I've felt for years, actually decades, that moronic fans who buy season tickets to perennial shit franchises let owners off the hook too easy..... Well I admit I'm wrong. It's your money, if you want to piss is away, go for it. My new strategy is ...... sell them worthless tickets to away fans. Better yet, wear paper bags and boo the fuck out of this trash organization and owner. You can never hurt their wallets- but you can embarrass them. The elites have massive egos and they don't like it when ESPN and local news show those paper bags! That is all. Fuck the POS jets forever.
If I had the disposable income to do so, I'd take the trip to MetLife and gladly sit in the stands for the Dolphins game with a bag over my head. Problem is, not all of us can get to the stadium (or want to). Maybe someone should start a social media campaign where Jets fans post pictures of themselves watching the game from wherever they usually watch the games with bags over their heads. Might get Woody's attention.
The stands were empty yesterday. That should be embarrassing enough, especially in this market. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
Empty seats are the only way Woodhead will understand he can't continually put a trash product on the field, it isn't the money but it is the embarrassment of camera angles showing thousands of empty seats. It certainly looked like a good amount of New England jerseys were in the stands. Hopefully Talk radio in NY will mention this all day today.
Should Woody Johnson get the message that Jets fans are powerful not to be fucked with, what do we want him to do? - Clean house completely. - Fire Bowles and retain Mac. Mac then hires someone that reports to him. - Keep both. None of these look like great options for me. I know a lot of it is hindsight, but Mac has made some poor personnel decisions. Personally, I am keeping both for one more year. If the Jets are hot garbage again next year, wipe the slate clean. New GM, new Coach, new QB. Firing Bowles and keeping Mac is similar to when we fired Tanny and kept Rex, that is not something I want to get into the habit of doing.
How is keeping Mac and firing Bowles similar to firing Tanny and keeping Rex? In the former, we'd be keeping the GM, firing the HC, and allowing the GM to hire the new HC. In the latter situation, the GM was fired, the HC was retained, and that HC was forced upon the new GM. They're totally different situations. I can't imagine for the life of me why anyone would want to retain Bowles for next season. Any and all doubt about his lack of abilities as a HC should have been removed by this point. If nothing else, his continuing to start Fitz should be enough to warrant his firing, but there's plenty of other reasons why he should be fired. Mac should be retained. GMs don't grow on trees, and no GM is perfect. It's crazy to me that some people are willing to give Bowles another year, but they're not willing to give Mac another season. There's a lot that goes into being a GM of an NFL team. Mac has done a lot of good things. He has made some great moves. Some seem to have forgotten that for his first draft he was stuck with the previous scouting dept. His new scouting team has only been on the job for one season. It takes time for a GM to get to know his team, how each of his scouts work, what his abilities are, and learn to work together effectively as a team. He may even need to make some additional changes. As any knowledgeable fan knows, one can't truly assess a draft for 3 years, so the jury is still out on the players he has drafted. He was also placed in a very difficult, if not impossible situation with Bowles being an equal rather than reporting to him. Even thinking of firing Mac at this point is nothing short of moronic, imo. Even if we did fire him, there are no guarantees that the next novice GM will be any better. It will take him a year or two to get acclimated and make whatever changes to the scouting team he feels is necessary. The bottom line is that Mac has made enough good moves and decisions, and shown that he is up to the task of being a quality GM to be retained. Bowles has shown no special abilities, has demonstrated inflexibility or an inability to change, learn and grow, and has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn't competent and up to the job of being an NFL HC. He needs to go pronto.
There are people who are willing to retain Bowles and fire Mac? I havent seen that. I've seen some who want to maintain consistency and keep both, and some who want to clean house. I'm giving the staff one more season. I think firing Bowles and hiring another first time HC is a major step back. If there is an experienced head coach with a pedigree, who is to say he'll want to coach under Macagagnan. Bowles is far from perfect, but I'm giving him another year. I dont blame him for the two highest paid players performing like chumps. If they regress next year, I'm cleaning house. Mac and Bowles are gone. He had a good season in 2015, I dont think he lost his ability to gameplan. Gameplans dont work if your players are playing like garbage. Mac made some decent moves, but he has also made some terrible moves. Wilkerson/Revis/Fitzpatrick were all very bad moves. Maybe Wilkerson's deal will get improve as time goes on. Leonard Williams/Marshall/Anderson were pretty good moves. Do they offset the bad contracts handed out? I dont know. Thats why I am willing to give him and the coach another year. I'm giving the whole staff one more year. Year 3 is major improvement or bust.
Johnson doesn't really care all that much about money anyway..he gives away most of his fortune to charities anyway but I do believe he cares about winning and eventually he will hire a GM hos actually knows something about how that job is managed.
If you listen closely, you'll hear the rest of the AFCE laughing their collective asses off at us. Then again, the FO/CS is tone deaf anyway so it doesn't matter if the stands are empty and the fans are in revolt. None of them can fire the other so it becomes a circle jerk until Woody steps in. All fans can do at this point is stop going to the games. Especially this upcoming monday niters. Let the cameras show rows upon rows of empty seats. Maybe even throw a few bags in for effect. #FreePettyNow!
I don't know if anyone wants to keep Bowles and fire Mac, but I've definitely seen a number of posters who think Mac should be fired. Mac has done a number of things right/well. What has Bowles done well? To my knowledge there's not much that Bowles has done right. The only positive thing I can say about him is that he keeps problems in house and isn't a blabbermouth, media whore like Rex. I'm on record as saying I want the Jets to hire someone with HC experience, but why would firing Bowles and hiring another first-time HC be a "major step back"? We know that Bowles is clueless. He's not a disciplinarian, he's not a motivator, most of his game plans suck, he's seemingly incapable of making adjustments when things aren't working, he can't manage the clock and time outs, he's too passive, he doesn't have the respect of the players, he's oblivious to situational football, and seemingly has no understanding of the importance of developing Petty and seeing if he can be the Jets' starter next season. Chances are that another first-time HC wouldn't be as clueless as Bowles in all those areas. For the life of me, I can't figure out why you would want to give him another year. There's no realistic reason to even hope he learns and becomes a better HC. In effect, you're just wasting yet another season. What's to say that an experienced HC wouldn't want to work for Maccagnan, or would care one way or the other? I'd be more inclined to believe that a quality experienced HC wouldn't want to work for Woody, than I would that they wouldn't want to work for Mac. Whose fault is it that the two highest-paid players are playing like chumps if it isn't Bowles? They obviously don't respect him. There are no consequences for not playing. They deserve a hit, but Bowles deserves a bigger hit for not kicking their asses. That's a major problem with him. He's too damn slack and laid back. I don't know of another NFL HC (aside from Rex, and he may have even learned his lesson) who would allow players to skip meetings and be late for meetings and not ream their asses out, fine and bench them. I don't know of another HC who wouldn't have jerked Fitz's ass to the bench with the way he's played, and who wouldn't have suspended, if not cut him, after his comments when he finally was benched. In terms of Mac's "terrible" moves, it's easy for you to say that in hindsight, but were you one of the ones who were clamoring that Mo needed to be re-signed, that Fitz should be re-signed, and that Revis should be brought back? No one could have foreseen that Revis play would suddenly fall off a cliff over night. We don't know what Woody's directive to Mac was when he was hired. He may have been told to re-sign Fitz by Woody after Bowles clamored for him, or because Woody was afraid the fans would revolt if they started Geno. The same goes for Mo. Bowles may have told Woody that he had to have him. As popular as Mo was, Woody could have been afraid again that the fans would revolt if he wasn't re-signed, or was traded only for a 2nd round pick. It also makes zero sense to tie Mac to Bowles. Mac wasn't here long enough to really interview and hire candidates. With the way it was set up from the start, Mac and Bowles were "equals" so the only that Mac could speak to was whether he thought Bowles and he could get along andco-exist. Mac has been hamstrung from the start. If the choice had been solely his, Bowles might not be here, or Bowles might already be gone. I don't believe for one instant that Mac truly signed off on starting Fitz this coming Sunday. The only way that would have happened is if Woody ordered it or left the decision up to Bowles, and Mac just had to go along to save face.
I disagree with a fair amount of this, but we clearly aren't going to change each other's minds here. I'm giving both one more year, or their gone. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Woody will give them one more year I'm sure. He doesn't want to be this generation's Al Davis although I sure as hell wish we had the organization and talent evaluators the Raiders have presently. They used to be dysfunctional, now they've caught and passed us like we're standing still.
Mac blew the single pick in 2016 draft that will affect this team for the next 15 years in case U have not yet realized it. That is why he should be gone no questions asked
Stop leaving your brains at the door when it comes to media and owners, and that is the beginning of change. Once you realize that only some teams compete to win, while the rest just provide entertainment then maybe it will stop. Until then the owners will continue business as usual as the fans continue to blame employees instead of employers.