It's astounding to me that the know-nothing hypocrites who wouldn't let whole-lotta-nothin' Whitewater and Hillary's email "scandal" alone now say nothing about this: This whole Russia thing is mind-boggling, yet not a word. Republicans claim to be holier than thou patriotic Americans, and everyone on both sides of the aisle should be zeroed in on this Russia scandal, but not a word from anyone except Graham and McCain. Ron "In a statement responding to the story, Democratic National Committee aide Zac Petkanas tied the White House's push to block Yates's testimony to the cancelled hearing, arguing that Nunes is working with the White House to hide information. “Now we know why Chairman Nunes canceled the hearing today. This isn’t an investigation into Donald Trump’s ties to Russia — it’s a cover-up," he said." Ron
Trump & Republicans are laughingstocks: Do Fox News viewers know what laughingstocks they are? Judge Jeannine: "Paul Ryan, you come in with all your swagger and experience, and you sell him a bill of goods which ends up a complete and total failure....I wanna be clear, this is not on President Trump. No one expected a business man to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process." What? What exactly was Trump campaigning on? Ron
Ron Ron Ron, Then why'd Susan McDougal spend time in the hoosegow for having "nothing to say" about that "whole-lotta-nothing" Whitewater thing? .
Another terrible decision by a hapless administration......which should not be overshadowed. Way to prioritize big corporations and lobbyists over individual citizens, yet again..
Everyone that frequents will be getting massive amounts of emails for Xa.nax and Cymbalta. Must be why xa.nax is already a banned word on TGG, hence the need for the period in there.
haha well if they're buying the user browsing history, they might just find 90% of internet usage spent on porn and complaining about the Jets.. so maybe we get the last laugh?
Funny thing about Trumpcare and Trump's tax plan: they benefit coastal elites and hurt working class people. Yeah I get the working class's frustration that Hillary looked down on them. But as we can see, Trump looks down on them too. In fact he thinks so low of them that he's cool with conning them into voting for him. He and his swamp demons are probably laughing their heads off in the White House right now. Isn't that worse?
Flynn offers to testify on Russia ties in exchange for immunity: report President Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has reportedly told the FBI that he is willing to testify about the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, in exchange for immunity from prosecution, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
Whether you voted for him or not..... whether it was because you believed his bullshit or just because Hillary was a lying snake , is ANYONE really happy with this guy?!? HO LEE FUK
How on earth is Hillary a lying snake? And the lesser of two evils? She is a perfectly competent government official. She may not have been Abraham Lincoln, but certainly the most qualified candidate for president since the first Bush. Ron
HoTJ is definitely the only real poster in this thread for the bleeders. As much as I'd like to bash him, he gives real opinions about the issues and awaits an argument. The rest of the doofs just keep regurgitating opinions from other people and spread their peacock wings like they understand something.
Nothing like being a battered wife, defending your political party while they continuously screw you over.