It still boggles my mind how wanting to curtail ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is somehow an equivalence to racism and how stupid so many people are that they actually believe this shit that media pushed.
No, I'm not looking at the media or trumps record (because he has none) I'm looking at the political careers of those he's surrounded himself with. The people he's going to be relying on because he has no experience. If you think that's not going to be the driving force behind the next 4 years, you're blind.
"Liberal progressives" aren't the ones trying to pass laws restricting the rights of others. That would be "conservatives" or "republicans". For examples see Pence. Quote progressive lawmakers or policy that limits the rights of a religious. You can't.
You have clearly demonstrated that you're intolerant of those with an opinion different than yours by labeling anyone who voted Trump a racist. Thanks for the definition to clear up the fact that you're a bigot.
You don't get to vote with racists and not be considered a racists. Lie down with dogs and get fleas. You're welcome to answer the policy question also. Also, you can't. When the facts can't be disputed, attack the messenger.
So trying to force religious organizations, hospitals and business owners through the Affordable Care Act to provide services that go directly against the tenets of their faith is not passing laws restricting their rights? Liberal Myth -- "you have to provide a women their right to an abortion or birth control" Fact -- you can buy a fucking condom for a $1 out of a vending machine or better yet have some self control.
Enforcing borders does not equate to non-inclusivity. That is such a hysterically irrational response that lacks any logical reasoning.
Conservative myth: employers rights come before employees rights. Fact: everyone is given the same options to health care. I do concede that actual churches, mosques, etc... should be expected.
The policies of the people he's surprising himself are. Kris Kobach is on his transition team. Go educate yourself.
You are such an asshole. I teach at a school that is 47% free and reduced lunch. Out of my 26 students this year, 9 are African American and 7 are Hispanic (including 2 who just arrived from Mexico). I have made 3 visits already this year to students homes, to conference with parents because they cannot make it to the school. I hold these students accountable, set high expectations for them and do not accept excuses for lack of effort or trying. In the past 5 years all at this school, according to our State's effectiveness rating - my students have "Exceeded Expected Growth" every single year. I voted for Trump - so yeah, I am a racist.
When the facts can't be disputed, attack the messenger. And even if what you say about yourself is true, that's all the more reason you shouldn't have voted for him. Like I said, look at the people he's surrounded himself with. He has no clue and is unqualified for the job. Explain to the kids in your class that one of the people Trump chose to help him as president helped make it possible for police to stop people in Arizona and demand to see their documentation that they belong here and can detain them until they do. Look in their little non-white faces and say it. You helped elect that, and I'm the asshole?
Which of the below is racist? Clinton-1994-Operation Gatekeeper-INS Budget Doubled, Border Patrol Agents Doubled, Fencing Doubled, Underground Sensors Tripled Obama-2009-2015-"When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders.", Administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. Trump-2016-Promises to deport criminal illegal immigrants, promises to strengthen border security with a wall.
Let's never mind that Clinton and Obama had the political acumen to accomplish their border policies and Trump has mumble mumble mumble Mexico will pay for it, actually, nevermind because that's the point. Trump used it as a talking point to mobilize a segment of the population who feel disenfranchised by disappearing jobs and need somebody to blame. Trump doesn't have a border policy, he has emptiness and blaming the "other". That's not racist to you?
So because Trump said we are going to build a wall, which by the way 700 miles of was already approved by Congress, he is racist, but Clinton building a wall and deporting illegals is not racist and Obama saying he is going to deport illegals who have committed crimes and deporting more illegals than any President in history is not racist. I believe Trumps border policy is to enforce the laws that are already on the books and also secure the border with a wall, as I mentioned 700 miles already approved in 2006. About the only thing that would need to be done is take away the decision making power from DHS since a Democratic Congress amended the original bill the next year to give DHS the choice of what fence to put up. The original bill called for double layer fencing, this is what DHS decided was appropriate. Only 37 miles of the 700 miles has been completed. Actions to me are just as racist as words, just because Clinton and Obama didn't verbally say they were going to deport illegal immigrants in the same words as Trump, they still deported millions. If one is racist, I can't see how the others aren't. Since we are on the racist line of thinking, does Hillary get a pass for labeling African-American youth as superpredators? Is she not racist anymore?