"In 2008, at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission, the Bush administration introduced a new information-sharing program called Secure Communities. The idea was simple: Any time a participating jurisdiction took fingerprints, it sent them to the FBI. Now, those prints would also be checked against a DHS database. If DHS found someone it suspected could be deported, the agency issued a detainer request. Flagged individuals would then be held in local jails until ICE could arrive and place them in federal custody. Some saw a judge, some didn’t. Few had legal representation. Between 2011 and 2013, when the program was at its peak, S-Comm led to 243,000 deportations—about 40 percent of the total interior removals. In 2011, states and cities began to withdraw from the program. Part of municipalities’ reluctance stemmed from the human cost of complying with ICE. Jobs were lost and families ruined over minor offenses. Between 2007 and 2012, for example, 260,000 noncitizens were deported for drug possession. Through 2011, according to ICE, more than half of those deported through S-Comm either had no criminal record or had been convicted of minor offenses like traffic violations. The economic impact of deportations was also becoming obvious, especially in small towns. Postville, Iowa, lost a fifth of its residents over a few hours when 1,000 DHS agents raided the nation’s largest kosher meatpacking plant. The company filed for bankruptcy. The raid cost $5 million." Ron
What I got out of that, the meatpacking plant was breaking the law, illegal aliens were deported and the company went bankrupt. Had the company obeyed the law and hired legal residents the company would still be in business.
I don't get why liberals are so vehemently hell bent on keeping illegal immigrants in this country. If they have not taken the correct steps to attempt to get at least a temporary residency in this country in hopes of trying to become a citizen, why should they get the opportunity to feast on the system and eat up everyone's tax dollars? Maybe this sounds terrible, but nothing is more frustrating than people whom come to this country with no intention of not only abiding by the laws, but learning the culture and the language. A simple understanding of English is all I would ask of them or even an attempt to try. If I were to ever move to another country, I would certainly put my best foot forward to learn their language and saturate myself in their culture. A lot of illegal immigrants have no intentions of that, yet they're quick to run to hospitals that are forced to treat them or send their now U.S. born kids to schools which now have to educate them.
I always wonder when people make statements like this leaving out the illegal part. Are they so arrogant as to think others won't notice or are they just ignorant themselves. Either way they always make me smh.
If your going to say no legal residents will pick them there is a very simple solution to that, the growers pay more. That's all part of the capitalist system.
Make it harder to get unemployment and watch how many people decide they will do the jobs everyone says Americans won't do. that whole entitlement issue is a major part of the problems today
While I agree with having a cap on the length and making sure only those eligible get it, I think the major issue is the growers and other employers like them have taken advantage of the cheap labor of illegal immigrants too long to boost their profits instead of making sure all their employees are legal and paying a fair wage. Eliminating the cheap and illegal labor force will force them to raise wages and will result in those that avoided those jobs then taking them.
This is where you are wrong. They aren't paying more no matter what. even if Trump pulled the impossible and rounded up every single illegal, to use your example of strawberry pickers, they would just pay legals that dirt cheap wage under the table. American citizens don't choose to do jobs like this not because illegals are taking them but because it is hard work for next to nothing. under no circumstance would the strawberry company decide to pay workers on the books a nice wage, with health insurance, etc. jobs like that will always be for shit pay and undocumented workers.
What you guys are ignoring, is the fact that the folks that hire these illegals thereby creating the demand for illegals, are rarely if ever prosecuted. Why? They have a lot of clout in the areas where they live and work. Most likely all are GOP donors and most likely far more than the $50 level donor too. So all the noise you hear about deporting illegals, remember that all those large farmers along the border depend on that illegal labor to maintain their profit margins. There is no way in hell they're gonna allow Trump or any other Politico to affect their bottom line. Trump may have won the election, but money still trumps talk in this country.
I don't expect pickers to get a $30K a year job with 401K and insurance but if your labor force dries up it forces you to pay more to attract workers. Just saying they will not pay more is to ignore how the market works.
I think it's funny that the same side who tells us we need to raise minimum wage to $15 and it won't cause inflation, have also come to the conclusion that we need to allow people to illegally enter and stay in our country so that we have cheap strawberries. Awesome.
The meatpacking plant raid that was mentioned earlier resulted in prison sentences between 60 days and 41 months for management. It also uncovered other charges to the plant's chief executive who got 27 years for bank fraud and other charges. If the intent is to take out the illegals then prosecution of the people hiring them is key.
no it is not ignoring how the market works. It is actually understanding clearly how the market works. With the price of the fruit per pint so small they have to skirt the rules and pay their workers next to nothing to make a profit. They will continue to do so whether the President says he's chasing out illegal workers or not because their business has to survive
I am not arguing either one of those. Because minimum wage is irrelevant to this situation. My point is that these growing companies are NEVER going to pay minimum wage whether it is $8 hour or $15 an hour. That would require them to be on the books and they aren't going to do that. They pay by amount picked, under the table, for nothing. They will make that business model work no matter what.
So what happens when he chases all the illegals away and no one else comes to pick his berries? You think the growers are going to pay the same as they did illegal pickers?
well he's simply NOT going to chase out all the illegals that would be impossible. So really that answer ends there. But if you want more, they would just exploit american workers instead of illegal workers. Someone will always be there for them to hire