New Jets Number Assigned

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by boozer32, May 5, 2017.

  1. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    You could argue that during Revis' first stint with the Jets, there was no better defensive player in the league. He played with brilliance and toughness, also carried himself professionally on the field at all times. Like many here, I was outraged when he failed to get DPY in '09. What a joke.

    It's hard to believe, looking back, that this guy could manage to engender so much ill will from this fan base. But he did. And he fucking earned it.

    Give someone else #24, the sooner the better.
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    dont ever let me hear you say well nfl football is a business when a guy gets cut or a team takes a shit on a guy or walks away from a guy who laid his body on the line every week for years.

    one way fans annoy me. the nfl doesnt give a damn about them, the ownership doesnt give a damn about them and the fans surely dont give a damn about them and their pains and struggles so please dont expect them to give you a hometown discount.
    JetsfanHBca and Walt White like this.
  3. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Are you sure no one gives a damn about the players? Seems to me that these shmoes are truly beloved heroes to many owners and millions of fans, and when they wheel their bodies onto the field at halftime 50 years later, the stadium goes berzerk.

    On the subject of annoying fan behavior... this "laid his body on the line" thing? Like these guys are volunteering for the war effort? No one is being forced at gunpoint to play a game they love in exchange for millions of dollars. Any player can walk away any time they want and get a regular job.

    Finally, Revis could have dragged 50 kids out of a burning orphanage, it doesn't change the fact that he won a Super Bowl in New England. You can forgive your spouse for fucking the neighbor, but I can't imagine the spouse ever really looks the same to you after that. Whether Revis is to "blame" for winning with Patriots is beside the point. It's not something I can rationally deal with.
  4. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    As great as Revis was as a player I cannot in any conscience agree that #24 should be retired due to his contribution. Cost more than his position granted, held out, f*%&ed off for others franchise desperate for a ring and shamelessly shafted NYJ on his return (although really that is on the FO) a degenerate merc with no loyalty other than his own shine. F*%& him. Never had #24 anything when he played for us.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    no we dont. we will root for the next guy just as soon as they are gone. we will root for what is considered a mortal enemy (jason taylor) just as fast as we will hate him. we will not however pay these guys bills when they are long forgotten. so no we dont give a shit about them. wayne chrebet has more fans who "love" him than any jet i know. none of them were holding his hand while he sat in his basement for weeks because the mere thought of sunlight was excruciating.

    these guys average career is 3 years. even at 3 million dollars in their career its not all that much considering how long they play. you make 100k a year for 30 years and you have made 3 million. and the minimum salary is 465,000. and once again, nobody gives a shit about them as soon as they are done producing.

    thats fine. i can see that. i have hate for guys for reasons like that. i dont hate him for it though. lets remember the jets traded him. remember how everyone thought the jets were so brilliant for bringing in this amazing talent in sheldon richardson and getting rid of revis. and lets remember they didnt go out and resign him when he was a free agent either.

    i dont hate the patriots, i understand that they run their organization very smartly. and i wish the fucking idiots who ran the jets at any point in the last 35 years did the same. but they havent. instead of making good decisions we make idiotic decisions, over and over and over again.

    so no i dont hate darrelle revis, hes one of the best players i have ever seen wear a jets uniform.
    Joey Jett and southsidejet like this.
  6. JethroTull

    JethroTull 2018 Least Knowledgeable Poster

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Revis of the two is the one who has a shot a hall of fame.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  7. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Fuck Revis. You don't retire numbers for some mercenary asshole no matter how good he was. I'm a fan. To me, 24 always and forever belongs to Freeman McNeil. There's a great Jet for you. Recognize the guys who deserve to loved by the fans. Let the other assholes content themselves with counting their money.
  8. Martin&theJETS

    Martin&theJETS Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Spot on
  9. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    Your point is to my mind a little split... you talk about the guys with short careers who make little and how we don't care about them once they move on. To my mind that is the real shame of the NFL now many players are just cogs over so called *superstars* that suck all the value. The role players should have more care taken of them.

    Then though you mention players like Revis and Taylor who identified themselves so closely with the teams they spent a lot of time wit and arguably got richer off of not just because of their play but wider endorsements etc. Players who identify themselves so much with a franchise who rent themselves out franchises in their division lose credibility.

    Didn't hate Taylor as a Jet but never rooted for him...hated the move. Loved Revis as a player... don't hate him...hated our dumb FO signing him back given his sense of self importance
    kevda5n9ne and twown like this.
  10. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    alleycat, brother, just because no one was holding Chrebet's hand doesn't mean that no one feels compassion for him. You don't think people would line up around the block to pat this guy's forehead with a damp cloth?? And not because they want something for themselves, but to pay homage and feel his pain.
    Andy_M and alleycat9 like this.
  11. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Beat me to most of what I was going to say. Well said.
  12. JetsfanHBca

    JetsfanHBca Active Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I never said he he was a great guy or even that #24 should be retired just that he wasn't pussy and at one point he was the man. Sure come contract time he was looking out for only himself as he should . NFL is a business for both sides and everyone knows N.F.L. not for long, as in get as much as you can while you still can.

    I do agree with Alleycat though that the NFL as a whole really doesn't care about the players. They are a tools to be used for profit. As for teams and most fans I think players are more like toys. You get a good and excited. They give you hope and your imagination goes wild on how good they can be and how far they can take your team. But like toys, players are really only cared for until they break then you throw them away. And players know this. One reason home team discounts don't really happen anymore

    Fact Revis held out for more every single chance he got. I was pissed about it too but we did trade/banished him to Tampa and they where horrible at the time. I think going to the Pats was like his pay back for Tampa. Its an unforgivable sin but from his stand point though he did get a ring and had not gone to the dark side he wouldn't have one. So yeah his legacy is tarnished but it might be a fair trade for a SB ring
    alleycat9 likes this.
  13. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Revis is dead to me.

    They should hang his jersey from the rafters.....and burn it.

    There is no honor among thieves....and Revis was a thief.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  14. Negotiating for a higher wage is one thing. Holding out on multiple occasions including when you are supposed to be a leader on the team...and then your agents resort to bush league media tactics causing a further disruption on top of it all? Revis crossed a line.I don't think Revis is a bad guy or even a bad Jet...he's arguably the best Jet ever & easily the best corner.But I & perhaps others need to see him decked out in a Green at a few Jet home games & similar esque team events.How's this one? He's a student of the game, he's well spoken & he's done plenty of radio bout being the Jets answer to Carl Banks on WFAN??
    NCJetsfan and alleycat9 like this.
  15. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Aaron Judge has already asked for 9a.
  16. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Really? What tackle did you see?
    TonyFtLaud likes this.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i have no issue with that last paragraph. i take umbrage when guys come on here and talk shit about a player because of decisions he made, as if he owes them something.
    Yankjetfan likes this.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    if i were a player i would be doing everything possible to get as much of the 13 billion dollars the nfl makes as possible. the jets didnt honor his last contract, they cut him with 3 years left on it. they cut him after 2 years of the contract. iirc he held out with 2 years left on his contract.

    why do we find him holding out unacceptable but them cutting him completely acceptable? because he isnt worth the money? ok but when he held out he was worth far more than what he was making.
  19. hastygreen

    hastygreen Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    He should be a part of the ring of honor but retired numbers are about more than just how good a player was in my opinion. Revis was beyond the beyond for 5 seasons but he got hurt and that was that. During those five seasons he was never "the face of the franchise" or the "team leader" like so many other retired numbers and that plays a part in the decision. He was just here and out to get his to the potential determent of the team and the salary cap during that period. I don't begrudge him getting his money but it does taint his legacy a little but with how he went about it. Another poster called him a mercenary, and frankly that's what he is. However, if he makes the HOF we'll need to go ahead and retire his number. Until then ring of honor only.
    alleycat9 likes this.
  20. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    No one should ever wear 24 again I'm sorry. Dude is a legend for this franchise.

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