Watching the news lately it seems these are the kinds of jobs our communities need to expand on. If any spending needs to get cut it's the spending all around the world. We need to pull back and take care of our own first. Billions to Iran and millions to Palestine. Gtfo. Stop it.
okay by me. More money to educate our ignorant and keep them off welfare and out of the emergency room.
Can you provide some numbers where military jobs are bloated? I know that military budgets are bloated, but aside from flag rank officers, those jobs aren't exactly what I'd call bloated. The salaries are steady, but low. The free healthcare is putrid, and the housing is subpar. Mainly because the employees providing the latter two are also military employees who aren't paid well. Then you get to the VA benefits, GI Bill and retirement benefits, all of which have hundreds of loopholes to fuck the veterans and also many of them have expiration dates that are never communicated to the veteran. There are many bloated issues in the government, but if you think military jobs are among them, you're ignorant. And I'm sure you've never endured hardship like the voluntary enlisted men in this country's military. Almost positive of it.
Federal Court just denied Trump's EO on Immigration from the savage 7... Maybe next time, Trump actually gives it more than 10mins of thought and perhaps even get facts from other sources than Breitbart and Infowars. Maybe consult the CIA for once??
Trump is mad. We know because he just tweeted in all caps. Our president is whining like a baby because the courts won't let him endanger national security.
Evidently not... I guess all those families of the victims of those massacres are crying out for justice. They'll probably retain Fredrick Douglass as their attorney. I read somewhere he's available. This is what happens when "Alternative Facts" works against you. Perhaps had Twitler included the countries that actually have provided tacit support for REAL terrorists that have attacked America and perhaps left out the "Christians first" segment, the new DOJ would have had a better chance. Maybe not pissing off the entire judicial branch of govt is a viable option too..
This is the exact same argument 2nd grade teachers in your local public elementary school make. Nobody is saying the rank and file don't work hard for what they get. That doesn't mean we don't get to question the efficacy of the expenditures. I'm not sure if you've ever been around a military installation when a BRAC is making a review, it's pretty obvious who are the pigs and where is the trough. And you are absolutely correct, I've never enlisted. I've also never been in law enforcement. Doesn't mean that greaser is the last word on that, either.
Don't lose your head, mute, this was a ruling refusing an emergency stay of a temporary restraining order. This is nothing like a complete swing and a miss on the merits for the president
You're making the stupid mistake of equating overall expenditure with labor. Most companies pay their employees small wages while boosting budget and cutting losses, which mainly means the workforce suffers. Targeting jobs instead of the way companies are run is a pretty fucking daft way to go through life. A 2nd grade student could probably understand the difference between budget and payroll, even at its most complex description. And I didn't say you didn't enlist. I said you probably never endured the hardship they do. Being separated from their family at most times, being pushed to the most menial labor available no matter their training, financial hardships of committing to living expenses and then having some world event make their commitments void, and living in situations that could cost their life. Among other things. I doubt you would even comprehend it. But yeah... some article told you their jobs were bloated. LOL.
Pence is the true evil in this administration. He attached himself to Trump's coattails knowing that mop on his head will never get him elected to higher office. Once Trump gets impeached or falls off the 30th story of a skyscraper, Pence will take over and plunge this country into darkness like never seen before. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk 21 billion bucks...wouldn't we be better served to get rid of the incentive illegals have to work here? Go after the employers.