Welcome to the world where "might have" is absolute and video evidence is "fake news locker room talk."
Why is it so hard for Trumpkins to understand that there was NO WIRETAPPING ORDERED BY OBAMA!! Surveillance doesn't necessarily mean wiretapping except when you're a trump troll like Nunes. You people are so desperate to vindicate your leader that you'll cling to anything no matter how far fetched. I hope for Nunes sake that his sources are legit or he'll be categorized as just another Trump paid liar. I believe there was a Justice dept investigation that started because... wait for it: THE RUSSIAN MOB WAS LAUNDERING MONEY IN A SUITE 3 FLOORS BELOW TRUMP'S SUITE. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...on-us-money-laundering-alimzhan-a7642851.html http://abcnews.go.com/US/story-fbi-wiretap-russians-trump-tower/story?id=46266198 http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/c...be-russian-mafia-boss/6j7Go6Hrm2wBerHXDEWC4M/ I know this isn't gonna stop the insanity that are Trump Supporters... Its a lost cause with them.. Even though here is yet another Russia thread to the POTUS. Nunes is nothing but a Trump troll in the mold of Kellyanne and Spicer and his only job on this committee is to keep the truth from coming out.
I'm afraid that it's just too late. They've been on this since June 2016 and so far nothing has gone anywhere. Hard to get anything done when the other end(Russia) is playing a game of whack-a-mole taking out any key targets with car bombs, fake suicides, and a host of other tricks, while our end--namely the political party in power-- is doing the cover-up work for them and playing defense at hearings.
FBI has info suggesting coordination between Trump aides, Russia: report (This is Breaking News. Nothing concrete yet..) https://a.msn.com/r/2/BByBR4C?m=en-us The FBI has information suggesting that associates of President Trump may have worked with Russian operatives to release information aimed at hurting former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign, CNN reported Wednesday, citing U.S. officials. FBI Director James Comey on Monday revealed that his agency is investigating Trump and his aides' potential ties to Russia, as well as possible coordination with Moscow. The revelation confirmed months-long speculation that Trump's aides were included in federal probes of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Questions about his and his aides' ties to Russia have roiled Trump's young administration. His first National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resigned last month amid revelations that he discussed sanctions with Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from investigations into the Trump campaign after it was revealed that he failed to disclose two meetings with Kislyak that happened during Trump's presidential bid.
https://newrepublic.com/minutes/141...g-also-providing-political-cover-donald-trump "Devin Nunes, the guy investigating Russian election-meddling, is also providing political cover for Donald Trump. Two days ago, Nunes grilled FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers during a House hearing ostensibly convened to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election—as it turned out, Nunes was more concerned about the source of leaks showing contact between Trump’s team and Russian officials, not the nature of the contact itself. Now, Nunes is engaged in a very strange bit of political theater. On Wednesday, he was told by a “source”—an anonymous source—that Trumpland’s communications after the election were “incidentally” collected by U.S. national security agencies. Nunes insisted that the the surveillance, weirdly enough, was not related to Russia. Nunes then informed Paul Ryan of this development. Then, without briefing his colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee, he went to the White House to tell Donald Trump and do a press conference. Trump said that the information, which had nothing to do with his accusation that Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, “somewhat” vindicated his claim that Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. “I very much appreciate the fact that they found what they found,” he said. Nunes, meanwhile, also hinted that something nefarious was going—perhaps also orchestrated by Barack Obama. “Some of it seems to be inappropriate. ... I don’t know if the American people would be comfortable with what I’ve read,” he said. Trump says he feels “somewhat” vindicated by Nunes: “I very much appreciated the fact that they found what they found”. pic.twitter.com/PwuEaICG2q — Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 22, 2017 So what the hell is going on here? The simplest explanation is that Nunes received a speck of evidence that could be packaged in such a way that, if you squint real hard, vindicates Trump’s paranoid tweets about being wiretapped by the Obama administration. He then rushed that information to Trump so he could use it as political cover. Nunes, despite admitting that the Trump transition team was not the “target” of surveillance and that Trump Tower was not wiretapped, could only have kickstarted his strange and bewildering string of events for that purpose. It’s worth noting three things here. One, it’s possible that Nunes’s own communications were swept up, since he was a member of Trump’s transition team. Two, being caught up in surveillance by the U.S. government should be a cause for suspicion, at least to the head of the House Intelligence Committee. Third, Nunes is supposed to be investigating the Trump campaign’s relationship with the Russian government. He is justifying his behavior by claiming that the information is not related to Russia. But still, this doesn’t change the fact that a man that has been tasked with investigating the president embarked on a bizarre stunt seemingly for the sole purpose of insulating the president from criticism." Ron
"I totally saw a document, but I don't have it myself and have no proof any said document ever actually existed. Just totally trust me, I stand to gain nothing from making shit up."
Of course republicans in congress prefer Pence. Pence is one of them, Trump is not. This is a good ol boy club, on both sides, that have dictated who the President will be while fooling Americans into thinking it's their choice. Until Trump defeated them both.
"Drain the swamp" is about establishment, both sides of the aisle. No ordinary politician would have been capable of such a feat. Trump is surrounded by snakes and enemies; paid for propaganda media; fake news. It's incredible what he has been able to accomplish so far, out maneuvering all; across the board. Alexander the Great 2.0.... first the Greek shills, then the Persian dogs.
Trump threatening Republicans that if they don't pass his healthcare bill tomorrow he is sticking with Obamacare. Man child strikes again!
Breitbart is hammering Paul Ryan over Trumpcare. We all know Trumpcare sucks, but right wing extremists have nothing better. Like always they're looking for a scapegoat to cover up the truth libs knew all along: they can't fucking govern.
White House said to plan to blame Ryan if health bill fails http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/polit...to-blame-ryan-if-health-bill-fails/ar-BByHzBY
I don't understand why you are ridiculing him for this. This is a no-lose strategy for him. If they cave and pass it now, he's a hero. If they don't he doesn't take the rap for it, they do. The nitwit gumps who breathlessly support him aren't going to think any less of him no matter the outcome. He's played this pretty goddamn well. And I hate the fuck.