Right now, we have no running game to fear. So with say 4-5 defensemen in the box, defenses can dare us to throw the ball against 6-7 defenders. Powell is okay, but he's just not an every down back. And that's the end of running backs on this team worth speaking of. Fournette can actually make things happen and opposing defenses wouldn't be able to ignore the ground game against us anymore. He's that dynamic a RB.
I really don't believe Forte is tradable even for a late round pick. Noone is going to give up a pick for him at his salary. I would love to trade Forte, draft a RB (preferably in the mid to later rounds) and sign a cheap vet for insurance. Let the rook and Powell split reps, I just don't see it as a possibility.
To be fair he was in an offense where the passing attack was AWFUL at best. He does have nice hands but I'm not so sure he's as good as Cook in that area, again It maybe a QB and system thing... He's the best pure RB in the draft, power, speed, shiftiness...he can do it all.
For the 1 millions time, seems some folks here's really feel we should not draft any offensive player until we have an NFL ready OL. So at six lets draft either a D player or way the fuck over reach for an OL. Ignore BPA and potentially a game changer on offense because our line is weak. (While we are at it let's ignore the fact that free agency has not started yet for us to beef up our OL.) Move on to the 2nd round, do the same, continue on this matter and draft by rinse and repeat. This technique is lunacy even by Jet standards. We fucking take BPA folks, particularly when it matches position of need. If it's a RB, so be it. If its a pass rusher, strike and go for it, If we are lucky enough to get an OL as BPA more the better. You get talent when you can, and you never overreach for need. Have we not learned our lesson yet? We seem to want to go back to the Vernon Gholston school of drafting
I don't think Forte is tradable either. Hence the maybe. I think he will be on the roster for 2017 , but I don't think that should be a factor in the draft. The only way I can see a possible trade would be if a team lost a starter later in camp and were desperate for a one year RB. Then maybe, but then the pick would be for next year.
IMO whether the Jets draft a RB or sign one in FA, Powell will still be here, and most likely be the backup. Bowles said that Powell dewserves a lot more touches, and Forte just cant hold up at his age, and isn't very fast.
Excuse my ignorance, I do understand the term BPA but who actually decides who is the BPA on draft day ?
The GM , based on input from his scouting department , his own review and the interview process. At least that is how it is supposed to work. I know I read alot of post crediting Mancini with some picks made when he was coach and blaming Rex for picks when he was coach. I don't know the actual structure of the franchise , if the coaches had final say over player personnel when Mancini and Rex coached here or if the GM and coach went to Woody and he decided but hopefully Mac has final say, especially since it appears we are going full rebuild.
Well that is how I thought it would work but then when you read people's posts in here then you start to wonder, take BPA they scream but how do they then know if he wasn't BPA on the coaches/GM's list, or like in the case of Williams he is always referred to as the BPA and indeed expected off the board long before our pick, so then I wondered if there was some other "expert" list that people worked off. When you read NFL.com and the amount of experts they have doing round 1 drafts, we never get the same player ever, some have us reaching for a QB and other a defensive player and 1 had us with Fournette. I would prefer Fournette myself and hope he would have a similar effect for us as EE did for the Cowboys.
Actually its a very valid question. We are at the mercy of the GM with strong inputs from the total scouting team. They rack and stack players in order based on some homegrown evaluation point system. I read somewhere is a very laborious and man power intensive system than begins month before the season is even over. They have a special room with all the info on the wall/computers that they update almost to draft date. Its a secure room with special access code and very limited access. The short of it is if we have a top notch draft/GM team you succeed more often than not. The jury is still out IMO for Mac and his crew.
The experts mock drafts will change repeatedly over the months leading up to the draft. They rarely agree and then come draft week they change their minds according to feedback they receive from different teams. They don't get much insight to the players personalities or intelligence through interviews. If you remember, the "experts all had Geno Smith as the top QB, then a top 10 pick. This year Pat Machines was a late round to UDFA , then mid round now top 15 pick. They never get the picks right. I doubt a single GM even looks at the experts big boards. Every team has a plan in place that the experts only guess at. The better teams execute their plans better than the lesser teams. Even now, it's too early to really know what will happen to team rosters before the draft, who will be released, signed in FA. That will shape the draft more than any experts mock draft. The best mock drafts will be lucky to match 5-6 players to the team that drafts them and that will be the final mock draft. Fans start reading the mocks too early. After all, it's a dead time in the season and not much else to keep the interest. Then get upset if the team doesn't pick the player mocked to them. The board right now is full of debate on Fournett vs Cook. They are honestly 1a and 1b. Each has pros and cons and either can be a bust or a beast. It's a matter of finding the right fit for each one. Draft Cook and expect him to run between the tackles and he likely busts. Same with Fournett, try to get him going to the sidelines instead of running him behind a fullback and he's a bust. Most experts don't consider the scheme a team will be running. He'll we don't know what the Jets will be running. We are assuming Morton installs a west coast system, it would make sense to assume that, but only the FO knows exactly what the plan is. Who fits better. This year will show us what Mac's philosophy really is. Year one he had to rely on the evaluations of the scouting department he inherited. Year two Woody drove the bus demanding the Fa signings ( Shitzpatric and Mevis). This will be a very telling off season.
We don't get overly much information on the college game over in the UK tbh, so once the names are out and the combine stats are in then we can see a little better the skill set of the draft class for the season to come. It is always a little annoying the lack of info and on that score maybe you can sift through your memory and see if you can remember a young RB that was small and very powerfully built that we were linked with, think it was Rex Ryan's last season, the guy was like a little cannonball with blonde hair and he looked good on tape, I have always wondered what happened to him, he was just smashing through his college opposition, he could very well have been 2nd or 3rd level class if such a thing exists. Us UK fans always asking something (I will leave west coast system for another day )
You might be thinking of Danny Woodhead, who I was pretty high on because of his hustle and effort, and despite his size and lack of pedigree, always seemed to make a contribution. Apparently Rex didn't. He was cut by Rex and went on to get snapped up by Bill Belichick, a guy who DOES recognize players who make his team better.
No, it wasn't him, it was only in Rex's last season, Woodhead has been at the Chargers longer than that. He may have had the nickname BamBam like Barney Rubbles son lol this guy was built like a bull just small in height, memory is a terrible thing or more to the point a bad memory I don't think this guy could have made it, somebody put up his film reel on another site I used to look at before finding here and I have even tried trawling back looking through that but couldn't find it, will probably have one more go at it when I am bored one night lol
Woodhead was with the Jets 2008 - 10. He was cut in 2010 and signed by the Pats where he played for 2 years before going to the Chargers. I don't know if he's your guy, but he fits the description.
You are talking about the full back who we signed as a UDFA I think. Chip or Chad or something like that. He couldn't beat Bohannon out in camp. Looked great on the highlight reel. Edit - Chad Young was the name. There's a thread on him somewhere.
You sir win the internet Just watching the highlight reel again and you can't believe that he didn't have enough about him to push out Bohannon from the squad