Here in Fair Lawn NJ(Bergen County) we have about 3 or 4 inches right now. Snowing pretty good and the wind is picking up. They say it should end early afternoon. It's the light and fluffy stuff so the snow blower should have no problems.
Finally crossed the border of the storm from rain to snow (by the way, heard a little thunder this morning). Based on the radar, I'd say maybe another hour and a half of this then it should end. It is accumulating though. Less than an inch so far.
We've got snow in Bethel. Still coming down at 10:15am and we've probably got 3+ inches on the ground. says we're headed for 8+ with snow continuing until mid-afternoon. Travel warnings have kept traffic to a minimum and I woke up at 8am to the sound of nothing, which is the first sign that we've got real snow.
I want to unlike this----good storm but too damn quick , I think the predictions were off but won't know until we hear from people and some totals,,,Im heading out to the yard soon dog needs to go out . I guess theres never enough snow for me regardless of storm but after this winter that we are having you have to love this one !
If you guys can,,give locations when posting so the rest of us have an idea of who got what or what's going on outvthere
It's 75 and sunny with a stiff SW breeze.. working from the laptop on the back porch in shorts and a T-shirt. It may get down to 40 tonight though
Huntington, on the North Shore of Long Island in Suffolk County is still going strong. Very windy. We have over a foot easy. I think the snow should stop falling around 3