Too bad Stokes is banned. He would make all sorts of lawyer jokes. First, please read below article if you are OK. Turns out Turkish dictator Erdogan is attempting to buy services to crack usernames and passwords of Turkish citizens to be able to track them. As a dual US and Turkish Citizen, can I take Turkish President to court here in USA? I spend a good amount of my time in Turkey and if he has attempted to crack my passwords where I criticize him on facebook and twitter, I want him pay.
The more important question here is if you've criticized him on social media, are you getting arrested when you step off the plane there.
Yes When I was with Cablevision, I received a letter from Cablevision. They said they received a letter from Turkish authorities asking my name and address. They said they wouldn't provide it unless they bring a court order but they felt they needed to notify me. The issue was, I criticized president on twitter. Such is life. Now being a US citizen will help me tremendously if I get arrested but this incident that is explained on Forbes gives me the perfect chance to strike back.
I'm the furthest thing from a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you can't bring him to court in the US. He doesn't have to follow our rules unless they have some kind of treaty with the US about that.
Actually that's what I want to hear from a lawyer on this. It isn't him personally, it is the Turkish government officials who make business with this company. I want to bring both this company officials and Turkish government officials to court. Let me simplify this. You are US Citizen living in say England. Secret Service in USA is making a deal with a company in England to crack your passwords to be able to imprison you when you are back in USA. How would you feel and what would you do especially after your Internet Provider notified you with a mail about the inquiry from USA officials just because on twitter you criticized Obama and told him he is acting like a dictator?
this is why you don't tweet drunk, presidents of nations get all pissy and want to hack your account. teachable moment for the kids right here
I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, what a POS. If you can't sue him, you could always leave a bag of flaming poo on his doorstep
I wasn't drunk when I tweeted to that piece of shit of a dictator. And I am glad I wasn't drunk. Best advice ever. Thanks TGG for leaving me to the hands of Stokes.
I'm no lawyer, but I'd suggest you stop criticizing him on facebook and twitter. He doesn't need to hack your account, he just needs to access any one of your friends accounts to see what you post. When you see him, kick him in the nuts.
I would hire a driver and buy a bulletproof vest soon as possible. Vary my day to day activities and never take the same route or car twice. Just sayin...
You make fun all you want, but without reliable dental records there's nothing to separate your charred corpse in the desert from some camel. Have a nice day!
Erdogan is slow, Russia was doing it for years. Since about mid-90s KGB has a section that monitors and directly interferes with Russian speaking forums. A couple of users would enter discussions, always supportive current Moscow position on whatever issue, always singling out and ganging up on whoever is speaking against. Some particularly stubborn opponents had their personal info disclosed - addresses, financial, you name it. Up to letting their bosses know that they chat on during work hours. Anywya... you can sue anyone you want, just don't hold your breath.