I don't have a any crayons here but I will try to imitate one: d e Fen s e j oBs are P a id fo R by t aX pay er s aS a re f Arm sub Si d i es w hiCh p aY pe oPle 2 s It o n The ir Ass a Nd n ot G r o w St u ff an D we L f a re r e du ces the # uv p eeple w ho H av e to St e A l iN o r dE r 2 eet. Understand? Trumps latest bullshit: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/02/16/donald_trump_has_changed_his_tune_on_leakers.html "“I love WikiLeaks!” then-candidate Donald Trump said at a campaign rally in October. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the internet.... ...the reasonable response from a president who wants to get to the bottom of the constant, damaging leaks would be to stop running such a horror show of an administration, and to encourage those working underneath him to stop lying all the time. It would be in his interest to stop lying so much, too." Ron
This is criminal. Lock them (Republicans) up! http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...refusing_to_investigate_the_flynn_affair.html "Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was more explicit than most, openly declaring that the party’s legislative agenda is more important than resolving the questions around Trump and the Russian government. “I just don’t think it’s useful to be doing investigation after investigation, particularly of your own party,” he said on a recent edition of the Kilmeade and Friends radio show. “We’ll never even get started with doing the things we need to do, like repealing Obamacare, if we’re spending our whole time having Republicans investigate Republicans. I think it makes no sense.”" and more lies: DOJ Says the President Is Dropping His Muslim Ban Court Fight. Trump Says He’s “Hopefully Winning That.” http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slat...ts_trump_will_stop_fighting_in_court_for.html
Actually I understand quite well the difference between a handout and a job. Your lack of intellect obviously prevents you from knowing that going to a defined location daily, for a set number of hours and performing a task requested of you by an employer is vastly different from sitting home and collecting welfare when you are able to work but refuse to. As far as farm subsidies, a Democratic President initiated the first subsidies and was followed up with more farm bills by the Dem. President that came after him. Not that I agree with subsidies but you are just a moron who throws out claims with no basis in fact. Keep trying your unfunny posts to try and hide the fact that you are clueless, probably why the vast majority of your posts are entirely the words of others.
Not sure how to post twitter stuff from the phone but hopefully that worked. Stuff like this and someone apparently taking a selfie with the dude holding the nuclear football while at the resort, has me worried as someone outside looking in.
Not" they" cman, "we". unless you denounce your citizenship we elected him,and i didn't vote for him either. half the reason he is there is because this country has become a collection of "they".
. In every interview since inauguration and even today in the press conference he continues to plug FOX and FOX & FRIENDS as the best in the media. I wonder what he'll say about them now after this.
I'm actually wondering how much of a grasp of the moment to moment situation Trump has. It was easy to consider this a strategy during the campaign designed to give him a realistic shot at the Presidency, with most of the media against him. However he's won the thing now and if it was just a strategy, well he's long past the point where it is helping him. How rational is he going to be in the Situation Room when stuff comes up?
I'm actually wondering how liberals really see the next 4 years playing out. Don't just throw your anger and hatred out there, make some predictions. The guy is the next Hitler, right? Let's get some real predictions out here so you can take credit for knowing what was going to happen. Unless, of course, you're just venting and don't have a real understanding of what is going on. I'll let you use that last part as your escape. Ron, of course, is excused, since he's obviously mentally deficient.
No FJF I had it right the first time. "THEY" elected him but WE have to live with this borderline senile old man. What a lot of you are conveniently forgetting is that a good part of this anger is the reaction to how Obama and his family were shit on the last 8 years. In particular, the Birther-In-Chief. So what's good for the goose.. is good for the gander. Yeah, its called payback and Karma is indeed a cast iron bitch. Trump has REALLY thin skin and we're gonna use that to crack him. Yep, we're gonna shit on 45 every time he provides the opportunity to do it and Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. 45 along with a lot of you, should just get used to this turmoil as it is or will become the new norm. We on the left will not let up and as long as 45 keeps his war going with the media, we'll have a very powerful ally.
Ok I'll play. I think Trump either learns how to deal with "Washington" and what being POTUS really means OR, he cracks like an egg because his ego won't let him accept that over half the country simply doesn't like him and most likely never will. One thing is certain: Barring another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, this country will never be "united" again under any president. Just the way it is..
I think this will settle into some weird state of normalcy where his top flunkies will really take over large discretionary functions of the office. He'll be much more of a figurehead than recent presidents, and the contours of how authority is delegated will be highly unusual and unsettling. I think the military and intelligence establishments eventually lock his administration out of their realms entirely. I also think the NY Times will write unflattering things about him on a regular basis.
This is true. Our country unites solely under tragedy and nothing else and even that only lasts for a few months. It is the nature of a country that is divided into 50 unique sections that is filled with multicultural idealizations. Trump needs to get over himself and just continue to do what he does without bitching and whining. I voted for the guy because I felt he was the less of two evils but this constant whining is insufferable and completely unproductive.