I just wish someone would tell him to delete Twitter and shut the fuck up about such nonsensical topics. I supported him in thinking that these things would change when he was in office as he'd obviously surround himself with intelligent people. Unfortunately, such things haven't changed just yet, but I'd imagine he dials it back a ton. Let's see what he does as he's pushing to impose an extremely high border tax for companies outsourcing their production to other countries. That alone could be a great thing for the U.S. economy, but we'll see how it shakes out.
Yeah they wouldn't see a bump in business, they would see such an influx of people that public health would plummet. You're such a fool that you think PP is all abortions. They provided MEDICAL CARE to women who can't afford it, through Medicaid. What do you think is going to happen at all those hospitals in red states? You don't have a friggin clue. Go get your pail.
Taxpayer money, to a fine "ally" in Palestine. In the waning hours of his presidency. Obviously a decision made for the best interest of America. And our real allies smh
Intelligent people such as Betsy Devos? And Russian puppet Tillerson? Drain the swamp...and you bought it. Now own it.
Now this is totally fucked. So much for Obama NOT being a Muslim. Just kidding. but who knows. Now when the Palestinians ramp-up attacks in Israel Trump can actually blame Obama for it. Dude hates Israel
Israel trying to wipe out the Palestinians from the face of the Earth is all the provocation Palestine needs.
Odd that the link you chose to use does not identify this as humanitarian aid that had been approved by congress in 2015 and 2016 but had been held up by a couple of grandstanding partisan jackasses.
Odd where you came up with that assumption... Excerpts from business insider and full article are below. Why Obama quietly sent Palestine $221 million during his last hours in office http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-queitly-sends-221-million-to-palestine-2017-1
Trump is like Rex Ryan. He'll never change. The border tax will almost certainly be a net negative for the economy because it'll raise prices and cause other countries to slap tariffs on us. But it'll also help blue collar workers, who seem to have it the hardest right now. Traditional conservatives would never stand for such a policy, but Trump supporters aren't traditional conservatives.
If I'm understanding it correctly, doesn't it promote companies building factories here at home which would stop outsourcing and companies would shy away from building their factories in foreign countries? It would help the economy in the sense that more jobs = more money in our own economy rather than providing jobs for other countries. Maybe you're more informed on the matter, but how does that hurt the economy? How much do we really stand to lose in shipping our products to countries like Mexico vs. how much do we stand to gain by keeping everything made American? I could be wrong, but I'm not really seeing how it can hurt the economy.
Odd that you characterize facts as an "assumption." http://www.snopes.com/2017/01/24/obama-released-millions-palestinians/
Odd that the president pushed millions of taxpayer money through hours before trumps inauguration. All sources want to remain anonymous. Smells funny, looks funny... most likely funny
Odd that you won't admit that the only thing about it that smells funny is the partisan bullshit that held it up since congress approved it. Also odd that your initial source and others of the same ilk chose to drastically edit the Associated Press report that explained fully what it was all about but chose to only include the part that the "low information voter" would somehow find telling. Actually, that's not odd at all and once again they had the dolts. Hook. Line. Sinker!
The companies want to move to Mexico to save on labor costs. If they can't do that, they'll raise prices. Then Americans will buy cars from foreign manufacturers using foreign labor. If Trump responds with a tariff to force Americans to buy domestically produced cars, the market price of cars will go up significantly. If you work in a car plant or live in a town propped up by a car plant, you'll benefit. If not, you'll feel it in your wallet. Also, whichever countries Trump is taxing will probably retaliate with their own tariffs, which will hurt our exporters and raise prices in other sectors of the economy.
speaking of Israel.. JERUSALEM — Israel approved the construction of 2,500 housing units in the Jewish settlements in the West Bank on Tuesday, just two days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with President Trump. Netanyahu and members of his right-wing government have bristled at the harsh condemnations of settlement growth by the Obama administration, which condemned the Jewish communities as “illegitimate” and “an obstacle to peace.” https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAmb8h1?m=en-us