Many view him as a "Jack of all trades; master of none". If you're a top team and don't have any pressing needs, you might take him if he falls to the bottom of Round 1, or into Round 2, but for the Jets, he's a luxury.
I just think he is a clone of a guy we already have (Calvin Pryor). Drafting him would be like drafting another DE.
These conversations are fun to have, a true diversion from the season at hand. With a GM that drafts BPA in the fist 2 rounds regardless of need. If Peppers is the BPA when Mac is on the clock, then he's a Jet. If not, then he's not. With our upcoming wins against Miami, Pats, and Bills, our Jets will be picking in the middle of the pack. That being a fact, Jabrill may actually be the BPA. "With the 13th pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, they NYJets select.............."
The question of your thread is the biggest reason why I think he would be a reach in the top 5. He doesn't seem to have a 100% natural position in the Pros.
Peppers ended up at the Heisman ceremony because of ESPN hyping him up due to his return ability and position versatility. If you look at his Big 10 rankings, he definitely didn't deserve to be invited to the ceremony. He finished 32nd in tackles, 34th in tackles, 35th in interceptions, and 4th in TFLs.
He doesnt have a position. We complain we took a project in Hack in the 2nd round bu some want a project at the 5 pick? o fucking thank you. Take the best tackle.
Big Wolverines fan here. I'm all over Peppers as our pick if he can play LT or QB. Other than that, well the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The Jets offense has blown chunks for years running now with just an aberrant 2015 based on several over 30's having their best seasons together. If we pick another defensive player with a top 10 pick we deserve to see the horrid offense continue. I'm all for BPA but I also know that you have to score points to win the game and the Jets haven't scored enough points to win games in a generation now except when they brought in almost over-the-hill vets to rev things up for one season. Then they promptly collapsed in the following seasons. We need a good offense to win in the NFL. We need that offense to be mostly home-grown. We need it to be around for more than a cotton candy melts on the lips season every five years.
Just my opinion, I think Jourdan Lewis may be the best defensive player for Michigan. No question Peppers is a special player and superior athlete, but Lewis, even for his size, has shut down written all of him........I'm a huge fan. Lewis is very scrappy and is excellent making tackles one on one.
I've really enjoyed watching the Wolverines since Harbaugh took over. That said, I don't want anybody off of their defense with our likely #5/#6 pick. The Jets do not understand how to leverage defense into wins at this point. They scrap just fine some years but mostly a bad offense just kills them.
He's athletic. He was top 5 in a week Heisman year. Plus Heisman players often suck it up at the next level. Put on the tape. Watch him against Ohio State. What position do you see him being a pro bowl player at?
No I don't want any defensive player..not for another 5 years at least and not with the first pick in any of those years.