See that's the thing: You aren't having trouble finding work because illegal workers are cheaper. You are having trouble finding work because the market isn't creating jobs for you. Its a problem if a violent illegal immigrant kills you but you are far more likely to get killed by a legal resident, a friend, your wife, a fellow Jets fan, etc, than you are of an illegal immigrant. you are blaming a lot of things on people who aren't the problem. Throughout history lots of people have used things like that to their advantage - Trump is the next in a very long line of opportunists. You are going to be very disappointed in 4 years when we are still having economic problems, still have murders, etc, big beautiful wall or not.
The new Tappan Zee Bridge will span 3 miles and cost 4 billion dollars. The length of the Mexican border is nearly 2000 miles. Walls are cheaper by length than bridges, but the cost of a border wall will be astronomical. Trump says he can build it with 10 billion dollars, but you know that his campaign speech doesn't reflect reality. The real cost of building it and operating it will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and it won't even stop all the illegal immigrants who come by boat or just overstay their work visas. The whole thing will be a waste of time and money that could be better spent on infrastructure that can contribute to society. Maybe we should make Mexico pay for that instead of the wall.
That number is Trump speech, i.e. not accurate. Fine for campaigning, but it doesn't work now that he's president and needs to govern. And the wall won't stop the majority of illegal immigrants who don't come from the border.
that number is not from Trump. Trump got it from here. If you have something specific to dispute from the report, please share, but just because Trump says it doesn't mean it isn't accurate.
The number is from a lobbying group with an agenda. In other words, it's misleading, just like the election forecasters found numbers can be. The 113B figure is a gross cost, which doesn't account for the taxes the illegals pay and the contribution their labor makes to GDP. If the wall could put an end to illegal immigration, Trump might have a case (though the numbers still probably wouldn't add up), but it won't stop the majority of illegals from getting in. In the end it would be a yuge waste of money better spent on infrastructure in Midwestern working class communities that are suffering.
Even if they pay $12 billion per year in taxes they still cost over $100 billion. It will stop a significant amount of illegal immigration.
A short list of 'high character' guys who are thrilled with Trump's election.. in order of least suspect to most: Nigel Farage and other reactionary right wing leaders Putin Assad the KKK JetsHuskers fan ISIS Belichick/Br*dy At least he's unifying doechebags...which is nice.
let's assume illegals pay $13 billion/year in taxes and cost $113 billion leaving a net cost of $100 billion/year. If the wall stops only 10% of illegal immigration, which is probably a low estimate, that's $10 billion/year it saves. So if it costs $20 billion to build it's paid for in 2 years and it created a shit load of jobs in the process. Of course that's way over simplified, but it gets us in the ball park. Mexico is paying for it anyway.
Taxes and contribution to GDP. The net cost is a lot less than 100B. The wall won't stop most of the illegal immigrants coming in, and it won't do anything about the ones already in. You can try to deport them, but that in turn would be a giant challenge that would cost a lot of money and could get ugly. The best thing to do is forget about the wall and spend the money elsewhere.
The net cost isn't 100 billion a year. The wall will cost a lot more than 20 billion to build. The real numbers are more like 100 billion for the wall and 20 billion from the illegals. Also, the 20 billion figure is all the illegals, not just the ones the wall will stop. And let's be real, Mexico isn't paying for it.
Oh cool you get to make up your own figures. Let me try. The wall will cost $487 and save us $648 trillion per year. Am I doing it right?
Has anyone taken into account the amount of DEA money saved on resources spent policing cartel drug traffic that crosses the border every day?
Trump says he's considering keeping parts of Obamacare: WSJ