Still doesn't work. But it's kind of funny that I'm one of the youngest posters on TGG, and I feel old trying to read the print.
https://scontent.fagc1-1.fna.fbcdn....=e70abe56e890b59674cafa3ce4346a20&oe=592100C6 Hopefully this works..
Louis CK ‘I have moments where I’m like, “wow, this seems early for this.” Like, this is something that happens to me a lot. I’ll be sitting watching tv or doing nothing, and all of a sudden I’ll realize, “I need to wipe my ass right now.” I mean, nothing happened, but I really gotta wipe my ass right now. Right now. Gotta make trips to the bathroom just to wipe my ass. How does this happen already? I’m 45. Already, my asshole’s like the waistband on old pajama bottoms, just kinda loose and ineffectual. My asshole’s like a bag of leaves that nobody tied up. It’s just sitting on the lawn, full and open, puking leaves onto the grass with every wisp of wind. Some kid kicks it over on his way home from a tough day at middle school. That’s a pretty accurate description of my asshole.’
Speaking of feeling old, I head to Home Depot today and when I come out see this old lady wandering around a bit, I ask if she is looking for her car and she says "No, just found it". I then proceed to stumble around the parking lot for 15 minutes looking for my car before I realize i am in a rental and passed by the car 4 times.
I'm almost 10 years older than this guy and I don't want to know what he's doing to his butthole, but I've never had this problem.
Great Episode! I was a huge Burgess Meredeth fan! BTW, I got the entire 1st three seasons of the original Outer Limits in 1080p/MP4! Man, those were hard to come by.