It's easy to be rich when you're born rich. Trump could have put his inheritance into the stock market and come out richer than he is now. His talent isn't making money, it's self-promotion and suckering people into trusting him with their money. And damn is he talented at suckering people.
'trumpcare' isn't even a thing yet as it hasn't been passed and probably won't. The proposal should be called 'Ryancare' anyway because Trump has nothing to do with it - -too complicated for him. Trump is more of the 'all talk, no work' kind of fellow. Sitting down and writing up a healthcare proposal just ain't his thing. Now, nerds like Paul Ryan, yes. Trump is the Rex Ryan of politicians.
Nothing venture capitaled, nothing gained. In a way yes, kinda like Hillary's the Georgia Frontiere of politicians (in a Caroll Rosenbloom/Vince Foster kind of way).
I said American residents as in people who live in America. There were countless stories of people with visas and green cards kicked out.
Notwithstanding the fact that he said he would replace the ACA. He certainly may (whether or not he can is questionable) submit a proposal to the congress they can use to be the basis for enabling legislation.
Seven years of nothing but complaining about Obamacare and republicans still can't come to any consensus so Ryan proposes Obamacare-lite
Temporary 1099 construction jobs, and walk in manufacturing/mining jobs. SWEET. I really think Trump thinks ordinary Americans put on their hard hat and go to the construction yard or assembly line like it was the Industrial Age. Keep the common man down by sticking him in job where he has no development of soft/hard skills and just repeat a process a million times. Forgive me for not having pity on these people if they can't find jobs because they didn't see that their occupations were going to be done by robots at some point in the 21st century.
I would need proof before I believe those jobs are anything other than what I wrote above... 1099's and positions that people only take if they have no other skills. I wasn't giving Obama high fives when his team was touting job numbers that were heavily reliant on increased jobs in the restaurant and retail industries during the holiday season.
I guess there really was no wiretapping after all. Except in his mind that is... Maybe someone should double the dosage on Trump's sleeping pills so he stops tweeting stupid shit over night. At the very least, TAKE HIS F'N PHONE AWAY!! I'm trying to take the man seriously but dayum, this is starting to get ridiculous. Wiretapping means exactly that. Please Trump People, talk to your guy. Bring him back from the abyss. Drag him off the crazy train before its too late.
Busy ex president; Omaha with Buffett , then Silicon Valley private meeting, then Hawaii private meeting... 2 days later block on travel EO from Hawaiian judge and old friend of president x. Sedition is fun.
Really??? Obama used British Intelligence to spy on Trump? For the love of God just stop JV with all the off the wall conspiracy theories already. Your president might be batshit crazy, but that's no reason for you to go down the rabbit hole with him.