What's so difficult about it? I say that whole heartedly, as I'm not seeing the difficulty in it. People will try to get around anything that costs more money. Instead of a percentage couldn't it just be a flat rate on transactions out of the country? We have no problem paying ATM fees at say MetLife stadium if it's not our bank, so just charge a small fee on every transaction that leaves the country. We're not talking about charging $40 for a $100 transaction. We're talking about $2.50 for any transaction, $20 or $20,000.
The wall would be a one time cost of $15 billion. Mexico gains $60 billion PER YEAR in trade. $15 billion is a cheap insurance policy if you ask me. But I don't realistically see the wall or Mexico paying for it happening.
A small fee is possible, considering people sending money to Mexico probably won't have the incentive to use underground channels if the fee isn't too high. But the wall is going to cost 12-15 billion dollars, according to Mitch McConnell (you can't accuse him of liberal bias). So a small fee won't come close to covering it.
as long as they have the same fees for those rich fucks who ship their millions out to the Cayman Islands or whatever to avoid US taxes I'm cool with it. Only seems fair if were proposing a $2 fee every time the strawberry picker sends $10 to his starving family in Guadalajara.
Domestic sources charge more NOW because they have to make up the 35% corporate tax. This tax will be lowered and part of it wull translate into lowering the price thus enabling domestic manufacturers to compete with importers.
I don't care either. We should just have unisex bathrooms with private shitters. Transmen and Transwomen using bathrooms has never been an issue, other than the very rare occasion where some asshole thinks it would be funny to throw on a wig and enter the ladies room to prove a point. It so rare that it's statistically zero. I am very pro-LGBTQ, but I don't think that anyone should be penalized for calling someone the wrong gender pronoun. I have a friend who is a transman, and I still accidentally say she instead of he. I have known him longer as a female, than a male. I correct myself, and move on.
You do some research. I clearly have, and you haven't. That's the last time I will say that. Trump is a moron, even the people who voted for him know that. Trump haters are fueled by racism, false facts, and narratives. Way more violence this time around for sure.
"Top presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway on Thursday defended Donald Trump's executive orders on a border wall with Mexico and said his daughter Tiffany Trump was not registered to vote in two states — despite state records showing that she is." Ron
It'll be more than $15 billion. It's almost way more than estimated. Plus don't forget maintenance. The whole idea is ridiculous.
also don't forget they'll just continue digging tunnels. I give Trump credit for trying to stick with his campaign promises but this one he might have to let go.
Such amazing logic in this post. Swimming across a river and digging a 100yd tunnel through limestone and clay are almost like the same thing.
Where's the money coming from to pay for the corporate tax cut? It can't be from the import tax because cutting corporate taxes will reduce imports, reducing the money the government can collect from the import tax. Here's my point. Manufacturers outsource to Mexico because labor is cheaper, and Americans buy Mexican goods because they're inherently cheaper. Manipulating taxes and tariffs can't change that. If you want to implement protectionist policies against Mexico, you have to put up with the negative costs of them.
The NYC law doesn't fine you for using the wrong pronoun accidentally, it fines you if you use the wrong pronoun repeatedly to harass the person. From the WT article: “Accidentally misusing a transgender person’s preferred pronoun is not a violation of the law and will not result in a fine,” Mr. Hoy said. Personally, I'm not a fan of this law, but I don't consider it an example of tyranny.
Why bother? Even a schmo like you can do the research and realize what the real aim of this site is. A Jew-baiting, anti-Israeli forum for those such as yourself. I bet you can't wait for hell that's going to break loose once the embassy is built in Jerusalem, where it belongs.
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday closed the nation’s borders to refugees from around the world, ordering that families fleeing Syrian carnage be indefinitely blocked from entering the United States, and temporarily suspending immigration from several predominantly Muslim countries. Declaring the measure part of an extreme vetting plan to “keep radical Islamic terrorists” out of the country, Mr. Trump also ordered that Christians around the globe who are seeking entry into the United States should be granted priority over Muslims, for the first time establishing a religious test for refugees. https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAmkynr?m=en-us
Is there any other nation that has its embassy in Jerusalem? If there are sixty or so in Tel Aviv what makes Jerusalem the place where it belongs?
Can you really blame a restriction on refugees? If Germany could do it again you think they'd open their borders so easily to refugees? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...rican-men-new-years-sexual-assaults/96060108/ 2,300 reported sexual assaults, 24 alleged rapes, almost all reported of Arabic descent and most confirmed to be illegally in the country. Not to mention the truck terrorist attack. All after clearing a million migrants to enter the country from the Middle East, North African and Western Asia. Whether you agree with Trump's immigration policies or not, I can't possibly see anyone refuting the fact that illegal immigration is a huge problem in this country.