If you actually call the time out you still have another play, instead Bowles waits until there are two seconds for no apparent reason.
I think he said he wouldn't make a mistake unless he made a mistake. Halfway through he realised what he was saying and tried to dig himself out, but the hole just kept getting deeper. I was more entertained by that than by the game.
Aw for fux sake you guys, what he did do is not throw an INT where there was nothing. JM&J, get off the whine-o-phone.
SMH If you are London Calling Woody you have to me a complete moron to see through the Coaching/Playing today vs the rest of the Season And today is jus OK nothing special...and Bowles The Time Out Master But then then again he is Woody Johnson
Sorry not to one up you but I was out running errands and just got in ,,turn on TV to find out McCoy who I started in MANY draft kings contests today was carted,,,,,marvelous
It's going to be so great not seeing that fucking dead squirrel faced bum walking our sidelines again.
OF COURSE the Jets are going to fvck this up when even people like me who 98% of the time disdain the whole root against the team for the draft position are rooting against them today. Wtf is the point of hoping they win this game with Fitzpatrick at QB? I would be rooting for them if it was Petty or even Hack though, but this game is just that much more pointless with Fitz playing.
On a related note... TV is killing this game. There are so many commercials to squeeze in, when the network actually has some time everyone has to talk a million words a minute, which makes them stumble and sound like idiots. This whole presentation is a 100mph rollercoaster filled with attention breaking highlights from other games, pointless shit from sideline reporters, whooshing graphics, musical montages and endless commercial breaks. It feels like the game just started. It never settles down now.