Michael Moore said it best, Trump is my 'fuck you grenade' I get to throw at this shit system. I voted for him last week and I have no doubt I did the right thing. This woman is dangerous and deceitful and has already been bought and paid for by the corporate elite.
She tried to claim the last one was a doctored email and someone called her on it by verifying the authenticity. http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/21/h...a-brazile-is-wrong-wikileaks-emails-are-real/
http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/10/cnn-severs-ties-with-donna-brazile-230534 CNN severe's ties with Brazile.
Clinton's inner circle knew FIVE YEARS AGO that Anthony Weiner was messaging an underage girl on Twitter - but did nothing about it Then the same hypocrites pretend to be holier than thou while listening to Trump's pussy tape