JB, Trump knew that going in. In fact, didn't he play that up to his followers? He isn't the great outsider anymore but is dead center in the swamp he pledged to drain. Turning all that campaign rhetoric into policy was a nice fantasy but Trump has come face to face with "Washington". He appointed people to head agencies that were mostly large campaign donors, but the folks closest to him are more on the fringe than in the loop. He really doesn't have anyone experienced enough to know how to navigate thru the twists and turns of foggy bottom. Trump has two choices. He can continue to govern by edict and pretend to campaign for 2020 OR, he learns how to do the job he was elected to do and stop acting like a petulant child. The country will survive Donald Trump. Of that I have no doubt. This may be a pretty hard lesson for the USA too. Elect people that actually know what they're doing or endure the nonsense that is the Trump Presidency. Either that or the Cold Civil War will only get warmer..
Several countries have done that already. It's a one-way trip to the shitter but hey it would make for great fake news all the way down. It would be amusing watching the US Arms Industry use Globalization to relocate to other countries during the process. I'm sure China would pay top renming to them now that all their dollars were suddenly valueless.
Would you please stop pretending that Trump is a genuine political actor? Trump is P.T. Barnum and Bernie Madoff combined. He won the election because half of the electorate consists of televison addicted ignoramuses. Even responsible Republicans have nothing to do with him: Would you please stop pretending that Trump is a genuine political actor? Trump is P.T. Barnum and Bernie Madoff combined. He won the election because half of the electorate consists of televison addicted ignoramuses. Even responsible Republicans have nothing to do with him: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/03/trumps-epa-cuts-budget/521223/ "There are a number of health risks inherent to the proposed budget cuts, thanks in part to Trump’s promises to leave only “a little bit” of federal regulations. For example, the EPA Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention runs a program that screens and tests endocrine disruptors, which are harmful chemicals that pose a threat to reproductive health and children’s growth and development. Under the Trump budget, funding for this program would be cut from $7.5 million to $445,000—rendering the program inoperable and ineffective. Trump also wants to significantly cut the federal radon program to the tune of 80 percent. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is believed to cause lung cancer and is linked to 21,000 deaths annually. An estimated one in 15 homes has high levels of the gas, and this small program promotes radon testing in homes." Ron
Maybe this isn't a game he can win, but that would point more to the fact that Washington politics, being Republicans and Democrats, are the problem whose sole interest is their continued existence in power and keeping anyone not them out, as opposed to Trump's ability. And what do we get in response from the battered wives like Ron -- a doubling down on the support for his party of choice.
Ron, Donald J Trump is POTUS. That by definition makes him a genuine political actor. It really doesn't matter what you'd LIKE for the situation to be, this IS the situation and you would be wise to deal with it. PT Barnum never had the nuclear launch codes and Bernie Madoff cannot declare war or authorize an airstrike. Donald J Trump can do all of those things while sending out yet another idiotic tweet storm. Donald J Trump can send ICE into homes and drag people into the streets for deportation. Donald J Trump can do real time damage in the real world. That's some of the power that comes with being POTUS. Donald J Trump can either continue being the Child in Chief, or he can learn how to do his job which should keep his ass off the golf course. We'd better hope for all our sakes DJT wakes up and at the same time, grows up. God help us all if he doesn't....
The two party system is definitely part of the problem at this point - specifically the fact that it allows capital to focus support down only two productive pathways in the political system, blocking other pathways in the process. The two productive pathways (by productive meaning able to produce things for their backers) then defend their turf and create bottlenecks against reform and innovation. Before Citizens United we had a major problem but CU really locked in the lanes while simultaneously forcing both parties to the outside of their respective lanes.
Do conservative voters actually buy into the bullshit that climate change is a 'hoax'? I've noticed they're trying to soften the language from 'hoax' and denial of climate change, to accepting climate change but denying carbon dioxide is the cause, and now accepting climate change but denying humans have any impact on it. And when all else fails, they say if the Chinese isn't reducing carbon why should we?... Pruitt is the biggest weasel in the administration......and that's saying a lot considering Bannon and Sessions.. His mere presence at the EPA is a conflict of interest. It just boils down to policies intended to make filthy rich energy executives richer, without regard to anything else including the environment, wildlife, coastal cities, the future of this planet, etc......gotta make a couple extra bucks. typical... For more on Pruitt... https://www.yahoo.com/news/epa-chie...s-how-much-we-contribute-to-it-174107546.html http://www.newsweek.com/scott-pruit...rss/yahoous/news&yptr=yahoo&hl=1&noRedirect=1
Conservative voters are notably servile towards authoritarian figures that represent many of their beliefs. They will often believe just about anything an authoritarian figure related to the Conservative Movement says. So it's up to the Conservative Movement to make this change and relay the (dog whistle) change to their voters. Scientists and Civic Planners not being held in high esteem by the Conservative Movement have not been able to sway Conservative voters on the issue.
"If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/apr/02/donald-trump-north-korea-china
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_..._was_keeping_tabs_on_trump_s_russia_ties.html "Perhaps some credit is due Trump here. The uproar over unmasking is a reminder that however incompetent he is at governing, he has an undeniable talent for propaganda and manipulation. The central fact of this episode—that members of Trump’s transition were talking to people that the U.S. was spying on—doesn’t, on its surface, look great for the president, given the multiple investigations into his Russia ties. That one of these figures was caught lying about those ties and lost his job because of it—and is now trying to request immunity in exchange for his testimony—looks worse. Yet through an act of narrative jujitsu, Trump and his allies have turned evidence that our intelligence agencies noticed their questionable contacts into vindication of their wild conspiracy theories. As we know from Whitewater, Benghazi, and the never-ending probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server, Republicans are good at creating phantasmagorical pseudo-scandals that eat up lots of investigative energy and leave a vague impression of impropriety without proving much. We’ll probably be hearing about “unmasking” for as long as Trump remains in office. The real scandal, however, almost certainly lies in how he got there." Ron