Defend Maccagnan

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by King Koopa, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    And where was that QB supposed to come from? You aren't even being realistic.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    And it's no coincidence in the first draft with HIS scouting dept in place, they got some better young players/prospects who have contributed sooner.
  3. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We are not in a worse situation talent-wise. That's ridiculous and you're better than that. How is Mac supposed to set a general plan in motion when the HC and he are equals and the HC doesn't even report to him?

    Surely it has occurred to you that the Jets problem start at the top. Maybe, just maybe, if Mac stays here long enough, Woody will learn to trust him, will back off, and let him make the football decisions. If Woody fires Mac and hires yet another rookie GM, do you think he will trust him? No, it will start another 2-3 years (at a minimum) of the GM trying to earn his stripes so Woody will trust him.

    IMO Mac is our best hope for Woody to listen and for things to improve any time soon.
    James Hasty likes this.
  4. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I know you're a firm supporter of keeping Bowles for another year, but if he's given another year how is he anything but a lame duck coach?

    We're likely not going to go out and sign a bunch of veterans to try to Tannenbaum-style quick fix the roster. Do we just trade away every player that doesn't want to play for the guy?

    How does he motivate Wilkerson to play harder? He obviously has no respect for the head coach if he's routinely showing up to meetings late after rounding out his awesome 3.5 sack season.

    How does he convince Calvin Pryor to shut his mouth and play harder? Leonard Williams is already on record noticing that half the team has quit.

    We won't even go the Sheldon Richardson route because he'll likely be gone.

    I just think the fractured locker room needs a gigantic kick in the ass and a culture shock. Is it not obvious to you that the inmates are running the asylum? We're not only losing, but we're losing to the point where players on his strong side of the football team aren't even rallying to the ball and haven't been for the majority of the season.
    Red Menace and NCJetsfan like this.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    And what's Lynch done? Your love for Lynch is misplaced.
    #65 NCJetsfan, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
    James Hasty likes this.
  6. cbman13

    cbman13 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    Bowles and Mac will both be back next year..... everyone needs to deal with it and move on
  7. Jeremy2020

    Jeremy2020 Active Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    He should be fired for hack alone. A 2nd round pick that may never even put on a jersey even if every other QB is down because they have to debate his ability to play QB with that of a WR or RB.
  8. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    I never said Macc has been a disaster but he hasn't been good

    You can't win and make a playoff run with Ryan Fitzpatrick as your QB but he thought we actually could which is a huge red flag....Should have saved the money and stuck with Geno going into this season which I said all along. He actually should have been more aggressive day one in finding a potential franchise QB but that's a different story

    Our o-line is still in pretty bad shape.....our secondary was putrid this season with a bunch of overpaid bums

    We still don't have a legit outside pass rusher at all

    We don't really have any young playmakers on offense that scare a defense

    All of these pieces are very important in building a real contender.....He's done an adequate job at best and filled holes in areas that aren't that important

    I feel like in 2 years Macc could have done better
    #68 King Koopa, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  9. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    We have more talent on the team but we had a shitload of cap space then and now we will only be able to spend moderately

    We are still missing a gamebreaker on offense, a speed rusher on d, a shutdown corner, a ballhawk safety, a reliable left tackle, and oh yeah a QB....All holes 2 years ago besides the LT and still glaring holes now

    You make all of these assumptions about Woody and place none of the blame on Macc for the things that have gone wrong since he's been here

    Please show me where the competitive rebuild and decision to sign Fitz was on Woody and not Macc?

    I have no clue of the inner workings behind the scenes and I doubt you do either.....If you can find me proof that Macc was against some of these things then I'll back off and agree he's doing a solid job
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    1. I didn't say that. I didn't even mention the word disaster so I don't know where you picked that up - but that didn't come from me.
    2. Before Petty started, Jets OL didn't give up that many sacks. Care to know why?
    [Fitzpatrick's game is short-passing attack. Even with all the deficiencies that he has, he still gave Jets the best chance to win. Why? That's because this OL can't contain pass rush much longer. This is why if Fitzpatrick is behind by more than 2 scores, that's a guaranteed loss. That's an indictment on the OL, more than anything. And we saw what could happen if the QB tries to throw deep behind this OL, when Petty tried that and got himself almost killed for two weeks. Tell me if Joe Montana could have saved this offense. I don't think he could have saved this offense lying flat on his back.]
    3. This was why I kept pointing out the deficiencies in the OL - which you just plain refuse to listen. I even brought up Dak Prescott - looks like you didn't even bother checking that part out. Why do you think I brought Prescott into this debate? Because Prescott can somehow succeed here? [Hello?]
    4. Then I mentioned how talent-depleted this team was before Macc took over. By now, after 2 off-seasons, some part are filled. And he did better in 2nd year, after filling the scouting department with [his] people. And you somehow still think Maccagnan deserves firing. It literally boggles my mind. The OL has been neglected for good 7-8 years after Mangold/Ferguson pick, and yet Maccagnan is to blame for not doing better. And that makes sense in your mind? Kudos to you, pal. I mean, you blame him for not targeting that sexy OLB for an edge rusher. Or some jibberish like that. Once you [target] a specific need, you end up [reaching] for a player that you shouldn't be drafting. Or worse yet, you end up with a bust. Does Vernon Gholston ring a bell for ya?
    5. If anything - his FA deals were masterpieces; none of them mortgage the future like T-Bomb's deals did. These massive contracts can be offloaded this year [except Wilkerson]. I actually made a posting about it about a month ago. Jets will go under 40~50M under after the proposed cuts. If that doesn't impress you, I don't know what will.
    6. Maybe he did make mistakes. If he did, you need to point them out to me, and tell me why that makes little sense. [If you are going to do this, you need point out a concrete mistakes that hurt the team. "I feel he could have done better." just does not cut it. Got that?] Blaming him for the shitstorm that was caused by this coaching staff is more than moronic and stupid.
    #70 Zach, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  11. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    1. My bad on that...just overall I wanted to point out how I feel

    2. It's a guaranteed loss because Fitz is a trash QB who can't make plays down the field more than anything....DBs jump his routes for fun. You're not wrong that the O-line is bad too but Macc could have done more in that area and he didn't

    3. If you wanna talk about Dak Prescott I actually said we should draft him and have the posts to prove it if you don't believe me.....We would have a potential franchise QB on our roster regardless of how our O-line looks right now so we would be so far ahead of the game. No shit he wouldn't have played as well here but he would have been a massive upgrade over Shitzpatrick

    His mistakes are that he simply hasn't done enough....the key pieces needed to build a contender are still missing. Anyone with half a brain and all of the salary cap space he had with high draft picks could have fielded a competitive team.

    I don't see a real plan or foundation for success laid out...maybe you do and I hope you're right and I'm wrong in the end
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    What could he have done? And what did he do instead?

    He didn't do enough? As in what? So tell me. Seriously, what could he have done but didn't do?
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We know that Woody is a dumbass who knows nothing about football. Mac by all accounts is a very smart man. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. If indeed a competitive rebuild was Mac's idea, then I'll beat him up for it, but at this point, the odds are that it was Woody's idea as a knee-jerk reaction to the banners and billboards in 2014.

    The team had a ton of holes when Mac took over. He's addressed a number of them. He can't help what players are available at the Jets picks and Mac can't make other teams trade up or down with him. He didn't reach for players (with the possible exception of Hack), and has gotten good value on his picks. You said yourself that you knew the team couldn't be fixed in 2 offseasons. Why the impatience now?

    We could have that gamebreaker in Robby Anderson. Romar Morris could possibly help in that regard as well. Speed rushers don't grow on trees. What rushers did Mac pass up to take other players? He added Burris, who looks like he could develop into at least a solid #2 CB if not a #1 and got him in the 5th round. What ballhawk safety has Mac passed up on?

    Which QB was Mac supposed to add?

    As far as the LT spot goes, I do think he deserves some criticism for not addressing it last season. Brick quitting late wasn't his fault, but he made a great move to quickly add Clady.

    As far as cap space and FA, what players didn't Mac sign that you think he should have? If you'll recall he tried to sign the two top FA OGs, and they didn't want to play for the Jets. He signed some stop gaps to make the team competitive immediately, and they did. If he cuts all the older vets the Jets will have $55 million in cap space. That's not so modest, but outside of the LT position, I would hope that other FAs he would sign would be younger and cheaper players who would be for depth and competition and who could help the team longer.

    You make it sound all so cut and dried and simple for a GM to address holes, especially at QB, LT and other important positions. You know better than that. You're usually one of the more levelheaded posters here, but imo you're being impatient with Mac.

    In spite of your claim that you just want to hear reasons to support Mac, it's like you don't want to consider any facts that could possibly support his staying longer. You're ignoring the circumstances under which he is working and the fact that the players he has picked might be much better than they look but Bowles and his staff aren't developing them or putting them in a position to succeed.
  14. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    There's literally so many possibilities....he took over a Jets team with cap space out the ass and a high draft selection and 2 years later this is ultimately what we're looking at

    He did a decent job drafting but he didn't do enough in areas that actually matter which I already explained

    Tomorrow I'll go over what he could have done in more specifics.

    The bottom line is we are no closer to a championship caliber team than we were heading into the 2015's not all Maccs fault but it partly is
  15. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    He literally fucked up the QB situation worse than anyone could have...from the embarrassing holdout to drafting Hack and everything else in between. It's only the most important position in sports

    Like I said I'll go over what he could have done tomorrow in more specifics

    He's done an OK job and he will probably get this year atleast but I'm not impressed thus far

    All I hear are a bunch of excuses...some legit some weak
  16. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    We have had 32 games to evaluate Todd Bowles.

    2 is a small sample size, 32 is statistical certitude.
  17. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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  18. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    You must be new here. Between Geno, Sanchez, Reich, O'Donnel, Esiason, etc. our QB situation has usually been screwed up beyond recognition. Mac is not the exception, just a cog in the huge machine of QB suckitude that is the Jets.
  19. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I don't like the pick but it is far too early to c as call Hack a bust. the guy has gotten zero game time.
  20. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Nice Job, anyone that has been paying attention to the Jets and what Mac has been trying to do, should have been able to put this puzzle together.

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