The Dunces Have Elected A Dunce

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by RonPi, Nov 14, 2016.

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  1. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Let's ignore the fact that Congress has the power to authorize war, not the President. And Hillary was one who authorized it (and regrets it to this day). Lucky for her that despite the peoples distaste for this action, over 90% of the Democratic Congress was returned to power at the next election.

    Nice to see the RonPi Spin-O-Matic is still in full force.
  2. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Arguing? Not rioting? So classless.
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Congress is a check box on military action these days because Presidents don't need congressional authority to conduct police actions, surgical strikes, island invasions quickly completed, etc.

    The US has fought major wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq without a Declaration of War anywhere near the event.

    The last time the US actually declared War on anybody was June 5th, 1942 when Congress declared war on Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania.
  4. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    That was the last time Congress initiated the Declaration. There have been 23 times they have done so after Executive action, including Hillary et al regarding Irag. The RonPi Spin-O-Matic statement that Bush alone authorized an unnecessary war is still incorrect.
  5. RonPi

    RonPi Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    Bush and his advisors pushed for the war, and lied to the American people and to congress, including Clinton,
    that there weapons of mass destruction that necessitated it. What planet are you on?

    HomeoftheJets likes this.
  6. RonPi

    RonPi Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    Everything's just going swimmingly, don't you think?

    "That said, the American Health Care Act does accomplish one important Republican policy goal: It rains down tax cuts and other goodies on the rich.

    As I wrote yesterday, the Affordable Care Act is, in the simplest terms, a law that redistributes wealth from the rich to lower-income people so that they can purchase health insurance. The ACA’s premium subsidies are funded, in part, by taxes on the rich. The American Health Care Act repeals two taxes imposed by the ACA that fall exclusively on high earners: a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax on wages and a 3.8 percent tax on investment income. Shedding those two taxes amounts to a total tax cut of about $275 billion.

    As you would probably expect, all that money would go right back to those high earners. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, nobody making less than $200,000 annually would see one red cent from these tax cuts. People who make $500,000 to $1 million annually would receive a relatively modest $4,700 tax break. The real winners of this policy would be millionaires, who would gain an average tax reduction of $54,130. Per the center’s estimates, the top 400 earners in the country (whose annual incomes exceed $300 million) would find their taxes sliced about $7 million apiece as a result of this policy."

  7. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    jilozzo and JetsVilma28 like this.
  8. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    The planet that knows that everything you spew (mostly from Slate lololol) is utter bullshit.

    "Gee, Colin Powell says it's true, let's not do due diligence and just vote YES on everything." Planet Spin-O-Matic.

    No wonder the Cow blew a lay-up victory in 2008 and 2016.
    joe likes this.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    No. Congress has not declared war on anybody since WWII.

    They've authorized the use of force but they haven't declared that a state of war exists between the US and any country in the intervening years.

    In Iraq we intervened to knock out Saddam without ever declaring war on Iraq,
  10. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Use of Force, War, whatever....the claim that Bush alone started an unnecessary war (or use of force or grandstanding) is still RonPi Spin-O-Matic bullshit
  11. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    How did the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 differ from just calling it war? 50 or so extra letters but the same outcome.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    The difference was that congressmen were afraid that their voters might get upset when they voted on their annual raise while the low class sent children to "war" instead of "police action".

    Because the police are the good guys.

    At least they were, until Hillary said they weren't.
    The Waterboy likes this.
  13. John Lombardo

    John Lombardo Active Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    Guess you'd have to show me where riots occurred... unless you are calling a woman's march and orangized protests around the country riots...

    Which, if you were a republican, wouldn't surprise me. One person takes it too far and it becomes generalized as a riot... I saw peaceful protesters get punched in the face while being escorted out of Trump rallies... one guy said in an interview if he saw the protester again he would kill him if he had to... guess those were organized riots set up by the Trump team.

    The victim card is strong with the right.
  14. RonPi

    RonPi Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    "The first real sign of trouble came last summer, when Republican officials were putting together the party platform at their national convention in Cleveland. As regular readers know, when Republican officials were putting together the party platform, Donald Trump and his campaign team were completely indifferent towards the document and the process – with one notable exception.

    The only thing Team Trump quietly pushed was a subtle change to make the Republican platform more in line with Russia’s foreign policy preferences. One GOP congressman was quoted saying soon after that the “most under-covered story” of the Republican convention” was Team Trump’s efforts to change the party platform to be more pro-Putin.

    About a month later, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked the then-candidate about this. “I wasn’t involved in that,” Trump said. “Honestly, I was not involved.” Told that members of his team were responsible for pushing the platform in a direction Russia wanted, Trump added, “Yeah. I was not involved in that.”

    Left unresolved is why Team Trump found it necessary to change the platform, and who on the Republican’s team pushed for the change."

  15. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Over 200 rioters (not peaceful law abiding protesters) arrested the day before and day of the inauguration, which included attacks on law enforcement. You must have missed that one.

    They'd have gotten more sympathy from me had they just stayed with their therapy puppies, play dough, and "safe spaces"...
  16. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    So.... Michael Flynn, Trump's closest foreign advisor during the campaign, the disgraced former National Security Advisor, now admits he was paid $530,000 by the Turkish government as a foreign agent throughout the election campaign.

    the creator of the infamous "lock her up" chant in regards to the notion Hillary Clinton was engaged in hidden "pay-for-play" politics is now retroactively registering as a foreign agent involved in "pay-for-play" politics after previously lying to the Justice Dept about it.
    fuckin pathetic -I mean if fuckin John Grisham had wrote up this con-job we're experiencing in a fictional story he'd likely been laughed at by the publishers
    #1696 BrowningNagle, Mar 10, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    nyjetsmets89 likes this.
  17. PickSix

    PickSix Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Interesting news. More interesting is that the link you provided says nothing that you claim.

    A Turkish businessman who hired Flynn's consulting firm told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the amended filings were made in response to pressure from Justice Department officials in recent weeks. The businessman, Ekim Alptekin, said in a phone call from Istanbul that the changes were a response to "political pressure" and he did not agree with Flynn's decision to file the registration documents with the Justice Department.

    "I disagree with the filing," he said. "It would be different if I was working for the government of Turkey, but I am not taking directions from anyone in the government."

    So the article states that Flynn's firm acknowledges that the Turkish government may have benefited from the business arrangement, but nothing in the article suggests that Flynn's firm "admits he was paid $530,000 by the Turkish government as a foreign agent throughout the election campaign."

    Did you get the RonPi Spin-O-Matic as a Christmas gift, or did you buy it yourself?
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Did you miss the part where Flynn actually registered as a foreign agent?

    That kind of makes the case pretty handily that he was lobbying on behalf of the Turkish Govt no matter how anybody tries to spin it at this point.

    If he wasn't lobbying for the Turkish Govt he wouldn't have filed the amended statement. Think about it.
  19. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    LOL dude give me a break. Br4d beat me to it. Flynn himself is registering as a foreign agent from the period of august to november, what do you think that means?

    then there was this nice little OP-ed Flynn wrote on election day "Our Ally Turkey is in Crisis and Needs Our Support"

    what is even more hilarious is this line in the article: "Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clinton calls Mullah Gülen “his friend.” " -- he writes this while being directly paid by Gulen's state enemy and letting them review a draft of the article.
    what a fuckin piece of shit hypocrite.
    #1699 BrowningNagle, Mar 10, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  20. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Fucking turks.
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