was intended to go. Then people who only want to keep up with the current events with the team don't have to wade through threads about 1st round picks that didn't pan out like Barzilauskas
Its all we have now. The current Jets stink worse than those guys. At least they tried to play hard. They had maybe one-third the talent of some of these current guys and one-tenth of their salary. Their problem were crappy coaches like Lou Holtz, Charlie Winner and Mike Holovak.
Clark Gaines was a solid RB who did yeoman work rushing and pass catching. He and Scott Dierking were a good tandem.