2016 Presidential Race

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Sep 6, 2016.

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  1. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    speaking of definitions...

    "'Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation for political aims. By this definition, Hillary Clinton is a terrorist."


    Bill and Hillary Clinton profess to have always been supporters of racial equality, but anecdotes published in a new book by his ex-lover claim otherwise.

    Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children 'f*****g ree-tards' and caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e and 'f***ing Jew b*****d', while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'G**damned n****r'.

    Bill was also sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

    Dolly Kyle - who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once they graduated - published the claims about the Clinton couple's racial epithets and politics in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman, published by WND Books.

    She writes of one occasion, when developmentally challenged children were having difficulty picking up the eggs at a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor's mansion during Bill's tenure in the Arkansas state house.

    Reluctant hostess Hillary had enough.

    'The frustrated Me-First Lady demanded, "When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?"' Dolly writes.

    Behind the Reverend Jesse Jackson's back, the Clinton duo called him, 'That G**damned n****r'.


    In Arkansas, everyone had to pay a $2 poll tax to vote, and the cost was a huge sum for many black people.

    The black vote was further diluted by 'gerrymandering, a wide-spread practice of dividing electoral districts along racial lines to dilute the black vote'.

    Not one black was voted into the Arkansas legislation in hundreds of elections.

    In the 1980s, Clinton was sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and he lost every case.

    The district lines were redrawn under court order.

    Ben McGee was a black Democrat was elected to the state legislature in 1988. Clinton tried to replace McGee with a white Democrat of his choice, claims Dolly.

    The case went all the way to the Supreme Court was ruled 8-0 against Clinton and the Arkansas officials who challenged McGee's election.


    'For no good reason, Bill and Hillary decided to profile Hispanics as drug dealers,' Dolly writes.

    State troopers now had the authority to stop and search any vehicle remotely suspect of carrying drugs.

    'Specifically, the troopers were to stop and search cars driven by Hispanics, especially those cars with Texas license plates.'


    Clinton's crime bill, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, was dubbed the 'three strikes' law and is one which has incarcerated over 2.5 million people, predominately poor people of color who could not afford lawyers during their trials.

    The 'three strikes' rule sent people to jail for a petty crime or a major felony. It meant prison for life on the third offense, whatever that happened to be.

    Clinton's solution was to 'lock 'em up and throw away the key', Dolly writes. Now he could claim credit for less unemployment.

    'The unemployment numbers actually did go down, but that was partly because the young black males in prison were no longer counted as unemployed,' she adds.


    Dolly agreed to meet the men who were 'terrified of the Clintons'. One man stated he was going to die soon so he wasn't afraid.

    'Steve was one of over two thousand Canadians infected with HIV, the AIDS virus,' Dolly claims. The source was traced to bad blood collected from inmates in Arkansas' prisons

    Inmates were paid $7 a pint for their blood and 'Billy's cronies then sold the prisoners' blood to some blood brokers for $50 per pint'.

    When it was discovered that the blood was tainted, prisons instituted a 'screening process' which was merely a 'screening clerk' who was selling 'the right to bleed' to prisoners.

    Infected prisoners continued to sell their blood as long as they bribed the screening clerk. Instead of the $7 fee, some received drugs.

    Arkansas prisons were banned from selling blood when government officials learned that the bad blood was coming from the state.

    Getting around that ban, dummy corporations were set up in other states to purchase the bad blood and then resell it.

    All of that infected blood went to Canada, where between 8,000 and 10,000 people died.


    They then got involved in the Whitewater scandal - a quick-money-making scheme - with friends James (pictured) and Susan McDougal. James McDougal was later found guilty of fraud and conspiracy
    With a quarter-million dollars from Madison S&L, the team bought land in an undeveloped area with 'no roads, infrastructure, amenities, shopping and no chance to draw the kind of people who had money to buy a vacation home'.

    When federal regulators began to investigate another McDougal deal, questions about the Clintons' involvement in the Whitewater arose during President Clinton's first term in office. An investigation into the legality of the Whitewater transactions was launched.

    Hillary was a partner in the Rose Law Firm as well as a partner in the Whitewater deal.

    When criminal charges were brought against McDougal, he hired the Rose Law Firm.

    Some of the players went to jail, one died in jail and 'the half of it has not been told'.


    He knew all of the Whitewater secrets including 'Hillary's double-billing practices that had enabled her to receive questionable foreign money with strings attached,' says the author.

    He knew the skinny on the firing of the White House Travel Office [ostensibly so Hillary could hire her Arkansas cronies] and using FBI files to go after people through the IRS.

    Hillary pushed Foster to end the fifty-day standoff during between the Branch Davidians and the federal and Texas state law enforcement in Waco, Texas in 1993.

    Seventy-four men, women and children died a violent death, and Foster was devastated.

    Dolly writes: 'I believe that Vince Foster was a man of integrity, despite his friendship with Billy and Hillary Clinton.

    'I believe that Vince was about to resign because of what he had seen in his first six months of the Clinton co-presidency. I believe that his resignation would have raised a lot of probing questions.'

    But before he could leave Washington, the Deputy White House Council was found dead in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia on July 20, 1993.

    An antique, rarely-fired, gun was found in his hand.

    His office safe was opened and emptied by Hillary's people, and his death was quickly ruled a suicide.

    'I do not believe that Vince Foster committed suicide,' Dolly writes. 'You don't have to believe what I believe, but know this.

    'The news of Vince Foster's death was being talked about in beauty shops here in Little Rock before his dead body was found in Fort Marcy Park.'


    When Hillary moved into the White House, she requested nine hundred files from the FBI containing private information on people from both political parties.

    'Thousands of politicians in Washington still wonder what Hillary has on them.' Dolly writes. 'If they have any secrets at all, they must live in constant dread of being publicly exposed.

    'Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation for political aims. By this definition, Hillary Clinton is a terrorist.

    'With her silent threats to the nine hundred, who is going to make a peep?'

    The files were subpoenaed and Hillary declared, 'We are the president'. These were the files that had been removed from Vince Foster's office and found two years later.
    BuzzKillington likes this.
  2. BuzzKillington

    Aug 30, 2016
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    It was a sad day for democracy when the Clintons had Vince Foster killed.

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  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I don't disagree with much of that, but playing Devil's Advocate, to say racism and sexism is dead is short-sighted. For the record, I've been a registered Dem all of my life, but voted Conservative across the board because I thought the election was hilarious and probably the most hilarious thing about it is that the name Hillary - either for a man or a woman - is derived from hilarus which is where we also get hilarious. "To be be mirthful"; so feeling jovial, by Jove, and lamenting how much I love abortion, I pulled the lever for Donald McDonald while listening to Frank Orange. If anyone wants to know what the name Donald means, it's even more hilarious than Hillary.
    #2423 jetophile, Nov 14, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
  4. BuzzKillington

    Aug 30, 2016
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    We get it. Your a liberal.

    And the people that you affiliate with are holding up signs that say "Rape Melania".

    Those are your people.

    Those are the people who represent your point of view.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    @joe , i think we found your message board soul mate
    Cidusii, 74 and NotSatoshiNakamoto like this.
  6. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    lol'd wut? For DECADES people have been saying that and his witch hunt for Obama birth certificate was motivated by the fact he was uncomfortable having a black man as president of the united states.

    The media this, the media that. Its always the media. /s
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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  8. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Point is it's his actions that leads people to believe hes a racist for all these years and the things he said and done during the campaign won't help people change their opinion about him. It's not the media's fault, its his fault.
  9. BuzzKillington

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Nope, you're wrong.

    I understand that it fits your narrative to portray the President Elect that way.

    But, your narrative is wrong.

    Sorry to burst your comfortable little bubble.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    You didn't burst anything because there's nothing to burst. At least tell me why im wrong, espcially when it comes to the witch hunt of Obama's birth certiciate.

    Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
    #2430 mute, Nov 14, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
  11. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    So all the troll posts in the regular forums shouldn't count against you in this forum? Even if you believe what you're saying here, it's doubtful you'll be seen as anything other that trolling here because you troll.
  12. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I suspect
    that the Clinton body count
    will mount.
    I detest Hillary, read between the lines. I am not affiliated with anyone. The LAST thing I am is a liberal. Holy Crap. "My people"? What? I was just making a tongue in cheek statement about how awful the election was, and yes, I voted Trump. Jeez. The Clinton body count was in reference to their nefarious doings, and nefarious they are. They're ALL nefarious is my point. Maybe I'm hours behind the news reel.

    Voting for Trump was my peaceful protest. The people have spoken, and that's it. I admit my prejudice here and now: Scientologists are willfully retarded. Debate? How does this asswipe idicocracy get tax free status? I guess because we can see it, touch and smell it. L. Ron Hubbard, he was a disgusting weirdo with bad teeth who wrote some funny stories. Sea Org, hahahahaha.
    #2432 jetophile, Nov 14, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
  13. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    @FJF totally nailed the soulmate of @joe call
  14. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    jetophile? nah, too lucid for my taste
  15. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Sounds like bullshit to me based on snopes. I've only found one site that actually claims Trump won the popular vote and it is wordpress. Where is the official government source on this final count and all this bs being sent around on twitter and facebook?

    And yes, electoral college is a problem because certain states are over represented based on their population. The problem is that a candidate can win the popular vote and still lose the election. That is the opposite of democracy and also partly why 3rd parties never stand a chance (among other things). It makes people's votes irrelevant in non swing states as well which affects voter turnout. Electoral college needs to go. It made sense back when we didn't have global communication and everybody voted via paper ballads, but it's 2016. We should have online voting by now and should elect leaders based on what the most people vote for, not based on what state they live in.
  16. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You do realize the entire campaign strategies for both sides change if the election is based on popular, right? A lot of people would vote differently too. In other words, it's no given that Hillary still wins the popular vote if that's what the election was decided on.

    We are not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic. All of the states need a voice, not just a few heavily populated metro areas with vastly differing cultures and values than most of the country.
    74 likes this.
  17. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    We are technically a democratic republic, more of a representative democracy. States don't need voices, people do. Just because more people vote a certain way in certain heavier populated areas, doesn't mean their votes should count less than people in a less populated regions. It's ass backwards. Every one person should get an equal vote, no matter where you live, otherwise there is no reason to vote if you don't live in a swing state. That's the biggest problem.

    And no, the strategy does not change all that much. Presidents might not campaign as much in less populated areas, but people will still vote for the person they think is best.
  18. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    6 counties should not be able to dictate the election.
    FJF likes this.
  19. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    So you want nyc and l.a. to pick the president every 4 years?
  20. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The strategy would be wildly different and we'd have mob rule. States need more power than that, especially when the left wants to give more and more power to the federal government.
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