So Trump gets a huge boost in the election because of leaked emails from Hillary, says it was a good thing because incriminating evidence came out of it... Now in a press conference he denounces the fact that Flynn's actions were leaked to the media. My god, when will it end.
Shoe is definitely on the other foot. All about optics and which lense you choose to look through. I'm not going to sugar coat the Flynn fiasco, bc it does smell bad. But akin to Russian hackers to blame for election results. "The bugged conversation could have been a legal wiretap of a Russian national, but the leak violated the law".
I don't think anyone can be proud with leaks from the government, or a 3rd party like Wikileaks somehow getting a hold of this information and leaking it no matter who they benefit. My whole stance on this guy is everyone has been alive when a President who doesn't share their views has been elected, it's not about that for me. It's just the mess that is this administration, and the blatant lies/"alternative facts" that he has used since day 1 to generate a following through fear and hate. Unemployment is really 42 percent? That whole thing about abortions ("ripped from the womb a week before birth) during one of the debates? Everything negative is fake? That is the unprecedented part for me.
The unprecedented part for me is the muckraking campaign of the mainstream media. See mutes post above. What was wrong with Trumps answer? Apparently, the context is earth shattering.
How many time does Trump need to bring up his Electoral Vote count?? Trump is desperate for validation and with his amateuristic staff screwing up weekly, the optics of his first 3 weeks in office are not good at all. Trump won the Electoral Vote, but it burns his ass no end he lost the popular vote. You can attribute that to his narcissism. His answer was evasive almost to the point of being incoherent. What was wrong with Trumps' answer? All of it to a reasonable sane person that is..
Trump train is rolling........chooooooooo!!!! chooooooooooooo!!!! get on board ! all I have to do is take a look at the stock market. If I followed mainstream media I would think America was crashing down all around us. And while I do think the world is on a path to a major war....we were well on that path, long before Trump. Obama practically opened the door for Iran to acquire its long sought after nuke...nobody bats an eye. 100s of thousands of dead syrians... that blood must be on trumps hands too smh. How many weapons do you think the last admin pumped into that region? nobody bats and eye. Trump tries to temporary freeze travel from hot states, hysteria.
He mentioned the victory in the beginning, big deal. He is standing right next to the Prime Minister of Israel as he gives his answer. He says he wants to stop crime in America. He mentions his friends and daughter and son and law (jew) and grandkids (maybe jews) and he says he loves them all. and that there is going to be a lot of love. this equates to hysteria......? I must be insane.
No.. the "big deal" is that EVERY TIME he gets asked a question he's not comfortable with, he goes to his Electoral College story and how popular he thinks he is. Its a pattern with Trump. Regarding the Jews... His statement completely disregarded the question about the rise of Anti-Semitism. He then pivoted off to some completely unrelated topic about the future of his vision of America. He's beginning to show his 70 years. Maybe some Ginkoba?
Flynn firing had to suck. Sean Spicer sounds a little whiny; hard to argue he isn't surrounded by wolves at all the pressers, licking their chops to feast on him. I guess I need examples of the Trump whining....? Calling out the media for stacking up against him? We can go back to wikileaks. Half the mainstream was in bed with the Clinton campaign and were caught red handed. Nobody bats an eye. I'm clearly not sane though. I need to get on board whatever you guys are watching. Trumps sucks! America last! Send more cash to Iran and Palestine! Give refugees the right to vote in America (especially in swing stats, yeah swing states), for free! Everything for free! I'm gonna go look in the mirror, thanks a lot guys
Here you go lol.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author I don't know about other libs, but I have no interest in sending more cash to the Middle East or giving refugees the right to vote. I just want to go four days (apparently four years is too much to ask) without a stupid Muslim ban or Russia scandal.
Yeah, they calmed down when Trump lost in court. Also can you come up with a better insult? Snowflake is too nice.
nobody banned stupid muslims and frankly that sounds bigoted(not racist because muslim is not a race) you should be ashamed of yourself for calling muslims stupid