Of course they had a vote. Or were they held hostage during the election? I assumed it was a rhetorical question.
Hysterics have gotten the last two Presidents elected as the ideology has veered away from center. The rest of us pick up the bills.
It's as useful as all the Republicans who voted for it. The Dems, no strangers to partisan politics themselves, had to jump through hoops to get a bill through the Senate by essentially bribing reluctant Dems to vote for it. The result: a completely unworkable bill, guaranteed to fail. That was just what the Reps wanted. And they're still crowing about how they voted NO on everything Obama proposed, like that was somehow a GOOD thing for the country. They should be ashamed of what they did to people (like YOU and your MRI) with that bill, all screwed by the ridiculous system they happily forced the Dems into with their obstruction. Real statesmen, concerned about the citizens- right! Party uber alles...
What's really ironic is that during the Grand Age of Imperialism wealthy families sent their 2nd and later born sons abroad to make their fortune in the colonies and possessions that their Empire had accumulated. There, the scions of these upper class families lived off the labor of natives and generally prospered despite being cut off from the family fortune at home by the rigid requirements of primogeniture. Today upper class families in the former colonies send their children to the USA on H-1B visas to take jobs that would otherwise be held by US citizens, impoverishing an entire class of workers in the process and limiting their upward mobility. Other upper class "natives" form companies that pull jobs from the US in a never-ending stream, some of the low-paid manufacturing variety but many that would feed the middle and upper middle class workers jobs generation after generation. The answer according to Trump? Build a wall that will keep lettuce-picking, drywall-placing, home-cleaning illegals out of the country because Americans really need *those* jobs. Get rid of H-1B visas. Penalize companies that move jobs overseas by giving their competitors who keep all jobs in the country tax breaks, grants and loans that make up the cost differences involved. Encourage good corporate citizenship by leveraging taxes and tariffs in a way that truly foreign companies are not impacted but American-companies abandoning ship can't compete well in the domestic market. Shame US corporations that follow the profits out of the country by labeling requirements that indicate clearly where the jobs used to be and where they are now. Protect US workers and companies by making reinvesting in America a better option than investing in India, China, Mexico, etc. Do all of the above in a way that encourages companies to keep jobs in the country because it is the right thing to do. If the capital markets have to suffer a bit in the process, well as they're so fond of saying "creative destruction is a good thing". Let's let them do a little creative destruction on themselves to help maintain the American standard of living instead of tearing it down community by community with everybody else breathing a sigh of relief when their factories and markets weren't exported - this time.
It was by far the dumbest proposal I've ever seen a politician have.... in a country filled with dumbass politicians It's not even going to get built anyway so it doesn't matter I just feel like pointing how fucking stupid it was again
H1-B visas aren't going away because they help provide cheap skilled labor to companies. As long as corporate America is running things, they will do everything they can to ensure cheap labor, including making it as hard as possible for young people to get an education. The corporate wet dream is to have an infinite supply of cheap, high-tech foreign workers and an infinite supply of polite, English speaking non-skilled workers to serve you burgers. And they don't even have to hire too many H1-B's because just the fact that they exist drives down the cost of labor by supply and demand. Ron
Steve Mnuchin: Trump's tax cut for the rich will "pay for itself with growth and with reduced reduction of different deductions and closing loopholes."
"What follows is my 100 day action plan to make America great again." - Donald J. Trump http://www.cbs.com/shows/the-late-s...rump-s-100-day-action-plan-has-he-completed-/ "I think $10 billion or less. And if I do a super-duper, higher, better, better security, everything else, maybe it goes a little bit more." - Donald J. Trump Ron
Lol, the new proposed healthcare bill exempts Congress from changes to ACA? Who came up with that political mess?
Today upper class families in the former colonies send their children to the USA on H-1B visas to take jobs that would otherwise be held by US citizens, impoverishing an entire class of workers in the process and limiting their upward mobility. Other upper class "natives" form companies that pull jobs from the US in a never-ending stream, some of the low-paid manufacturing variety but many that would feed the middle and upper middle class workers jobs generation after generation. This times 1000.....and this exact cycle of events occurs within much of healthcare - at all levels of employment. from the skilled nurse up to the skilled surgeon..... My field is dominated by foreign trained green card holders that occupy residency spots, fellowships, and ultimately attending slots - especially in many of the big cities. Most if not all of them have unlimited finances and zero student loan debt and therefore can accept lower paying slots, putting absolutely no pressure on the institutions to raise pay. Meanwhile the debt laden, US trained schmuck can't hold a private practice afloat and has to sell out to the larger hospital organizations.
The Fortune 500 wants H-1B's because it allows them an endless supply of highly-trained talent at rock-bottom pricing. By definition the H-1B's are pricing Americans out of the job market, which makes their children unable to afford the level of training that the H-1B's have. It's an endless spiral downwards for the middle class that is now reaching into the upper middle class. But go ahead and build that wall to keep lettuce-pickers out. That will fix everything. They should be building legislative walls to protect the middle class and instead they want to build a physical one that will protect not a single job the middle class cares about and very few that any other American gives a damn about.
to be fair Trump has called for "a long overdue reform of the H1-B program" in one of his ridiculously generalized executive orders. We'll see if anything gets done there or if he, like a typical politician, just caters to the elites at the end of the day
MLB: Yanks - Boston (Tanaka v. Sales) 7:00 pm NHL: Rangers - Sens (game #1) 7:00 pm NFL: 2017 NFL Draft 8:00 pm .....with the 6th pick in the 2017 NFL draft, the New York Jets select.. NBA: Spurs - Grizzlies 9:30 ET who else is outraged this morning?...