Saw it today. Scarlett Johansson played a great role as the dupe turned avenger. For all you CGI freaks, this is YOUR movie! I doubt if they ever left the studio lot to shoot most of this movie. Good plot overall although it wasn't real hard to figure out. Typical evil bad guy, guilt ridden scientist, hard core good guys, nameless bad guys. Not many slow stretches either. Not much for a supporting role as this was pretty much all about Scarlett. IMO, it reminded me of a rather strange mash up of Lucy and Blade Runner. I would also recommend to see this movie in 3D and/or IMAX. The graphics should win an award as they indeed were far above average. Definetly worth the price of admission! Oh yeah, Scarlett Johansson has a really hot bod... Cman out...
I have yet to see the anime for Ghost in the Shell...Def want to check it out. I saw Zookeeper's Wife with the wife. Great movie.
Jessica Chastain! Need to see that this week. Did not realize it was already out. As for Ghost in the Shell: probably wait for HBO.
I wouldn't call myself an anime lover by any means, but Ghost in the Shell is probably one of my favorites of all time. Obviously with it being made, it's a cult classic so I am curious to see how it goes over with the fans. While I want to see it, I think I will wait til it's 5 bucks on Comcast.