If so, to what? After seeing some responses, maybe I'll create a poll with the most popular choices. I've always liked Orange and Black, so maybe orange pants and black jerseys? Blue and gold is also good - gold pants and navy blue jerseys?
For historic purposes? NO But I'm of the proponent that if we ever got a new owner who wasn't a Jets fan or a New York based person then I'd love a full rebrand as more of a fresh start to wipe off some of that Jets stink.
What color is failure? Anyway, the uniforms, as always, are not the problem. It's the bodies in them and the people telling them what to do.
Lol. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps being somewhat misinformed. Now you're just blatantly trolling.
Clearly, changing the team's colors would fix everything that has gone wrong over the past 40+ years. Might as well go ahead and do it. In all seriousness, though, that should be the last thing on the docket for the offseason. An upgrade of the uniforms, however, should be something that Woody takes under consideration sometime in the near future. Just keep the colors the way they (mostly) are.
I've been screaming for a new upgrade for years. These would make great alternates and I dont even like camo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BNcdhoaDHn9/?taken-by=nyjetsedits We probably won't ever do anything though because this teams just seems to be settled with this current design, but regardless us being the Jets, camo clearly works.
I think the Jets' new colors should be yellow and pink. Yellow because Bowles is a ball-less coward, and pink because they play like a bunch of pussies.
Add Gold to the jerseys. Home Gold Helmets with the old JETS logo Green jerseys with gold numbers, white outline. Shoulders have the JETS logo Gold pants Green socks with gold/white stripes Road Gold Helmets with the old JETS logo White jerseys with green numbers, gold outline. Shoulders have the JETS logo Gold pants White socks with green/gold stripes I'd sign up for that.