It looks like the DC Kacy Rogers want Revis back next year. And it seems like Revis want to stay another year. Sucking some more money out of Woody's coffer. There is no way I want that to happen. He's too old and slow to play CB anymore. He can't tackle hard or fast enough to move to safety. Time to sink the "island".
Wow... Talk about blind loyalty. Bowles coming back not wanting to make any changes. Rodgers coming back not wanting to make any changes. Revis coming back to get the rest of his loot. All we need now is for Macc to sign Fitz to another 1 year deal for $12mil. This team is beyond fucked up. There are no words to describe the insanity that is the New York Jets Football Organization.
There has to be a fall guy, it'll be Rodgers and/or chan I think. Revis is gonna retire because of pride. If he doesn't, can we cut him? What kind of penalty would we face if we did?
$6 million of next year is gauranteed, so not really a penalty as opposed to keeping him for an additional $9 million on top of that ($15.3 mil total)
Revis is now a man of virtue and claims that he is still under contract, when asked if he would come back? What about the times he was under contract and decided to hold out? You can't make this up! What in the world is Rodgers smoking? Revis has 2 interceptions in practice and Rodgers is singing his praises, when the regular season starts he will be giving up 100 yard halfs to average receivers. Is there anyone in that organization that has situational awareness?
don't wanna sound harsh but revis is fucking toast. I get it if he doesn't retire because he loves money. I don't think I'd want him back under any circumstance next year. He's quite obviously mailed it in.
Let's wait until the offseason before we make rash decisions about it being the same crew coming back.
Rodgers AND Revis should be nowhere near this team in 2017. Of course Revis would say he wants to play though. He is getting pad a lot of money. $6 million is guaranteed right? So he isn't just going to retire. He will take the money. This is Darrelle Revis we are talking about. Money>Team since Day 1.
Dear Kacy What have you accomplished so far to warrant being the DC next year? Shut up and let Mac do his job.