I agree each party should get aboard a sinking ship, I don't agree with Trump not being the biggest fraud here. Sticking with the only candidates who had a real shot... Everyone knew who Rubio and Cruz where and what their motives where. Conservatives didn't want Marco because he wanted involvement in the Middle East, and Cruz scared the hell out of everyone who wasn't a Republican because his motto was turning the clock back 8 years. Trump just walked into every room and said he would do what they want. He would go to conservatives and say "You want to stay out of Syria and end abortions? I will get it done," He would then go to another group and say "you want border control? I will get it done and you won't even have to pay for it." He would then go to another group and say "You want to get rid of Obamacare, while protecting Medicaid and lowering cost while not losing coverage? I'll get it done." Another group, "you want Hillary in jail? Ill get it done." Another group "Aren't you sick of seeing Obama on vacation? I will never leave." Sure all politicians speak out of both sides of their mouth, but he does it as a level I find insulting to anyone's intelligence. He is the biggest con artist and liar to even be in the White House I have witnessed. He promised the world, and scared the rest and became president. There was so many interviews, articles, quotes, and tweets from the past few decades that showed a total about face on all of these issues so he could get supporters. It was like watching the Twilight zone as half of the country just turned the other cheek and acted like that was not the case. His supporters should start feeling deceived now, if they didn't already (which amazingly many don't) because of his Healthcare bill that was a giant middle finger to most of them. Especially with how he changed his mind on Syria and basically his reasoning is "I changed my mind." Why, because you saw some pictures even though its been going on for 6 years? There is also a lot of talk coming from the WH in regards to Bannon and Preibus being ousted and liberals taking their place. That would be the ultimate bitch slap to his supporters and they all deserve it for being fooled by an obvious con job.
Guess that's why they targeted jets, petroleum storage, ammunition, radar, air defense systems. Not as easy to fix as runways.
US led strikes against ISIS in Syria killed 5 civilians, mostly children. Maybe if trump sees a picture he will devise a peace treaty or surrender to ISIS.
If we keep lobbing armaments of various sorts into Syria we're going to hit a Russian sooner or later and we're going to get WWIII out of it. If not now then later on in the Trump Presidency when we're more tied down and Putin senses an opportunity. The end of the bipartisan consensus on overseas action is the most dangerous thing to happen since the Cold War ended.
I don't think this is true. I think Washington would have been more polarized, Hillary would have been unable to govern effectively and under constant partisan investigations and coastal elites would have prospered just as much as they are now while heartlands folks would have been just as screwed. The two party system with one entrenched power base that is unaccountable to it's average voter (GOP) and one entrenched power base that has been weakened to the point of powerlessness by partisan gerrymandering (Dems) make the country effectively ungovernable. We're about a generation away from it being actually ungovernable and it is unclear what the result of the continuing fiasco will be at that point.
Agreed. Let me rephrase my post to Trump supporters would have been better off with Hillary and the congressmen running against the ones they voted for.
The reason I don't hold Trump accountable for his campaign rhetoric is because the entire campaign was a publicity stunt. He didn't say these things out of conviction but to simply get attention. Much to his surprise that attention steamrolled against the most calamitous field of competitors on both sides that anyone could have ever imagined. Yes, anyone who took him seriously is in for a shock but I think most people who voted for him knew he was full of shit but believed he at least provided some benefit by beating both established parties.
The Cold War is over... turkey shot down a Russian plane on purpose. Not even a year later Putin and Erogodan become BFFs. They are more scared of WWiii than we are. The difference between the Russians and other shitty countries is that they know the extent of our arsenal. Others might attack us out of naivety
Seen any photos of that? Whatever the strike did, it wasn't enough to stop Syria/Russia from launching attacks from that base less than 24 hours later. Ron
There are certainly photos out there of jets that were incinerated as well as the other damage. The strike was meant to send a message about the chemical attacks, I'm sure the U.S. military would have been able to continue the attack and completely destroy everything there but wouldn't you then just be complaining about it costing $200M instead of $60M?
The Russians can always get involved with us on the basis of we will be unwilling to let the conflict escalate to nuclear use. They can play the margins. That's how WWIII is likely to start. There's no way Russia and France will go to war if Austria-Hungary and Germany do a quick little mop-up operation in Serbia over a simple assassination. That's how WWI started. Remember that WWIII will not start with a nuclear exchange. It will start with all the food in your fridge spoiling when you lose power for a week and nobody can get it back on line quickly because we keep getting other failures alongside that one.
No we won't. Trump phoned the Russians and gave them a heads up so they could make sure we didn't hit their equipment. I'm sure the Russians NEVER would use that info to warn their allies a.k.a. Assad to help them avoid damage too.
And this is why I think we should ignore Syria. There's too many heads in 1 spot and 1 screw up can lead to war. As trump said during the campaign we should focus on ourselves. I'm willing to be there will soon be another chemical attack over there. https://twitter.com/i/moments/851365579638394880 Russia and Iran warn US they will 'respond with force' if red lines crossed in Syria again Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/09...ntervention-in-syria-is-just-getting-started/ "Trump stated Thursday that the goal was “to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.” The Department of Defense statement read: “The strike was intended to deter the regime from using chemical weapons again” — with the nonproliferation objective omitted. Of course, any honest observer would know that upholding international norms against the use of chemical weapons is not the actual objective of the attack. As I noted in 2013, using force unilaterally and in clear violation of international law and norms in order to uphold another international norm is a shortsighted and simply bad idea. Moreover, deterring the employment of poisonous gases hardly requires a war. In the last year for which we have complete data (2015), an estimated 97,000 people in the world (combatants and civilians) died as a direct result of armed conflicts. Maybe a few hundred of these died from chemical weapons. In a world awash with weapons and ammunition, none of the parties fighting these wars (including in Syria) needs chemical weapons, so persuading them not to use them shouldn’t require a heavy military lift. Based on my conversations with people who would know, if the Washington national security community — meaning Trump administration officials, members of Congress and their staff, pundits, and analysts — was being honest, I suspect it endorses Thursday’s strikes because it is simply fatigued by watching the suffering of civilians in Syria and war crimes committed by all sides to the conflict (although only government war crimes are ever discussed). The community feels a need to make a statement of opposition that is demonstrable and visual, to “do something.” As Trump put it before the missiles were launched: “I think what happened in Syria is a disgrace to humanity … so something should happen.”" Ron
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/07...ls-stupidity-xi-jinping-summit-syria-strikes/ "Iraq, any Chinese decisionmaker will tell you, “bought us a decade.” Before 9/11, it looked as though the United States was moving to seriously contain China. Afterward, the Asia-Pacific languished as American lives and money bled out in Fallujah and Kandahar. While the United States was mired in the Middle East and Afghanistan, China was building factories, economic alliances, and artificial islands. As much as the Chinese publicly decry U.S. strategists’ suspicions about China’s rise to the forefront of the global stage, in private they see these concerns as both logical and inevitable — hence the popularity among Chinese international relations theorists of the “Thucydides Trap,” the idea that an emerging power will always clash with the existing hegemon. The United States went into Iraq for no good reason, spent a trillion dollars, and came out with nothing." Ron
Trump to sell attack planes to Nigeria for Boko Haram fight WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will move forward with the sale of high-tech aircraft to Nigeria for its campaign against Boko Haram Islamic extremists despite concerns over abuses committed by the African nation's security forces, according to U.S. officials. Congress is expected to receive formal notification within weeks, setting in motion a deal with Nigeria that the Obama administration had planned to approve at the very end of Barack Obama's presidency. The arrangement will call for Nigeria to purchase up to 12 Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft with sophisticated targeting gear for nearly $600 million, one of the officials said. https://a.msn.com/r/2/BBzD8bt?m=en-us
N. Korea vows response to 'reckless' U.S. move, says ready for 'war' North Korea denounced Washington's deployment of a naval strike group to the Korean Peninsula Tuesday, warning it was ready for "war" in a further escalation of tensions in the region. "This goes to prove that the US reckless moves for invading the DPRK have reached a serious phase," said a spokesman for the North's foreign ministry according to state-run KCNA news agency, in Pyongyang's first comment since the deployment https://a.msn.com/r/2/BBzG2PV?m=en-us
Why the hell is the US "selling" aircraft made in Brazil? Isn't there a capable company in the US that can employ some Americans who might welcome that $600 million?