We gave away the first half with stupid penalties. After 8 games,the is no excuse for motion or illegal formations. It's up to the CS to hammer home these points. But the CS is in over their heads. Most of them need new homes too. Time for a complete change. Dump the high priced weak performers and build some cap money for next year. That includes Revis and Fitztragic. Any QB with that bad a red zone record (13 for 33 I think) needs to be replaced. Use Petty. However with our scouting staff I don't expect much in draft or trades. And no one for HC is in sight.
Good post other than saying Scouting is bad I still like M Macagnan as the GM I think he cant be thrilled with this CS
Mac didn't hire this HC so it doesn't really matter anyway. Mac has his own problems with really bad expensive contracts.
+1000 The difference is I believe MM will learn from his mistakes Bowles is too anal retentive and rigid to see what he is doing wrong All these other teams with rookie QBs don't blink an eye about playing them eg Dak Presscott a 6th rounder I want to see Petty out there by Thanksgiving ...SMH
Forte over 80yds rushing in the first half , and less than 20yds in the 2nd half. 5 receiver set , empty backfield Also, Defense has zero discipline #51 is not a NFL MIddle linebacker. What happened to the rookie Lee? Pull the plug on fitz. Petty or hack need to be getting as much experience as possible for 2017 season. So long 2016 season, hardly knew ye
Fitz clearly doesn't read the defense or has a 1-2 read system. For one there was a play where Forte comes out the backfield into the slot. Snap of the ball he throws to Forte who is not only covered like glue, but the inside guy was closing in to pop Forte as well...he literally made a poor decision. Then Miami brings a blitz on another play...Fitz drops back and then tries to outrun the guy who beat Clady...but he didn't hot route to beat the blitz, he felt his first read would be open and then when it wasn't he ran away from the pocket. Then another play the damn end zone pick...again they bring pressure, instead of either stepping up or throwing the ball to the fans in the endzone, he throws a lollipop throw that gets easily picked in the back of the endzone. The reason Fitz was good last year was evident, he had super trust in Marshall most times to beat his man and 2, Decker was an excellent route runner who he trusted. This year with decker out, half his crutch is gone. Teams earlier began to pay more attention To a Decker in the slot and squeezed the field so the windows were smaller. Marshall is damn good but again teams began to notice Fitz tendencies to force feed Marshall. He didn't trust Quincy, Anderson, Peake or jMarsh yet so he kept force feeding Marshall on key 3rd downs to no avail. He doesn't read a defense...it's why Petty needs to get out there...hell id take Hack, I'm sure he understands a defense more than PickPatrick at this point.
I've been saying all along I want stability above all else so I was for keeping Bowles but he's losing me.. he really is
The fact is, Bowles is here to stay for at least one more season. I would be SHOCKED if Bowles actually got fired. It would definitely be the right choice, but once again I very much doubt it happens. Mac would never be willing to admit he made a hiring mistake after only two seasons, even though he did. And lets not forget Mac plays a part in this. He misallocated the Jets draft picks in the draft. Everyone knew this team needed an OL. Mac even tried to trade up and grab Laremy Tunsil. Darron Lee was NOT Mac's first choice and it is clear he's a square peg in a round hole. He just doesn't work for a HC that wants to play a hybrid 3-4. If Bowles were to go exclusively in a 4-3, that would be one thing. But he's not and therefore Darron Lee is a complete waste of time. Hackenberg is a VERY risky pick, is a long term project, and has very little chance at succeeding. QB's in general are all gambles, but this one especially. So really this is a two part problem. I would not fire Mac, He has done some good things also, but he definitely made two mistakes the way I see it: 1) He hired Todd Bowles 2) He had a poor draft. What will be interesting to see is if Mac is willing to admit he made a huge mistake hiring toilet Bowles after this season? I believe he should, but most likely, due mostly to arrogance, he would be unwilling to fire Bowles. And really this could lead to Mac getting the boot as well if he's so stubborn as to attach his success/failure to toilet Bowles.
When I said that the Scouting staff was bad, is a mistake. What really took place this year is that their recommendations were by passed. That way the D picked up Darron Lee because of his speed. Not an edge rusher. They also picked up a QB even though he's not ready for prime time. The CS had total control of the draft, with MM's backing. They skipped OL prospects for more D.
I do understand how a Jets fan can be impatient. ..im assuring Cowher and Jimmy Johnson went through the same thing with their respective fanbases. I coach basketball and i used to coach football. ..sometimes good coaches need time to become great. Talent overcomes alot of coaching problems. Clearly Fitz is a problem that cant be overcome. He misses wide open receivers and is clearly panicking under pressure.
Gotta give this regime more time. I am just as disappointed as the next guy with this piss poor play, but we need to stay the course. Getting rid of Eric Mangini in '09 was a mistake. He was building something here, and Woody didn't stay the course. I see this as a similar spot. Mo and Sheldon obviously did something this week to merit benching. And Bowles did it. This is something Rex NEVER would have done. This is year two with growing pains as this regime really starts to permeate the building. I hope Woody doesn't get impatient this time, and gives the CS a few more years. Stable leadership will build a winner.
Only way I keep Bowles is if the team looks good and headed in the right direction under Petty (or Hack) Other than that, I don't think he's terrible but he's just not very smart/sharp and isn't a great motivator either He just seems very average at best all the way around and doesn't have balls when it matters
Then how do you explain two talented defensive players getting taunting and unsportsmanlike penalties? These guys are out of control and that's on the coach!
Its never good to try to be someone you're not. Its almost as if Bowles is doing his best Parcells imitation and it ain't resulting in wins. His stoic attitude on the sidelines doesn't inspire. His lockerroom talks evidently wear off once the team is back on the field. The one thing Parcells was very good at, it was consequences and accountability. Bowles is more of a stay the course, than rock the boat kinda guy.
Actually, he did, or at least was in on the decision. He interviewed Bowles on his first day on the job and hired him.
I can't get over how clueless the commentators were Ryan Fitzpatrick's strengths "strong arm" ha yea ok are they blind ... at least it made me laugh ... that early throw where Robby was wide open he threw it miserably. on his long catch he made a heck of a play on a bad deep ball. how many lives does this QB get he must have luck on his side. I dread watching him under center he makes me wanna puke. every time he dives I kinda hope he gets hurt so we could see Petty and finally we did well for 2 plays ... we all know how terrible he is in the red zone enough is enough but TB seems to stick to his guns and is to stubborn to make the change. to who in the hell was he throwing to on that INT ... another note how in the hell does a team take 3 minutes on 3 plays with 5 min left where is the urgency how can they take a full 40 seconds to snap a ball so late in the game ... as if punting late once didn't teach him ... where was the challenge flag on the backward pass ... this team is sooo hard to watch yet after all that the phinz handed us the game on a silver platter yet in typical Jetz fashion we handed it right back ... when we should run we pass and vice versa what is it with this team to just get it right. so many dumb penalties enough is enough ... we have a few big contracts but they can all easily be cut it's time for some new blood ! end rant ...