Blackwater founder held meeting to establish Trump-Russia back channel "Blackwater founder Erik Prince met with a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin in early January in what The Washington Post reports was an apparent effort to create a back channel line of communications between Moscow and the incoming Trump administration. The meeting, on the Seychelles islands, reportedly occurred less than two weeks before President Trump’s inauguration. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed to arrange the meeting in order to see if Russia might roll back its support for Iran, including in the Syrian civil war, the Post reports." Ron
Who needs immunity? Donald Trump and Mike Flynn know: Ron
Surveillance of political opposition okay in today's Democratic Party. Sad!
I know cons like to pretend their opinions are facts. But can you be a little more subtle than citing the WSJ opinion page? You can't make this up.
Getting bit in the ass can be painful. Too bad. Another example of the "law of unintended consequences"..
CIA attempted a coup by funding a propaganda media machine against the president to solicit rioting and hatred. This same underground government devised a terrorist attack and framed it on a Muslim with strong views on US politics. Retired US spy just discovered the underground government sent CIA agents to assassinate the president, more to follow.
I heard the CIA paid the 911 hijackers on Obama's orders from Hillary's offshore Cayman Island account that was funded by Whitewater..
Update: Putin props up Assad. Syrians try to flee. Trump bans those refugees out of fear. Assad poisons them.Trump blames Obama for their poisoning deaths. .....back to your regularly scheduled reality TV programming
I'm sorry what? I thought this was the thread for Homeland after reading its content. Sorry about that.