At what point you consider joe mixon , i think in the 3rd we should go for it regardless of what happened , and ofc if we don t draft a Rb earlier then that.
None. I want no POS thugs on this team. We have enough problems. I can't believe that anyone would seriously want someone with serious off-field issues on the team.
Hitting a woman like that though....not saying she didn't have it coming but little snow bunny probably didn't need to be knocked cold by a soon to be professional football player lol
i agree he didnt think that trough and was just 18 years old , even tho getting a talent like leveon bell on this team would be great for a 3rd round pick.
Believe what you will..... but football isn't for the goodie two shoes types..... and it doesn't attract the best type of person.....
I know that's at least partially true. It still isn't as bad as the NBA imo. If I ever think it gets that bad, then I will be done with football. There's a difference between thugs and "goodie two shoes types." Those are polar opposites. There's a lot of middle ground between those two extremes. Lots of young kids make mistakes out of immaturity, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have bad character. I think you have to look at each situation individually.
I wouldn't want someone who is one brain fart from self-destruction, I don't care how good his physical skills are. I keep hoping - stupidly - that the Jets will finally embrace instituting an identity of winning, like the Pats (UGH!), Packers, Cowboys, Steelers, Broncos. These teams win consistently because they have a blueprint for success and they hire players and coaches that buy into that and deliver. Guys like Mixon are just in it for themselves, and we've had more than our fair share of these types - Revis, et. al. There are plenty of better options than Mixon.
To me where Mixon goes is the question of the draft, some will never forgive him and i can somewhat totally understand that. Because if thats my mother, sister, girlfriend pretty much any girl or woman that i know personally id be downright impossible for me to look the other way and no matter what she said or how drunk you are you just gotta hold back in that situation. Its a shame, Mixon is such a talent... he's like Leveon Bell guys. He can catch like a receiver and run with best of them, has great vision and patience, sure fire 1st rounder if it wasnt for this. I personally would give him a second chance but I'm more forgiving then most. And being black myself I'm not going to excuse Mixon for this but i think its partly why i can understand a little the pain and anger that comes immediately when you hear that word. He was 19 and drunk and obviously was wrong but if Tyreek Hill can get a 2nd chance a guy who punched and choked his pregnant girlfriend,then Mixon deserves one too. He's not a thug he had one incident
Jimmie Johnson "Hit me in the head with a hammer the next time I draft a dumb player" His obvious point was that you can't reason or fix dumb people. No thanks
losing your cool one time at 18 years old doesn't make you dumb emotional yes maybe but that has nothing to do with being dumb.
His interviews will help tell his story. If they think this was an isolated incident then you give him a second chance, he certainly has enough football skill to be a good one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Even the pristine Patriots have a thug on their team. Blount clocked a player on the field when in college.
Not really the guy is a talent that made a mistake. But the NBA has these type of guys on every team. Heck Matt Barnes fights almost everynight.