Not seeing anywhere near the traffic at my stand this year as I did last. All the signs are there, just not coming through when I'm there. Ever fucked around with ozone scent block?
Never messed with those but interesting read. Had a close encounter with a good buck this morning. couldn't get him to come another 40 yards. nose to the ground headed in the same direction i watched a doe go
so this is how you know its some kind of curse on you, hunted the whole day,sunrise to set bouncing out at 1230 for a quick lunch and time on ground. buddy texts me at 1130 says down at 1230, 1145 watch a doe come into the woods i'm in off a clear cut. making her way to me i think, i can pop this doe, grab a bite and take care o the dirty work after lunch. 25 yards and slowly heading into the shooting lane when a wind gusts starts up and blows hard for a good 15 minutes, she stops, gets spooky, a limb falls behind me,in the direction she is headed, and she backs up and heads away from me. i needed 45 seconds to a minute more and its a done deal. when you're in a funk these things seem to find you. on a good note, some big bucks are being seen and getting harvested. next two weeks are the big ones, last weekend of bow and first weekend of gun. good luck
this is the buck from the beginning of the season, he's hanging around the farm pretty close. i got 3 vacation days next week dedicated to him. this video is 30 seconds after a doe came through. he is trailing close
God damn son of a bitch, I thought for sure I was going to get my first deer with bow this evening. Inside 20 yards with a tree and thick brush between me and deer as it's getting dark I slowly started my draw and it spooked them. I had it setup perfect with her walking into an opening - figured I could draw with the cover of the tree and thick brush. Not so much. Bow hunting is frustrating. I did see a great horned owl while I was out there, so that was cool
ugh, one more week to go. friday afternoon climbed where that video above was recorded. last check had plenty of deer movement right after sunset. tough winds kept movement down, 2 fawns came through and the thought of veal crossed my mind but i didn't. mom never showed, she must be locked down with a buck, my bet would be the big one. had him on a different camera on the other side of the farm for the first time since he showed up. saturday morning only had a few hours before soccer games, have a stand in a brush field close to that camera, hit the rattle pack at first light and a buck came running across the mowed field into the brush but lost him from there. this morning another fawn posed in the shooting lane while some mature does hung out of range. damn things are really tempting me. sick kid is taking away a vacation day, so thursday and friday are it for me for the bow. the equalizers come out saturday. along with 1000 more hunters. stay with NSN, it will all come together for you soon. good luck The buck earned a “green score” of 313 2/8 inches, but after necessary reductions as declared by Boone & Crockett, it finished with a net score of 308 3/8 inches.
Take the veal. Good luck to you as well. I may take an afternoon this week but am likely done until all hell breaks loose Saturday.
beast! that'll get you out of bed in the morning. hope you find him tomorrow. good luck,wear orange and be safe.
Apparently everyone I know who hunts got 2 doe this morning. Meanwhile I'm watching 4 pointers walk by and taunt me while the does stay clear