About 85% of Democrats voted for Clinton and about 89% of Republicans voted for Trump so it is extremely likely that the vast majority protesting a Trump Presidency are Liberal Dems. If people were, for the most part, voting along party lines I don't see why many Republicans would be upset. The protests and trending tweets are hypocritically funny though. Before the election it was #LoveTrumpsHate and after the election it is #AssassinateTrump, destroying public property and riots.
you'll get a kick out of this one (not an election map, only population) the "blue zone" rioting against the rest of the country is laughable
Poor uneducated liberals. They still masturbate to the popular vote. I'm going to donate some shoes to them this year.
And she won NY and California by over 5 milllion votes combined. Yet she was only able to squeeze by the popular vote by 400,000 people? The voice of the people is throughout the country not six counties in two states.
Well. At this point the real topic of discussion should be; does she make some banging enchiladas? Maybe some authentic flautas to calm your old nerves upon leaving threads like this?
Fuck you trying to say? Actually, she hates making echiladas and tamales because of the tedious rolling, but I'll be damned if she hasn't perfected the arts of pork and chicken, she makes the dryest cuts as delectable as you can ask for. Kind of puts a damper on getting dressed in the morning, though.
I'm surprised I wasn't pegged as a racist for my question. I'm sure a couple liberals in this thread are thinking it. How dare someone insinuate that someone from a certain nationality cook a food from their homeland?!
25 people were arrested in Portland for bludgeoning their way through downtown traffic. It caused over a million dollars in damage.... The next four years are going to be fuuuuun.
Except the "popular vote" is an absolutely meaningless number especially when it is not even a majority. States won by Trump 60% States where Hillary won the majority of Counties - 6% I don't have an exact number, but you can bank on that Trump won somewhere near 90% of the over 3000 counties in the US. But you would like to believe that somehow that the people across the US were more in favor of Clinton. I really don't think that Faux machine and Ron Pi can possibly be as ignorant as they appear posting on this topic, which must make them incredible cry babies.
Trump's win wasn't so much a proclamation for Trump as it was a rejection of Hillary and a repudiation of the Obama administration. Most of those who voted for Hillary didn't like her. They just voted against the Republican Party. In 2012, most of the Republican voters who voted for Mitt the Twit Romney didn't like him. They just voted against the Democrats.
Also, if the election were done by popular vote the campaigns would have been run completely differently and people may have voted differently. We don't know what the outcome would have been.
Exactly. The goal is to win electoral votes. If the goal was total popular votes, the candidates woulda just parked their asses in two or three spots and the rest of the country would be ignored.
In typical conservative fashion, ignore 8 years of obstructing government, including the appointment of a Supreme Court justice and call the "liberal" crybabies. Ignore the track records of the people trumps picking. You won. Cool. That doesn't make them good people or their policies, the ones that have them i.e., not trump good. Turn a blind eye to voting with the KKK for something, just don't expect anyone else too. I can't recall a time the ACLU, took out a full page ad against the things the president elect said. And this is a good thing? Kkkunservstive logic.