Thought I'd share. I shared a picture from Mo's Instagram to Manish after this article was released and mentioned to do some research. 3 minutes later, he sends me a private message defending himself. What a fool, this guy is trash. PS- I was blocked right after I replied
He's rocking those fresh Jordan 11 Space Jams tho. But in all reality he's probably beefing up to play nose tackle so we can effectively make the switch to the 4-3 once and for all. He might be a little out of shape but definitely not enough to warrant an article by that hack. It has to be tough to carrying 6'6" 320 around and always look like a physical specimen at all times.
Seems that Mo has responded. I'll say it again. If Mehta lit a fire under Mo then job well done!
It seems that more people here care that Mehta wrote the story than care how valid the point is. First, let's deal with the allegations then, if they're proven false, deal with the reporter.
6 pages of talking about pictures is not enough proof for you? Or you prefer eyewitness accounts? ... Waitasecund.... Manish? That's you?
It's not proven false unless Mo Wilkerson walks into Raletard's living room with a doctor and has a body fat measurement done.
When are you going to grow up, Sonny? When are you going to deal with a topic without making things personal? Do us both a favor, just put me on ignore or read it and keep your childish comments and name calling to yourself.
Hi there, Grampy. When are you not going to stroll into a thread and make a completely incorrect blanket statement about everyone? When will you stop making invalid judgments about a thread, Crustfather? I'll answer one question. I'll never put you on ignore, because I really do enjoy your misplaced sense of superiority, which is unearned and miles away from the truth. Keep on truckin', you're one of my faves.
I've seen the pictures, I've read the comments but I didn't see the guy at Temple or talk to anyone who did and I don't know when the pictures were taken, only when they were posted. He could be 285 today or 385 - I really don't give a crap and won't until his work is affected. Of all the times guys here have complained about Manish, I don't remember anyone actually showing a quote of his that was factually incorrect and the way people carry on it sounds like an every day occurrence. I never read his columns unless someone posts them here so I really don't give a flying fuck about him but I think it's ridiculous that so many posters get after him because he called their baby ugly. This is an extremely ugly baby I've been following for over 50 years.
Mehta has to prove that Mo is indeed overweight, NOT us proving he is not. It's absolutely stunning that you apply no checks in balances to a rumor from a known hack reporter, but pictures must be verified by notary public.
You shouldn't have to prove him wrong, when he can't even prove himself correct, that kind of goes against logic and defeats the purpose of investigative journalism. That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. The guy is a piece of crap and didn't even fact check this story before running with it. His entire story is based on 2 sources that he didn't even cite (as usual). Based on Mo's recent Instagram and twitter pictures, he looked pretty in shape. Most NFL lineman have guts by the way, so it's kind of expected that he WILL have some kind of gut, but the report seems to be pure libel and there is evidence against it. I still want to see that treadmill picture and pictures of Mo from the Pro Day at Temple.
This was supposed to be under the radar... but a couple of us at TGG have signed Mehta up for the Mars colony. He has no fucking clue, but it has already been paid in full and his little bitch ass cannot back out now.