What are you talking about? Caught with their pants down about what? She did nothing. And why didn't the FBI call out Trump before the election like they did with Hillary? I sometimes wonder if I should just leave the right wing idiots alone to fester in their ignorance or try to educate them. Here goes: Most right-wingers are the beneficiaries of government handouts, whether it's a government job, a job in the defense industry supported by the government, on a farm being paid farm subsidies, being paid social security, getting their medical care through government medical programs like Medicare, not to mention the huge tax breaks that the wealthy enjoy thanks to the wealthy republicans who created them in government. Right-wing, alt-right types are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Ron
And the best news I've had in weeks: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slat...withdraws_nomination_for_labor_secretary.html Well, maybe not: "It should be pointed out, too, that Puzder’s loss of Republican support has little to do with his record of pulverizing low-wage workers as a boss. That was the whole point of considering him! And they would’ve gotten away, too, if it wasn’t for that Oprah. Ah, well. Trump should have no difficulty finding another rich person with a horrendous record on, and future ambitions for, the degradation of working conditions to put in charge of American labor policy." Ron
So my question to you is why do you let the spin of the media affect you? Before you say it's not, it seems that it does because you choose to focus on the fact that they have chosen a side. I don't know who the guy who tweeted that is, and could not care less about his point he was trying to get across. But what I did read, and this is reality, is that Trump was asked a question about an increase in Anti-Semitic behavior in the US.... And the answer was focused on him winning the election and how he is going to bring love all the while not addressing the focus of the question once until he referred to having Jewish friends. I mean, come on JV.. That answer was bad political BS, I hope he was waving his hands with 2 thumbs up while saying it. I am sorry if you feel people aren't allowed to come up with that opinion on their own because the media seems to agree.
So Trump lets up on his anti-China, pro-Taiwan approach, and the Chinese reward him: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/china-awards-trump-valuable-trademark-45504953 Nah, there are no conflicts of interest. Not at all. And why won't Trump let us see his taxes? That couldn't have something to do with conflicts of interest, could it? Nah, couldn't be. Ron
This is the problem unfortunately. You can't just have a problem that Trump is a pathological liar and he is president or that his administration is beyond embarrassing as an American citizen. If you think that, then you apparently want open boarders, you want to support the Middle East and whatever else the Liberal agenda is that I just don't care about.
You want to call right wingers idiots and you post this? A government job is a handout? A job in the defense industry is a handout? Social Security and Medicare, which most people pay into for 30 plus years, is a handout? You claim people who have actual fucking jobs, who pay taxes year in and year out are getting handouts? You have just removed all doubt about how much of a moron you are. Oh and since you are too blinded by your partisanship, the "caught with their pants down" was the media feeding questions to Donna Brazile for her to send to Clinton. The reason the FBI called out Clinton and not Trump during the election was because she was the one currently being investigated.
Brilliant reply, wrote her lawyer a blank check? So she told her lawyer, "Charge me whatever you want". Makes as much sense as most of your posts, which is little to none.
Just waiting for politicians outside of trump and usa screaming fake news to shoot the messenger and stonewall the real facts and not alternate facts. If it works for trump why not .... Trump is way out of his depth. Running a private company where he made the ultimate decision for him and family is not like running a government where there are 260 million stakeholders. Watching this show 20000km away scares the shit out of me. Getting the names of world leaders wrong by the press spokesman may be semantics but it indicates to me they have nfi . I worry about dealing with NK , china , russia , iran . All potential timebombs with the wrong decision attitude or 140 character tweet with insifficent detail. His nepotism towards family and mates giving jobs has the makings Of a f... up.Harraning retailers for dropping ivankas product is the spoilt brat in him. she cant have it both ways, working in thegovernment and selling product to retailers. This is one president where conflict of intrest is a serious matter..Good luck to the next president who has to deal with all the timebombs he leaves .His arrogancy will mean he wont leave quitely whether it be 4 years , 8 years or sometime in 8 years. He really is the apprentice in his new job.
"The leaks are absolutely real, the news is fake, because so much of the news is fake," Mr Trump said. 1:31pm est during random press conference..
This dysfunction didn't happen with President Obama. Is it that the world is out to get Trump or that Trump is seriously messed up?
It's pretty clear that the first of those two propositions is real. The second is probably true also, although sorting that out while Trump is taking so much incoming flak is going to be hard too accomplish. He really is the best representative for all the people out there who think the political system is irretrievably broken. He's also the best representative for the billionaires who increasingly own everything on earth. That's a volatile mixture and of course he's a ginger also which squares the volatility factor.
It's kind of like when a crazy person says, "I'm not crazy, everyone else is crazy." What are the actual odds that's it's everyone else who is crazy versus you being the crazy one?
I actually listened to his presser today. I was impressed that he actually took questions from news outlets that weren't white nationalist in nature. Once again as if on cue, he went to his "Electoral College" crutch and once again, he was proven wrong by a reporter. His excuse? He was "given" this information. He problem? He accepted it as truth which means he accepted the messenger as authentic. Trump also touted his 55% approval rating. That number must have come from a poll at Trump Tower. He spent a great deal of time talking about himself of course and even found time to bash Hillary Clinton. Gassing up imaginary numbers and again, defending his "Blow Putin" policy towards the Soviet Union. Yeah, I said Soviet Union. Trump mentally doesn't seem up to this job of POTUS. Ruling by decree aka: EO will surely be his undoing as he really is sidelining even his ever more shakey GOP support. How would you like to be a Senator or Congressman going back to your district touting "fake news" and "Hillary Clinton" in some effort to divert attention away from what's happening with their tacit approval. Thanks to Trump, the Left has never been more mobilized and emboldened. Thanks to Trump, the snowflakes have become a snowstorm and slowing is becoming a blizzard. I'm sure the 40% enjoy this spectacle.