I was setting my demarcation to when Bush 41 (GG) handed off to Clinton 42 (BB), but I'm catching what you are pitching.
Santa Trump was in rare form last night. To his credit, for the most part he stayed on script and read from his teleprompter.
Actually, I was hoping to see a more subdued Trump last nite. The entire Trump vs. The World thing was getting stale. He actually sounded like a President instead of a bomb thrower. Yay! Everybody is talking "reset" about Trump but IMO, just like the Jets I'm in show me mode. At least it appears they hide his phone at night now. Gotta be thankful for small favors... Now comes the hard part.. Paying for all those ideological presents Santa Trump was handing out last night. The one downer was his bringing up his stupid worthless wall again. We should be thankful he didn't add on "Mexico is gonna pay for it".. How long do we have Sane Trump? I'm hoping the next 47 months personally so I can survive it with my sanity intact.
You have offered nothing to refute my FACTS. Yes, they still exist. Come back when you're not going to whine when you hear the truth.
Well reading through, Trump seems to have been mostly on the level with his remarks last night. Needs to make the lobbying ban tighter though and start working on term limits. Not that i expect term limits to get through but need to at least start the discussion on it.
Trump isn't going to reset. If he moves it will be shifting from point to point until he is somewhere entirely different from where he started. The question is: will the experience of being President make him shift as reality intrudes on his closed worldview or will he double down on his hardest points and lock us into a non-stop cultural battle that consumes even his own party? He's 70 and that makes me lean slightly to the latter case, since older people tend to have less flexibility built in to their worldview.
I never engaged you, you engaged me, and didn't answer my question. Free yourself and put me on ignore.
Trump's idiotic "Victim's Of Immigrant Crime Engagement Office" or "VOICE" went over like a lead balloon last night judging from the audible gasp from the crowd. I could only imagine the non-reaction on that frozen face of Nancy Pelosi's-hahha.. He's projecting his 'ennui on you' (@BrowningNagle - gimme a heads up if you need that to be "Rosetta Stoned" for you mr. st. boneaventure.... Noted: . you're now an "other" . that's your male pattern baldness talking again isn't it....
A footnote on the internet and a footnote in life. On topic, Trump ain't half bad when he's reading from a teleprompter.
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_..._of_ryan_and_carryn_owens_was_a_disgrace.html "That Trump used this reality show moment to co-opt Owens’ heroism after so recklessly ordering the raid that cost him his life—and has since evaded responsibility for that raid—added insult to injury. There stood the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces, the most powerful man on the planet, having attempted within the past 24 hours to avoid responsibility for the things he could (and did) control while seeking to claim laurels for acts of valor he had no claim to. It was disgraceful. As a former Army officer, the extended ovation rankled me for other reasons too. Trump’s salute was not presidential; it was the preening of a peacock, a martinet whose very language clashes with the unselfish country-first ethos of the service. As James Fallows points out, Trump’s public tribute also smacked of so many hollow “thank you for your service” spectacles. The intent or emotion behind these events may be sincere, but they can only be viewed against the backdrop of the American civil-military divide. Fewer than 1 percent of Americans serve in uniform; fewer still have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, or other theaters of war. The show thank-yous are surely better than the alternative, which met previous generations of veterans, but they also enable American society to avoid the truly hard questions about war. It’s also impossible to excuse Trump for this spectacle given his own shameful history with respect to military service. Trump aggressively evaded service during the Vietnam War and then insultingly compared his dating experiences in New York City to combat. As a philanthropist, Trump largely ignored veterans causes and even avoided paying them during his campaign—until Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold hounded him into keeping his pledges. During his presidential campaign, Trump insulted prisoners of war, Gold Star families, Purple Heart recipients, and America’s generals. If ever there was a person who should act humbly around the military, it is Donald Trump." http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slat..._claim_yemen_raid_got_vital_intelligence.html "U.S. officials, on Wednesday, again disputed Donald Trump’s characterization of the January raid in Yemen as a success, as 10 current government officials, briefed on the operation, told NBC News the intelligence collected during the deadly raid has so far proven neither vital nor actionable....One senior Pentagon official described the information gathered as ‘de minimis,’ and as material the U.S. already knew about,” according to NBC News." Ron
Seriously, politicizing a soldier's death in combat is not cool for anybody. If the parents want to have a whack at it because they think they have cause that's one thing but everybody else should keep out of it.